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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 132 > Articles > Money-Hungry Neopians

Money-Hungry Neopians

by choclated

NEOPIA - Every corner you turn in Neopia you see articles, guides, and thieves suggesting how you can become a millionaire. Now there is nothing wrong with earning Neopoints, but what is wrong with being average?

The world of Neopia is money-hungry. There is a constant desire within most Neopians to earn money. However, unless you are saving up for an item, then you really don't need to overly exert yourself to gain those extra points. You're probably thinking that I am a lazy and crazy person, but really, I'm only pointing out the facts.

Now I'm not saying being wealthy is all bad. However, imagine it if all Neopians had a million in their bank accounts. There wouldn't be much point and it would cause several problems in the economic system of Neopia:

1. I hope you've heard of a special little word, known as inflation. Inflation is "a general and progressive increase in prices". In other words, the prices of goods go up because the value of money is decreasing. To break it up even further, if everyone had 1,000,000 or more Neopoints, then the prices of items will increase but the value and rarity of that item will stay the same. It would have a drastic effect on everybody.

2. Because it is not realistic for everyone to have a million Neopoints, the Neopets Team would probably try to make it more challenging for you to gain that much. They would make games give out less Neopoints, and raise the prices of all the items selling in the Neopian shops. This way, it would be harder to get more millions.

3. The newbies would suffer. You probably forgot about them, with your busy schedule of trying to reach a million in one week. Now visualize yourself when you just joined Neopets, and how hard it was to earn Neopoints, when you didn't know anything about the site. Now imagine yourself with no money, prices extremely high, no knowledge, harder to gain Neopoints and no one to help or care about you since everyone else already has a ton of money stored away in their bank accounts. It would create a difficult situation for anyone.

Now this would only happen if everyone had a great number of Neopoints. However, even from pointing out these facts, Neopians still are waiting to see that nice round number in their bank accounts. And once they hit that one million Neopoint mark, they won't stop trying to get more. This information gathered from many interviewees, with their bank accounts between 35,000 to 3,000,000 Neopoints. However, there were many interviews, so I just picked my favourite to present my data:

Me: About how many Neopoints do you have in your bank account at the moment?

Neopian1: (not real username) About 2 million.

Me: How long did it take you to get as far as you have, Neopoint wise?

Neopian1: Since I've been on Neopets, but I have bought some expensive stuff.

Me: I see, and are you saving up for anything in particular?

Neopian1: Yes, I'm trying to reach 5 million.

Me: And when you do?

Neopian1: I'll keep going! I want to have lots of spending money.

Me: What are you planning on buying?

Neopian1: I'll see when the time comes I suppose.

Me: I see. And are you ever going to stop this quest for Neopoints?

Neopian1: Nope, not so long as I'm playing Neopets.

Me: Why not stop? Is that your only goal in Neopets? To be the richest you can?

Neopian1: Not my only goal, but I want to be able to buy what I want when I want.

Me: Can't you buy what you want now?

Neopian1: I don't like dropping under 1 million, and so I can't buy everything.

Now after picking on poor Neopian1, I realized that more than half of the interviews that took place, wanted to have an unlimited supply of Neopoints, just for the heck of it. Now if we take this to the world of Neopia, and say 60% of Neopia is money-hungry, then that would make for at least 41,668,839 users guilty of trying to earn Neopoints for no reason.

It's fine if you are saving up for something, but if you have the money and aren't planning on using it, to just let it sit and go to waste, isn't acting like a good consumer. Being a good consumer means that you find the best deal when you can and help build the economy buy buying those goods.

If 60% of Neopia were poor consumers, not only would Neopian economics fail, but no one could make any money. You can't sell anything if nobody is buying anything. It just doesn't make sense.

Now if you are a millionaire, start spending and less saving! Don't be afraid to go for something you've be longing for, especially since you have the Neopoints. Even if you spend all your money on painting your pet Draik Maraquan, you should feel proud that you finally accomplished your dream, of having that Maraquan Draik.

Now we return to the original question, what is wrong with being average? But first, what do I mean by 'average? Average can be defined as "approximating the statistical norm or expected value" and "around the middle of a scale of evaluation of physical measures". There is no definite amount of Neopoints which we can call the average amount. However, I would describe the 'average' amount of Neopoints to be in the range of 10,000 to 900,000 Neopoints. That's a big range, and so most of Neopia's population should be considered average.

Sure, everyone wants to become above average. But if there is no below average, or just average, there can be no above average either. And no matter how far you go, there will always be someone better at something than you are.

So in all, being average isn't bad. It doesn't make you lazy or brainless. You're just helping to average out the Neopian economy to make sure no inflation problems occur. If you're average, then you're helping Neopia!

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