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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 40 > Articles > Kiosk Wocky

Kiosk Wocky

by melvinlow

It's known to almost all in Neopia that the Kiosk Wocky sells scratchcards at 600 NP per piece in the ice caves at Terror Mountain. Well, have you ever wondered where your NP goes to after you buy a scratchcard? What does that little Wocky do with the money? I had to investigate into the strange life of this little critter to find out.

My journey took me to Terror Mountain, home of the ferocious Snowager. When I got there, I had to ask a few of the folk there what they thought about the Kiosk Wocky. "He's very generous. Sometimes, I get 10,000 NP, sometimes my Kougra gains a level," said the mender stationed at the Snow Wars game stand, handing a stone snowball to a little boy for winning the game. “I hit the jackpot once, and he gave me 864,968 NP!” added the Snow Faerie. So, this solves a small fragment of the mystery. The Wocky in question gives out lots of prizes every day, but at the same time collects lots of Neopoints. Now, what in the world would a little Wocky in the Ice Caves do with the amount of Neopoints he rakes in each day? So, I had to question other folk.

"Purchase expensive items. Very expensive. Best ones," said the people at the garage sale on the top of the mountain. "One day, he went to the Trading Post and came back with a pearl shooter and a Monoceraptor claw. That's all I've ever heard of him," added some folk.

So, the Kiosk Wocky had enough money to buy a pearl shooter and a Monoceraptor claw, which totals 65,000,000 NP, and buy expensive items. Not bad for a Wocky who runs a Scratchcard Kiosk! So, where is this money coming from? I have yet to find the answer, but soon enough I will.

I had to go straight to the Scratchcard Kiosk to find out what was going on. I had to bring my pet lupeflame to keep me company, so the Kiosk Wocky wouldn’t try to keep me quiet. So, I began my interrogation.

"I earn no NP here! I collect Neopoints when people buy scratchcards, and give it away when people win a prize. If you don't like it, go somewhere else!" the Kiosk Wocky said, holding an icy snowball in his hand.

"Well then, where'd you get the money to buy a Monoceraptor claw and a pearl shooter, which together add up to 65,000,000 NP?" I asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he said, "I run an honest business here."

After that, I could get no more talking out of the Kiosk Wocky. So, I had to develop a different plan. I went to try my luck at the Snowager. I crept into the icy cold caves, as quietly as I could. "Keep as quiet as possible," I told my pet lupeflame. “You don’t want to get blasted by the Snowager, do you?” I whispered.

“Of course not, ” was the reply I got from my strong and obedient Neopet.

As we approached the Snowager, we were amazed by the enormous pile of treasure protected by the Snowager. Cool Neggs, Spiked Neggs, Ice Neggs, Happiness Neggs, Radioactive Neggs, bags of Neopoints, dubloons, paint brushes and other cool things galore. “Wow!” said lupeflame.

“Keep your voice down!” I whispered.

Suddenly, lupeflame tripped over a stone and his Elephante stunray shot a powerful blast at the ceiling of the cave. Icicles rained down, and the majestic Snowager awoke. He swayed from side to side, slowly opening his eyes. Lupeflame stood in front of me, protecting me from the icy blasts of the Snowager. When the Snowager realised that lupeflame was too strong for him, he asked, “Whaaat… do… you… want?”

I began, “What do you know about the Kiosk Wocky?”

“He told me to keep it a secret… I cannot tell you!” He mumbled.

I had lupeflame use 2 water muffins on the icy worm and it fell to the ground, defeated.

“Ok! I give up! I’ll tell you! The entire pile of treasure here is owned by the Kiosk Wocky! He forces me to keep it safe for him, by holding my brother, Snoworm, hostage! He says he will give my brother back to me if I take care of his treasure for another 5 years!” cried the Snowager. “He uses the money he collects from selling scratchcards to buy treasures every day, then sells it to the smugglers at he Smugglers Cove at Krawk Island for a much higher price! Then, he repeats it over and over again!” The pitiful worm said, now with tears rolling down its cheeks. “You must promise me not to report him to the authorities! He'll hurt my brother if you do!” So, there was no way the Kiosk Wocky could be reported to the authorities. His plan was a perfect one without any loopholes. So, with no way to nab the Kiosk Wocky, I held my head down, walking out of the cave with my pet lupeflame.

Imagine! The Kiosk Wocky betrayed our trust and made his own illegal business in Neopia. He takes our money and uses it for himself. Who knows how much money he has altogether?!? The Kiosk Wocky is a con man!

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