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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 4th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 132 > Editorial


Is there any way to decrease a Neopet's weight or increase it's height? I know that the opposite of these can be achieved through a Pumpkin Negg. I've heard that this is possible through the Lab Ray, but don't want to risk the other things that may happen, and I've also heard it's a random event, but I don't know. If not, can you make this possible in some way? - Sir_eternal
At the moment a few different foods do this, but they are very hard to come by and it isn't guaranteed that that is what they will do. There are no random events that do this as far as I know.

Hi I was wondering, a while back in one of the editorials you said something about going on a tour to vist some states this summer. Can you give us ANY information like when where and what you will be doing PLEASE. One of my dreams is to meet the creators of the BEST website. - Mand_22
I can't tell you exactly where yet (we have the list but we aren't allowed to say) but there are quite a lot of different areas so we should be somewhere near you.

What kind of Neopet is Balthazar in Extreme Herder? - Kittytsai0309
Balthazar is a Lupe.

Where is the 'About Us' page? I hear about it often but I don't know where it is. - Jwt4494 -
It is a link at the bottom of every page that has the yellow bar down the side. It is in a very small font mind :)

I was wondering, did you get the idea of the Mutant Mortog from Three-headed frog that was found in Somerset almost a week ago? - Craigashleyuk
Yup! Freaky wasn't it!

I was just wondering... since Unis have wings, can they fly? - Bowleena
Yes they can.

Is the Darigan Poogle a joke? - __Pumkin__
Oh no its awesome. We must have forgotten to put it live. I will do it now!

Could you perhaps put mueka in the How to Draw section? - Superstargirl366
He's planned to be in the How To Draw section early next week :)

Can you tell me what are Grundos? Some people say they're aliens, others say they're virtupets and most people aren't sure... - Fireman155
It is a little confusing. Grundos did not orginally come from Neopia. They came from another planet that has since been forgotten (although you may hear more about it later). During Dr Sloth's first invasion he kidnapped the Grundos from their home planet and made them work on his space station. When he tried to invade Neopia, the Grundos were freed and they set up home on Neopia.

Something has happened! A passing Chia hands you a Scorchio Cracker and says 'Happy Christmas'!!! Christmas?! - Chinelinda
Hehe, yes. There is a very small chance that you can get ANY random event during the year. We just increase the frequency of certain events during particular months.

I was recently looking through my Neopets magazine,and on the Battle for Merridell card list,and I saw a card with a silver draik egg on it! Is there such a thing? I want to know because I really want a Draik. - Dragongirl2c
There are blue, green, red and yellow Draik Neggs, but no silver on the site.

How many times has Adam seen The Labyrinth? - Queen_beta_jane
Way too many!

Why in the TCG Game (the first one) is Kass listed as a Hero? He is a villian, right? - Doggy_girl333
No, in the first battle General Kass was on of Lord Darigan's commanders who helped Jeran overthrow Lord Darigan. He helped to save Meridell. Later on Kass appointed himself Lord and the power may have gone a little to his head...

Hi, the Spiky Snowball is a battle magic item correct? When you click on it, it doesn't give you the option to equip it :( - Darkensoul13
It is now equipable.

Does Maraqua count as a "country" like Faerieland or Tyrannia? - Kandeygirly
Yes it does.

If Boochie fires at your pet once, is it possible for him to do it again? - Bubble_sweetie_
He won't fire at the same Neopet again if it is currently a baby Neopet. If you have a different active pet, or you have since painted your Neopet so it is no longer baby, he may strike again.

I keep seeing "Court Dancer" all over the place. Who is she and what does she do? - Beatlegirl424
She is a character in our Battle For Meridell plot. Watch the comic strips and you will find out more...

Can you make an Usuki doll that looks like Hannah from the Pirate Caves? Please, please, pretty please? :) - Kittyn131
Actually the character Hannah is loosely based off the Pirate Wench Usuki Doll so there already is one in a way!


WHAT???? No Mazzew Blog????! *faints* - Broadwaykittens
Sorry, our resident blogger was out that day, we will try to get one added this week :)

In the ad for the yellow sidebar for Hasee Bounce, the letters 's' 'e' and 'e' are colours you can't get. The 's' is green and the 'e's are blue. Why is this...? - Ti_dy
It is just a little bit of artistic license.

On the Neopoints FAQ, it says "If you are running low on Neopoints (have less than 1000NP), you can always visit the Soup Kitchen where the friendly Soup Faerie will be happy to give your pets free food." But when I visit the soup kitchen, it says I must have less than 2000 NP. Is this a mistake? - Neoalli7
Yes, the FAQ is out of date. I will update it now.

Were Thornberry Chia Pops REALLY released last month or was that a chocolate-ghostkersword-is-both-a-weapon-and-a-food kind of thing? I can't find one doing a site, shop wizard, or trades search... - ecto_cooler
Yes, they were released. They should be on sale in the Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop, but they are rarity 99 so you will not see them there often.

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If you have a question that you think should be answered, click here and you can use our submission form. The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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