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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 43 > Articles > The Whirlpool has Stopped!

The Whirlpool has Stopped!

by epk


MARAQUA - Today, epk stands for emergency press (insert k-word here). Because Maraqua's whirlpool has stopped. With Koi Day recently ending, I was unable to interview most Kois, however my own personal Koi allowed a few words before exploring it himself.

epk: So, splashgold, what do you think will be found under the deep water.

splashgold: Well, no, duh, a passageway to JELLY WORLD!!!

epk: Erm, why do you think a passageway to Jelly World?

splashgold: Because I hate peanut butter.

epk: No, why would a Jelly World be found under Maraqua?

splashgold: Because Maraqua mysteriously discovered Jelly Pancakes.

epk: Your memory is a bit fuzzy: They discovered BLTs.

splashgold: Whatever. But whatever it is, it's gonna be fun!

epk: How many Neopian Remains do you expect will be found.

splashgold: About 500. That's because although 5,000 people went missing, it's estimated 75% are still undiscovered (they went to the new world) 15% have scattered remains, the rest are still intact. It will be very scary.

epk: Oh my gosh! Are you serious?

splashgold: That's why I'm being funded by the best.

epk: Yah... erm... Htlos Rotcod's Expedition equipment. I was kind of wondering, who told you about that.

splashgold: Duh! It was our Grundo, spacegold... who has some sort of mysterious connection to the guy.

epk: Hmm... doesn't Htlos Rotcod backwards spell Doctor Sloth?

splashgold: No, it spells Sloth Doctor.

epk: Doctor Sloth.

splashgold: Sloth Doctor, let's go to the next subject.

epk: Okay, whatever. I also noticed that in the first picture of the wreckage, there are a few things I'd like to point out. One is a in the bottom left: A huge rock that resembles a door.

splashgold: Oh that! It's the passageway to Jelly World, duh.

epk: In the bottom-right, there are four rocks in a pawprint formation.

splashgold: It's probably going to glow a faint blue, some sort of mysterious monster will come out with the same pawprint and try and eat up Jelly World. (aka destroy Jelly World)

epk: Also, there is a huge tower in the middle. What is that?

splashgold: That's the first place to be investigated by professionals. The tower has abundant supply of food according the records, and any survivors may be found there. We also won't be surprised if secret corridors are discovered and maybe even Captain Dread the Kiko who is thought to be the Whirlpool starter. If found, he will be put on trial, and according the extent of his plan, he could get sentenced to life in VirtuPet Storage Dungeon 19b, a very horrible place to live. A Skeith was a test subject for a week, and had to leave two days early and still isn't speaking two years after. Very bad place. Very, very bad.

epk: Lastly, what sea-life will be expected to be found?

splashgold: Catamarans mostly, they are easily able to withstand high-pressure. They will be useful if the Battledome comes into play, like the Lost Desert or Tyrannia.

epk: Thanks for your time. Good luck on your expedition.

splashgold: Yes, I'd like to say I'm not trained as a pro, so I won't be investigating the deeper waters where most stuff will be found.

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