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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 40 > Articles > Codebreakers


by sassysarah656

I know what you're thinking... Codebreakers? I never beat someone with a brain bigger than mine in a game, so lets just forget that creepy alien brain guy.

Now I promise you, I'm NOT a genius, and my highest score isn't that high—but I can give you a few tips and hints to help you play this game.

The best thing I like about this game is that you can become a grand master pretty easily. Now, who wouldn't want another title like that on their high scores list?

Another thing about it is that once you get the hang of how to play, its not that bad. All it takes is a little bit of practice.

Well, now for the basics for those who have never played:

• There are 4 stones that can be 6 colors: red, white, yellow, orange, purple and green.

• You start out with the red stone. If you click once you get a white one, twice for yellow, three times for orange, four for purple and five for green.

• You have 10 tries to try and guess the code that the brainy alien guy secretly chooses.

• The little slashes on the side give you clues on which colors are right and wrong. If you don't see anything, that means there are no codestones that color. If you see white slashes that means you got the right color but its in the wrong place. And lastly, (ok you guys stay with me here) if you see red slashes that means the color and position of the stone is correct.

• Another *important* thing to remember is that a color can be used more that once.

Alright, so let's get started with the great strategies I promised you. It gets a little complicated, so don’t space out on me here. Also the parenthesis at the end with the letters corresponds with the codestone color and is what all my stones look like before I click on "go".

1) What I do is just test 4 of the same colors to see if they are in the original code. This works for the first few levels but gets kind of harder to do at the end—but it works. For example, in the beginning you get 4 red codestones and I just click on "go". (RRRR)

2) So, let's stick with our example above—Let's say there are 2 red slashes after we clicked "go". Alright now we know that 2 of our colors have to be red! So now I go to the next color, white and change 2 codestones and click go. (RRWW)

3) Let’s say that we have 2 red slashes and 1 white slash now. Okay, we are getting to the answer! Now we know that 2 of the stones are red and one is white. Okay, the next step is to use the next color, yellow. So I change the other codestone that's left to yellow instead of white and click on "go". (RRWY)

4) Alright, we’re on a roll here. Say we get four slashes now, 2 red and 4 white. Now we have all the colors! You thought it was never ending, huh? Well, now all you have to do is figure out the order. So try switching the colors around (if you're in the later rounds, you might have to do this a few times) and you can break the code! (RRYW)

This is a good strategy to use throughout the whole game. Another hint is that in the beginning, you will most likely be using the few couple of colors and not the purple or green ones. However, as the game goes on, you will have to use them. But, as long as you get the hang of playing the game, then you will do fine in the later rounds.

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