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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 4th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 132 > Short Stories
A Shadow's Sanity

I became both a night and a daywalker, spending my days staring at the door and awaiting the weekly visit of my owner.

by christinetran

Broken Elbow=Broken Heart

Snow began to lose her balance and fell right on her side, slamming her elbow onto the ice. Snow quickly got up, but after getting up she realized something was wrong, she couldn’t move her wing.

by chia_lover01

Dancing Magic

“Don’t call me Shira. I’ve decided to leave Meridell and take dancing lessons in the Lost Desert.

by dark_jennumara

Director Trini

"Don't you remember what Trini said? She was considering getting into acting."

by charmedhorses

Forsaken by the Light

Vrandir sighed as he watched his two friends playing in the sunshine, How I envy them, he thought to himself. They aren't bound to the shadows as I am.

by lunagirl52

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night...

"I can't read any longer!" Jamie declared. "Mum, what else can I do?" She looked expectantly at Sandy who looked stumped.

by rachelchia5


"Oh yes! The big brother's coming to break up the fight! The wonderful, ELDER Ferry! Why don’t we all bow down to him now?"

by _jade_em_

Sticking Together

"When you guys were young, you got along so well! Now the two of you are like enemies..."

by l3estest

Tales From the Neotree House

"Let's tell scary stories!" Hopper yelled excitedly, as Buster loudly gulped. "I have one! I'll go first!"

by cebu_that_meows

The Plushie Curse

"Manager, I have recently found that forty plushies of Aishas and forty plushies of Eyries have been missing," Naolin growled.

by swirly_silver


Lookin' Sharp

We’ve all seen them, Darigan pets. Perhaps taking a dark-and-stormy midnight stroll, we saw one illuminated by a well-timed flash of lightning. Perhaps winding through the alleyways of the “evil” parts of Neopia, we saw many of them through a grimy window, cackling evilly to each other. Or maybe, one of your very own pets is Darigan... more>>

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Other Stories

So You Wanna Be Funny?
We all love humor. It's the one thing that can bring people together, even during tough times.

by simsman24000

My Guide To Neopian Culture (In Other Words, How To Be Snooty)
In this handy article, you’ll learn everything from how to fit in with the Gourmet Club members, to how to ponder the mysteries of life with the deeper-thinkers...

by bluescorchio104

Fateful Decisions: Part One
"Hr-Hry, I'm really, really sorry I did, I wish I hadn't done it."

by ruin_star

Room 2: Part One
"What, omelettes again?" grumbled a Skeith, as he sat back and started gnawing on it. "Eww, it's so hard, how long have we had this?"

by neo_star_queen

Feel like you get blamed for everything?

by kuwoobie

Really Confused
"About A Pirate Map"

by stoneman3x

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