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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 71 > Continuing Series > Attack of the Evil Meerca Plushie: Part Three

Attack of the Evil Meerca Plushie: Part Three

by al_the_chia

Grippaw's Glade...

     Cybil fled through the forest as fast as her legs could carry her. Her paw was injured, her glasses were askew, and her lab coat was torn in several places. She was furious at being forced to run, but with the sheer strength of her pursuer, she saw no other option. As she dashed past the purple trees, she could hear the laughter of the Evil Meerca Plushie from somewhere behind her.

     He was gaining on her. Panting, she dashed onward, desperate to escape the evil plushie's wrath.

     Suddenly, her bare foot hit a stone. With a yelp, she tumbled to the ground, her glasses flying through the air and into the bushes.

     Cybil blindly scrambled onto her feet, blinking and squinting to make out the blurry shapes in the scattered, murky daylight. A blurred golden shape appeared before her eyes, and although her vision was impaired, she knew what it was.

     "What do you want from me?" she yelled, bravely standing tall and preparing to go out fighting.


     "What?!? What are you talking about?!?"

     Suddenly, another shape darted before Cybil's eyes, a mesh of black, white and gray. Cybil felt something push her onto the ground as a loud chanting began to echo through the woods.

     "Eville Merka Plushe! Eville Merka Plushe!! Merka merka merka merka merka..."


     Cybil heard a wild hiss above the chanting, and saw the golden shape retreat from the grey blob. Suddenly, the golden shape faded away, disappearing into the blurry shadows of the nearby trees. The black and white blob continued to chant for a minute more, slowing down and getting exhausted before finally coming to a stop.

     Everything was silent.

     The blur turned around and placed something into Cybil's paw. She put her glasses back onto her face to see a black and white Lupe smiling at her.

     "Looks like you've made an enemy, friend."

     "Who...who are you? How did you..."

     "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Hypotenuse Perkins, a historian. May I presume from your name tag you are Cybil P. Antigoni?"

     Cybil climbed onto her feet, scowling.

     "I don't need to hear your life story. All I need to know is exactly what that thing was."

     "Very well then..."

     The Lupe sat down on a rock, clearing his throat.

     "I'll try to remember all of it, but my memory is a little bad, so forgive me if I leave out a few details..."

Hundreds and Hundreds of Years Ago...

     Once upon a time, deep within the confines of the Haunted Woods, a creature of magic came into existence like a storm sweeping across the sky. His name was Eville Merka Plushe. Neopet and monsters alike trembled with joy and fear at the mention of his existence, and his mere appearance was like music to the soul.

     His eyes were like sapphires, his smile burned into your soul like butter. He was a Meerca, with fur of gold and a heart made of a similar material. To friends, he was seemed friendly and charming, but the last thing many of his enemies ever saw was his long, magical tail lashing out to finish them off.

     He had a clan of followers, to whom he taught his most wonderful magical secrets. They recorded those secrets in an ancient book and hid it in a secret place, far away, where hopefully no one would ever find them. They were supportive of their leader, and the leader was supportive of the group.

     But Eville was impatient to destroy all of the evil in the world. He gathered his 'Children' and tried to attack the Dark Cloud of Jhudora.

     It was a fast fight. The faerie's minions quickly defeated all his apprentices, and Jhudora herself struck the final blow against the evil sorcerer.

     She decreed that from that day forward, he would no longer be a threat to the security of the Dark Faerie's take-over, and that she would see to it he suffered for his evil deeds. Using her dark, evil magic, she transformed the defeated Eville Merka Plushe into an actual Evil Meerca Plushie, one of the finest and most beautiful pieces of craftsmanship ever seen. And she sent the plushie away; to the Hidden Tower.

     There, he rested. The Queen, thinking it nothing but a mere toy, left it forgotten for years, until the day came when she decided to turn her magical tower into a shop. Thinking of a clever way to duplicate and sell the adorable golden plushie, she went to retrieve it from the dungeons. But upon opening many locks and doors, she discovered that the plushie was gone. A clever Aisha thief managed to steal him from his once secure home.

     The thief found that the object brought him lots of good luck. After being rewarded greatly for many years, he got rid of the artifact by chucking it deep into the Haunted Woods, where he remained confident that another lucky pet may someday pick it up and achieve the same fortune as him.

     And it was so, passing from paw to paw and creating more and more joy and prosperity. At least until he reached the paws of a cult called the Society of Chia Despisers.

     Using the same ancient book that his followers had created all those many years ago, they resurrected the powers of Eville and brought it back to life.

     He managed to find a way to harness Eville's power, to control him, by using the very object he created. He cursed him using the book, forcing him to make him obey his every whim. The leader forced the plushie to do his bidding, which mainly consisted of foul murder and trickery against his foes.

     So it was that Eville lived again, but in constant torture, a slave, trapped to the Leader against his will. He longed to be free, to be able to create utter chaos, to seek his revenge against the Dark Faeries and the world that condemned him to his fate, but he knew he never could.

     To this day, the cult gathers in secret places to summon and use the once admired powers of the Evil Meerca Plushie.

Back with Cybil...

     "And..." Hypotenuse finished. "It seems as though they've decided to use them against you."

     Cybil blinked.

     "Incredible. But I have a few questions. One, how do you get it to leave you alone/destroy it? And two, exactly how do you know all this?"

     "All right...One, the Evil Meerca Plushie cannot be halted in his task. He will keep pursuing you until the one he is bound to, the Leader, says otherwise. You will have to lift the curse that binds him to the Leader. In other words, to stop him, you'll have to free him. Now, in order to lift the curse, both parties must be present in a ceremonial area, and you have to say some magic words...I'm not quite sure what words, however..."

     Cybil nodded, wrapping her paw up in gauze from a pocket somewhere in her lab coat. "Doesn't sound too hard. Where can I find the leader?"

     Hypotenuse winced. " where my memory gets a bit more fuzzy."

     She groaned and covered her face with a paw. "Oh, geeze..."

     "No time to complain!" the checkered Lupe roared, leaping onto his feet. "I'll have to recover my memory by traveling to the place where I am certain we will find the most clues!! ONWARD!!"

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Attack of the Evil Meerca Plushie: Part One

Attack of the Evil Meerca Plushie: Part Two

Attack of the Evil Meerca Plushie: Part Four

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