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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 40 > Articles
Becoming a Neopian Times Writer

It seems that every Neopian has one main thing that they concentrate on the most...

by dragonshark173


A few tips and hints to help you play this game.

by sassysarah656

Elusive Rare Items

You have the rare item, but what do you do now?

by sivany

Gardening for the New Gardener

After what feels like forever, the Neopian Gardens have finally arrived.

by rayinte

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! How to Make Your Notice Be Noticed

How can you make your board be noticed, no matter where it's situated?

by muas

How To Get Your Neopet the Perfect Petpet

With so many Petpets out there, which is best for your pet?

by sarah120115

How To Save Money On Weapons II: Battledome Equipment Sets

This article helps you to get a better set of equipment for your pet.

by linchen

Kiosk Wocky

Have you ever wondered where your NP goes to after you buy a scratchcard?

by melvinlow

Lupe RPs: Another Point of View

There are several points I would like to bring up about the previous article and Lupe RP in general.

by calicomoon

Neopoint Tactic Tips

The following is my failproof method of making more NP...

by epk

Quality, Not Quantity

No one can deny that guilds, both large and small, have their advantages and disadvantages.

by mink35

The Identity Changing Lab Ray

Many great things can happen to your pet at the Lab Ray.

by richpaintbrushgurl

The Nature (and Tourist) Guide to Neopia

This guide highlights the pristine and naturally beautiful, as well as the filthy and disgusting, places in Neopia.

by bluescorchio104

What The Heck Does Jhudora Want With All That Stuff?

There seems to be mixed opinions about Jhudora the Dark Faerie.

by chrisja357

When Your Pet Rejects

Ever had one of those times when your Neopet simply refuses to do something you want them too, even if you are being nice or spoiling them?

by Lyra142


"From the Files of Dimension Destiny Shoyru, Private I" by aishaluvver123 - It was a day like any other day. Thieves were thieving, muggers were mugging, and kids were being forced to take accordion lessons by their parents...more>>

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Other Stories

King Coltzan's Shrine
Soon, the passage came to a choice of four ways. Ala and Kiki looked at each other and shrugged...

by violet_desire

From the Files of Dimension Destiny Shoyru, Private I

by aishaluvver123

The Invisible Chia: Part One
"I have a very unusual case, and I would like you to come to my apartment..."

by soggydude

Maki and the Amulet: Part One - Discovery
"Do you have any idea what this is?"

by starhamster42

Fight With A Pencil
Hmm... how about drawing some Hidden Tower items?

by _saiyan_girl

The Eye of Evil: Part One
Somebody needs to learn how to say, "please."

by daffodillie

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