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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 77 > Continuing Series > Never Get a Paint Brush For a Lupe: Part Three

Never Get a Paint Brush For a Lupe: Part Three

by stoneman3x

Untitled Document I should have known that the exit to the maze would be at Fungus Cave. This meant wading through a stream that looked horrifyingly like a giant Meukas snot trail. So I wasn't surprised when the Krawk scooped up a hand-full of the toxic green sludge and slurped it out of his paw. I wasn't as nauseated by this as I had been before because my bare feet were so sore that even a stream that gave off an odor worse than the Swamp Ghoul's breath still felt refreshingly cool.

     "Where exactly is this hotel, anyway?" I asked, more to distract myself from the jabbing pain in my feet than in actual curiosity. "Arrr, Ye Olde Ship Inn be behind the Krawk Island Fashions Mall," the Krawk replied, sucking a bit of leafy fungus into his mouth like a strand of spaghetti. I was utterly amazed. It wasn't because he could suck in fungus like spaghetti, although that was a pretty good trick-- it was because of what he had said. "Pirates have a mall?" I asked in disbelief. "Arrr! Of course there be a mall," the Krawk snorted. "We be buccaneers-- not barbarians!"

     The inn looked pretty plain from the outside, but I have to confess it was splendidly salty on the inside. Fishing nets with enormous cork floats were draped across the walls between figureheads mounted like hunting trophies. Every conceivable kind of anchor was scattered across the lobby like an obstacle course. The room was filled with a sea of pets wearing red and white striped shirts. It looked like a candy cane factory had exploded. You couldn't walk three steps without hearing phrases that seemed to be memorized from Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Manual.

     "Arrr Arrr matey!"

     "Thar she blows!"

     "I'll be the son of a sea dog!"

     "My feet hurt."

     Okay, so the last one was from me. The Krawk looked over the boisterous mob and announced, "I can't remember me shipmate's name, but he should be easy enough to find. He be an Aisha in a red and white striped shirt, earrings in both ears and a patch over one eye!"

     I'm not sure, but I think I began to laugh hysterically. Note an emphasis on the word "hysterical". I must have blacked out for a moment because the next thing I knew, I was sitting on the edge of a huge mermaid-water-Faerie fountain clicking my heels together. I was muttering over and over, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

     I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the fountain pool and did a double-take. The guy in the water looked like he had been dragged all over the countryside behind a galloping Uni. His shirt and pants were shredded and his hair looked like he was wearing a fungus cap. I lifted my foot and winced when I saw the bottom of it. I had blisters that resembled pusberries. I guess I must have looked pretty pathetic because a passing Tonu handed me a ten Dubloon coin and patted my arm sympathetically. I wanted to jump up and thank her but my knees went on strike and refused to unbend.

     I stretched my neck and looked around the lobby for the Tonu but she was gone. It was then that I realized that Stonewolf3x and the pirate Krawk were gone too. "Oh, that's just infested peachy," I thought and shoved the Dubloon into my pocket. After several minutes, I finally convinced my knees that if they didn't cooperate I was going to use them to crawl with, so they unlocked and I was able to stand up. So I headed for the front desk.

     A Koi with a red and white striped shirt, earrings in his... ummm... fins and a patch over one eye glanced up from a ledger he was carefully pouring dust on. He closed the huge book with a snap and the dust billowed up dramatically.

     He noticed the surprised look on my face and said, "Arrr, it's a bother to do it but the tourists seem to like it."

     I had the impression that he must have seen my tattered pants and battered appearance and thought I was one of the locals. So I just nodded and smiled.

     "Yeah, blasted tourists," I replied. "I say let 'em all walk the plank!"

     "Arrr, but we had to cut out the practice when they all be linin' up to pay for it!" the Koi said wistfully. "Sorta took all the fun out of it!"

     I didn't know how to respond to that, but luckily for me, he asked, "And how'll I be helpin' ye, matey?"

     "I am looking for... err... I mean, I be lookin' fer some shipmates o' mine," I said in a really corny pirate accent. "A pirate Krawk, a pirate Aisha and a..."

     The Koi raised something that looked almost like an eyebrow and cut me off by saying, "There be a lot here that fit that bill. What be their names?"

     I shrugged helplessly. "I don't know their names..."

     "Arrr, if they be good mates o' yours and still don't give out their names, they must be smugglers," the Koi replied with a knowing wink of his one eye.

     At least I think it was a wink. How do you know if someone with one eye is winking or blinking, anyway? The Koi waved a webbed fin towards a large oak side door.

     "You could try the Skull 'N Crossbones Lounge," he suggested. I thanked him and headed for the lounge.

     It wasn't quite the rowdy buccaneer tavern I was expecting. I was expecting to see brawling fist fights and overturned poker tables and flying daggers. The only thing in the room that was even close to being rowdy was a bunch of Techos in three-cornered hats doing the Macarena on one of the long tables. Which was actually pretty impressive since they all had wooden left legs. And a flotsam with a ring in his top fin was doing a nice job of singing karaoke, although his choice of "On Top of Spaghetti" was kind of odd. But other than that the room was pretty quiet.

     I caught a glimpse of flame-colored ears on the far end and squeezed through the long rows of tables until I got there. Stonewolf3x and the Krawk were sitting on one side of the table and a pirate Aisha with a crokabek on his shoulder sat across from them. I slid onto the bench next to Wolf.

     "Hi, guys!" I chirped. "Did you forget something?"

"What?" asked Wolf with a puzzled look.

     "ME!" I hissed through a clenched-tooth smile.

     He didn't answer because a pretty Usul in an apron appeared. She was carrying a tray of mugs and several pitchers.

     "And what'll ye be havin', love? Root beer or ale?" she asked sweetly as she bent her face close to mine.

     "Umm...root beer... I guess..." I replied slowly, scanning the table to see what everyone was having. She set a mug down in front on me and poured root beer in it until the foam overflowed the top and slid down the side.

     "Arrr, so ye be a root beer man, eh? I be a ginger ale pet, meself!" said the Aisha jovially, raising his mug for emphasis.

     I pulled the ten Dubloon coin from my pocket. "You wouldn't happen to have change for this, would you?" I asked, showing it to the Usul waitress. Her eyes glowed like radioactive muffins.

     "I'll see what I can do fer ye," she cooed in my ear.

     She seemed really friendly so I didn't quite understand why the Aisha suddenly roared, "Arrr! Away with ye, ya clingin' ring vine! I'll be makin' change fer him soon enough!"

     The Usul turned and stalked off, her fluffy tail swishing indignantly. When she left, the Aisha pulled the crokabek from his shoulder and set him down on the table.

     "Arrr, this be as fine a bird as ever I had!" he said, never moving his unpatched eye from the silver Dubloon in my hand. "I hate to part with him, but these be hard times."

     "So, how much is this gonna cost me?" I replied with a sigh.

     The Aisha grinned and licked his lips like a Dubloon was an ultimate burger. "Arrr..." he said eagerly, "I think a ten Dubloon coin fer me crokabek be fair... and I'd be willin' to toss in a two Dubloon coin."

     I looked at the Krawk for reassurance that this was a fair price. But he was busy picking his fangs with the tip of his hook and watching a Meerca in a three-cornered hat and black boots launch into a zesty karaoke version of "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round". The crokabek hopped up to me and stuck his tongue out.

     "Arrr... I could be persuaded to part with a two Dubloon coin and five hundred Neopoints..." the Aisha said, coughing slightly and shifting uncomfortably.

     The crokabek hissed at me with a long, drawn-out "HHISSSSSSSSSS".

     "Arrr... a thousand Neopoints..." the Aisha continued, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. The crokabek began to hop wildly around the table. "TWO thousand Neopoints...!" the Aisha exclaimed. His good eye was now twitching noticeably.

     The crokabek then hopped back up to me and squealed, "AAIIIIIIIEEE!"

     "And a pair o' lucky green boots! That's me final offer!" the Aisha screeched, pulling an extremely familiar pair of lucky green boots from his duffle bag and thumping them on the table.

     "DEAL!" I shouted happily. I tossed him the ten Dubloon coin and snatched up the boots, hugging them to my chest like a long-lost friend.

     "Arrr! Ye be the devil's own haggler! No wonder they brought ye along!" the Aisha growled, plunking a two Dubloon coin and two thousand Neopoints... down on the table. He then stormed off, muttering angrily to himself.

     I scooped up the money in amazement. I had just made the best haggle of my life and I hadn't even said a word. Not only that, but I had come to Krawk Island with only a two Dubloon coin, and somehow I had managed to get a pirate Krawk bodyguard, a crokabek and two thousand Neopoint profit. This had definitely been an unusual day.

     The crokabek hopped onto the Krawk's hook and then worked his way up to the Krawk's shoulder. He puffed out his feathers and said in a squawky voice, "I never did like cats."

     My jaw dropped so much it almost hit the table.

     "Arrr, ye be with a Krawk now, and I'll do right by ye, I'll be bound!" the Krawk replied and soothed the crokabek's ruffled chest feathers with his claw. The crokabek closed his eyes and chirped in contentment.

     "It talked!" I gasped.

     The Krawk gave me an of-course-a-crokabek-can-talk-look and replied, "Arrr, of course a crokabek can talk. Don't ye know anything about petpets?"

     "I guess not..." I said, and avoided his critical stare by struggling to pull my lucky green boots over my swollen feet.

     "So you've now been paid to be my bodyguard," Wolf said, a pleased smile breaking across his lips.

     "Aye, Cap'n. True enough!" the Krawk replied, stroking the crokabek's beak affectionately.

     "So what do we call you?" Wolf asked, cocking his head in actual interest.

     "What do they call YE, Cap'n?"

     "I'm Stonewolf3x," Wolf stated in a voice that sounded practically proud of the fact.

     "And what be HIS name?" the Krawk asked, jerking a stubby thumb in my direction.

     "I'm Stoneman3x," I cut in, slightly annoyed that I was being treated like a pet again.

     "Hmmm..." the Krawk murmured thoughtfully. "So this Stone-3x be a sort of family thing, eh?" Wolf shrugged nonchalantly and nodded.

     "Then I guess me name be Stonekrawk3x," he replied casually. "And this be Stonecrow," he added, tapping the crokabek on its foot.

     "Not Stonecrow-3x?" I asked.

     "Arrr! Don't be daft, Man!" Stonekrawk3x scoffed. "Petpets don't get last names!"

     For some strange reason, that actually almost nearly made sense. Then again, I was so giddy from hunger that I would have agreed that there is no such thing as a female Lenny or a female Bruce because Lenny and Bruce are guy names. The pretty Usul waitress must have seen that the pirate Aisha was gone because she appeared at my elbow again. She whispered so sweetly in my ear I actually got a sugar rush.

     "Will ye be wantin' a refill now, love?" she purred, holding out the pitcher of root beer over my mug.

     "No thanks," I replied. "But I'm really starving. Is the food here any good?"

     "No," she replied, flashing a smile that would have made you think she had said yes. "The best food on the island be at The Golden Dubloon But if ye eat there, then I won't be yer waitress now, will I?"

     "Well, is there anything you can recommend?" I asked.

     "Aye," she cooed. "Usuls make VERY good pets."

     I was actually shocked when Wolf clapped his paws together and exclaimed enthusiastically, "Whoa! What a great idea! Three guys living together could use someone to cook, clean and do the laundry!"

     The Usul looked at him as if he had just announced that hot borovan was made with melted Adam parts.

     "Oh, but I'm sure ye could get a maid to do that. Usuls are very loving pets... especially when we're pampered." Her voice was still sweet but she was giving Wolf a disapproving look. Suddenly I realized why she was being so painfully nice.

     "I just got a bodyguard for him!" I sputtered, pointing at my Lupe. "I'm not taking you home and getting a maid for you!"

     She turned on her tail and walked off in a huff, ginger ale and root beer sloshing onto some customers heads as she went.

     "Wait! You forgot to take my order!" I yelled after her. But she didn't even look back. I rested my forehead on the table in despair. My stomach wasn't just growling, it was trumpeting like an Elephante.

     "I would do anything for a flaming fire Faerie pizza right now," I moaned.

     "ANYTHING?" Wolf asked with a pleasantly sinister look on his face.

     "Forget it, bud," I snarled. "I may be human but I'm not a complete idiot."

     "No, you're just a partial idiot," Wolf shot back.

     The crokabek seemed to think that was funny because it practically toppled off of Krawk's shoulder cackling with laughter. Krawk held up his hook and Stonecrow grabbed it with his beak to steady himself.

     "Arrr, I hate to change the subject, but when will be headin' fer Neopia Central?" Krawk asked, his question directed towards me.

     "Ummm... we don't live in Neopia Central. We live in Tyrannia," I replied, glad that he HAD changed the subject.

     "I be aware of that," he said, leaning towards me with a strange intensity in his eyes. "But the Registration Office be in Neopia Central."

     "The Registration Office?" I echoed.

     "Arrr, but it's the law, ye know."

     "Law? What law?" I asked, shooting a help-me-out-here-I-am-totally-confused look at Wolf.

     Wolf sighed in exasperation. "A pet can only live with a human if the pet is officially registered to that human. It's the First Law of Neopia."

     "Yeah, but he's not MY pet," I protested. "He's YOUR bodyguard."

     "Arrr, but the law don't see it that way," Krawk retorted sourly.

     "And since when have pirates been concerned about not breaking the law?" I quipped.

     "Arrr, the Neopian constables can be persuaded to overlook a bit o' good-natured smuggling 'n pillaging now and then, but... arrr... they be taking the First Law very serious-like."

     "Does the word frozen mean anything to you?" Wolf asked, lifting an eyebrow.

     "FROZEN?" I gasped, my head beginning to spin like a Neopian globe.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Never Get a Paint Brush For a Lupe: Part One

Never Get a Paint Brush For a Lupe: Part Two

Never Get a Paint Brush For a Lupe: Part Four

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