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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 101 > Comics
A Day in the Life of a Neopian

Were sinks a bad idea?

by howdy3000

Aisha Blues 8

Are we there yet?

by championferret


Stop acting like babies!

by florahayes

Blunas and Burgers


by penguinlover258

Feathers 'n Fluff

It's just not worth it, is it?

by gamma_gryph


You're going to eat that??

by patjade

Golden Juppie #12

Why was I asked to come here?

by theeaterofworlds


"Turdle Racing"

by smudgeoffudge

MiaFaery #12

Get back to work!

by kinohi

Mirror Me: Part Two

What happened to me??

by hamsterz_r_best


I can finally relax...

by lockolo

Neopia's Troubles

Might I suggest something?

by kattygirl89

Nonsensical Verbiage

My very own 'Sugar Rush' petpet!

by laurensama

Only You

Post-100th Issue Trauma

by beau_lis

Poor Dr_Death

What are you doing in my house?

by karma_leafbarer

Random This

Take that!

by kittytwinkle88

Really Confused

"About a Complete Makeover"

by stoneman3x

Slice of Life

"Artisan Special Case Docket P-13453"

by tahara69

Something Has Happened

The richest pet in Neopia...

by tdyans

Starry Stuff

Do you know what nobody can do?

by marilltachiquin

The Pet Patrol vs. Topsy

Lights, camera, act--

by neo_tomi

Two of a Weird Kind

Revenge is sooo sweet!

by catgirl632

World Domination Can Wait

We're finally going to take over the world!

by tackylemon

Y B NormL?

How do you know this is the Snowager's cave?

by neoanonshi


Stamp of Approval

Having problems getting those few (or not-so-few) rare stamps needed to complete your collection? Just can't find someone selling that Petpets Stamp? Not enough money for a Tombola Stamp? This feature helps you in not only finding that rare stamp, but gives vital strategies to gaining that rare stamp... more>>

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Other Stories

Cursed Ink Pot
Had we lost the spark to write? Writing was a chore. It just wasn’t fun anymore.

by plushieowner

Pirate Psychiatry
"It seems you have -- please excuse me if I'm incorrect -- a problem with strong hallucinations and dreams at home, correct?"

by apparent

Traveling in Neopia: What the Quiggle Do I WEAR Around Here?
Let me tell you: you don’t want to be caught with a grass skirt on in the chill depths of Terror Mountain!

by wolfofthewoods

101 101
To be honest, the only reason research is done is to let us writers' pale, glowing skin see the fresh light of the world, and use our legs for once.

by noremac9

The Snow Faerie Files: Part One
"That Taelia is so pessimistic! How can she put on a kind face once and expect to be accepted into our group?! She doesn't deserve to live in Faerieland..."

by nightflame46

Living in the Shadow: Part One
A shadow covered Dae as he turned to rest. He looked up to see two dark eyes glaring at him.

by frostedfalcon

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