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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 40 > Continuing Series > Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part Three

Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part Three

by animal_lover3332

By noon the next day, both pets were feeling as hot as eggs on a cooking pan. Grugga was the worse of the two, since he had fur all over him. He had to stop a couple of times, fearing that the horrible heat would make him pass out if he walked any further. Trakk was all too glad to relax with the giant Elephante. It was no trouble to fall asleep in the sun's light.

But what they did not see was a hunting-clan of Meercas watching them. The Meercas had not heard the news of Tyrannia's invasion. They were still running wild and free in the jungle, without the worry of the Grundos. To them, they did not see Grugga and Trakk as heroes searching for a weapon to defend the continent, but rather as another meal, and a big one at that. A giant Elephante and a Moehog as a side-dish. How delicious!

The head Meerca turned to his companions. His name was Gor. "Meercas! We have a feast tonight!"

The Meercas began to cheer and wave their spears around, while balancing skillfully on their wonderful tails. But Gor shushed them quickly.

"You will wake them if you talk!" he said. "Go back to Gor Village and fetch all the rest. It will take the entire clan to catch these two!"

Three Meercas out of the troop nodded and bounded off in the jungle, going toward their home village. Gor looked at the sleeping ones. They soon would be morsels at the dinner table tonight.

In a half an hour, the three Meercas came back with all the others. They had their hunting spears as well, and were ready to go after the pair.

Trakk jerked awake and began to snort frantically. Grugga yawned and looked around. No sign of danger to him.

"Trakk, calm down," he said. "There is nothing to be afraid of."

Trakk continued to snort. "I heard a rustle! A rustle in the jungle!"

"CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!" screamed a voice from the tropical forest. A million Meercas jumped onto Grugga and Trakk, poking them with their mini-spears. They did not hurt much, but they sure were annoying. Trakk threw them off his back by bucking and butting madly around the clearing. Grugga merely pulled them off his fur with his trunk gently, but more quickly got onto his back and began to nibble at his hair.

It became so annoying that Grugga shouted: "All right! I give up!"

Trakk looked at his friend in surprise. How could a Neopet so big like him be so timid?

Gor shouted triumphantly. "Ah-ha! Nobody can beat the Gor Meerca Clan!"

There were three cheerful shouts in honor for the grand Gor. Then, the troop of Meercas pushed the Elephante and Moehog to follow their "double-great" Gor. Trakk snorted disdainfully at the bunch, but followed the red Meerca through the thick jungle, and onto a dry desert-like land. They had reached the Tyrannian Plateau!

Usually, the Plateau was bubbling with life. But nearly everyone on the plateau went to the jungle to celebrate the Harvest Festival, and therefore were caught by the Grundos. Since the Meercas were pure meat-eaters (or at least this clan was), they did not bother to celebrate the holiday, and remained in their dusty home.

There was a small village by a nearby hill. Small grass huts were built, and in the center of this circle of huts was a booming fire, which was supposedly for them to cook under. Trakk gulped, but Grugga kept his cool. He could easily shove these Meercas aside if they threatened his life!

Gor put his paw to his lips and gave a high whistle. It pierced the air and made Grugga's ears ring. There was silence after that, but then came a loud, responding growl from another sandy hill.

"If you find it hard to beat us," said Gor proudly. "Then you will never fight our lovely pet, Cruncher."

"Cruncher?" repeated Grugga. Another roar came out, closer this time. From behind a rock, a huge Skeith stepped forth. Like the Grundos, it was big and green... a pure fighting machine. The Skeith gave a toothy smile and showed off its pretty white teeth.

"Cruncher," ordered Gor. "Cut these two into pieces for us to eat! We will give you some, too!"

The Skeith gave a loud and hungry roar, and charged forward. All the Meercas scurried fearfully into their straw huts. Nothing could stand between Cruncher and a meal.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part One

Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part Two

Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part Four

Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part Five

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