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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 40 > Continuing Series
A Rose By Any Other Name: Part Five

"I'm going to try again," she said hoarsely.

by karma_leafbarer

As Told by child_dragon: Part Sixteen - Water Quest

by child_dragon

Battle of the Shoyru Gang 2: Part Seven

"Mother's been looking everywhere for you!" the voice continued...

by jlcchaolover3

Bottled Faerie Light Rescue: Part Four

"We're here for two reasons, and it's business." Marquesa said.

by gentle_lil_queen

Grugga and the Dung Catapult: Part Three

"Ah-ha! Nobody can beat the Gor Meerca Clan!"

by animal_lover3332

Midnight Sun, Canapy Dream: Part Two

by slack_jawd_yokel

On The Outside: Part Two

"What are we going to do until then?" FireCannon asked.

by gryphonsong

Picture Perfect: Part Three

Mona stared at the screen. It had been all her fault.

by stellerwing

Tex, the other Jetsam: Part Two

"Whoohoo!! I've finally found something I'm GOOD at!!"

by dragonshark173

The Ancient Sword of Neopia: Part Eight

"Why are you laughing at a time like this?"

by vaporeon_fan

The Curse of Intelligence: Part Four

The only thing holding me back was the fact that I couldn't let them win...

by cjackson151

The Fine Line: Dreamer's End (Vol. 2): Part Two

"Impressive... not good enough, though!"

by gundamblaze

The Misadventures of Milton Meerca: Part Two

Consider yourself lucky that I

by wubba_flub_the_alian

The Shrinking Potion: Part Four

by kotami


Maybe NOW they'll notice me!

The Noticeboard is one of the best places for a Neopian to advertise anything related to Neopia. You can post shop ads, guild ads, pet pages, requests, anything! Of course, it can get a little pricey... more>>

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Other Stories

King Coltzan's Shrine
Soon, the passage came to a choice of four ways. Ala and Kiki looked at each other and shrugged...

by violet_desire

From the Files of Dimension Destiny Shoyru, Private I

by aishaluvver123

A few tips and hints to help you play this game.

by sassysarah656

Quality, Not Quantity
No one can deny that guilds, both large and small, have their advantages and disadvantages.

by mink35

Fight With A Pencil
Hmm... how about drawing some Hidden Tower items?

by _saiyan_girl

The Eye of Evil: Part One
Somebody needs to learn how to say, "please."

by daffodillie

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