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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 119 > Continuing Series > The Lady Knights: Part Four

The Lady Knights: Part Four

by nighthawk_moonshadow


We stared at the amulets for a little while. They floated to the ground and remained still. I slowly picked up the sapphire one. It felt warm to the touch. I let it slide around my neck. It was soothing, and almost familiar. Topaz reached for the other one and put it on too. A bright light surrounded each of us, mine green, hers blue. And then I knew why we had these. The whole story was laid out before me. Ancestry, hate, corruption, and destiny were in our past, present, and future. I was filled with knowledge. Topaz and I looked at each other, and we knew.

     The light faded. Nighthawk walked up to us. "What happened?" she asked.

     "We know why the attacks have been happening over the years," Topaz said.

     "Bring over the book that you got from the library," I said. I pointed to Nighthawk's sack, which she brought over. She placed it on the ground. Topaz and I placed our hands on it. It began to glow. It faded after a few seconds. We opened it up, and began to read.


I side-stepped the Lupe and swung my staff at his head. He jumped away and threw the dagger at me. Fool, I thought. Never give up your weapons in a battle!

     I ducked the dagger, then pulled my own from up my sleeve. I spun it in my paws, then charged at him. Before I rammed into him, I rammed my staff into the ground. I pushed forwards and vaulted over him. I landed right behind him and stuck the dagger in his back.

     He gurgled and pulled it out of his back. He looked at me one last time, then fell to the ground.

     I grabbed the sword and began to hack away at the wood. I got out, and the fight began.

     I fought Lupes left and right. I heard hoof beats, and Ruby galloped into view, with both our petpets. She drew her sword and began attacking the Lupes.

     The mothers grabbed their children and ran off. I saw the Lupe who had helped me before, running with her young son, whom I recognized as the one that I had kicked before. I allowed them to pass, thanking them quietly for their gratitude.

     The few survivors ran away. The son of the chief paused as he ran. "Someday we will be avenged!" he cried before running after his pack. I shuddered at the ominous word, and knew he had made a promise.

     Ruby and Emerald brought the pack leader back with them as proof. The king granted them their rewards. Another Starfrost was born the next year, and another Hoofbeat a year after. But the threat remained. And the curse had been laid on the clans forever.


"So," I said, "we had ancestors that defeated an entire Lupe clan because they were attacking other pets?"

     "I guess so," said Nighthawk.

     "But what does this have to do with us?" asked Sapphire.

     "I think I can answer that," said Lamen. We all looked at her.

     She sighed and rose into the air, her green Shoyru wings flapping. She paced and began to talk.

     "Now, you've run into that pack a couple of times. They also had an encounter with you when you first came to Neopia, right Nighthawk?"

     Nighthawk nodded. We all knew that Nighthawk had a dark past. She had told us that she'd had an encounter with the pack when she was twelve and had just entered Neopia. She said that was where the scar on her cheek had come from, but she didn't say what happened. You could tell she was dark anyway. She always wore black, and had quite a cynical personality, which sometimes got her into trouble.

     Lamen continued. "Now we know why. That pack has sworn revenge on what your ancestors did to them hundreds of years ago. They had their revenge on your family, Topaz, by defeating all the members, save you. They took Sapphire's brother, they tried to destroy Nighthawk, and now I fear that they will go after your family Sapphire. I also think they will go after Nighthawk's friends and family because you took them in and cared for them. That means the whole guild could be in danger!"

     Raven and Nighthawk gasped. They were friends with everyone in the guild. Their pets knew that they would never let any of their friends be hurt, that they would sacrifice themselves first.

     "So what are we going to do?" I asked.

     "We're going to stop them. I don't care how, but we will stop them," said Nighthawk.

     "Do you think we could stop them alone?" asked Jin. 'There have got to be at least fifty Lupes in that pack! We'd be butchered. Why don't we lead them to the castle and the knights can help us destroy them?"

     "By then it may be too late," said Stalker. We all turned to look at him. He rarely spoke, but I realized that this might be hurting him, because he's a Lupe too, though a red one.

     He got up from the fire and began to pace as well. "The pack is cunning. It can pick us off, one by one. Besides, I don't think the council would let us do this without proof."

     "But then what will we do?" I repeated.

     "We go to that camp, and wreak havoc. And we bring in the big weapons,," he said, looking at our necklaces.

     I grasped the jewel in my hoof and looked at it. Power seemed to be radiating from it. But what could a small necklace do? How could it hold so much power as to stop a huge, ferocious pack? Then I looked at Nighthawk's own necklace, the Flame Pendant. It enabled her to sprout fiery wings and a fiery tail. It also enhanced her fire abilities. I realized that if that small thing held immense power. I looked over to Sapphire. She seemed to be thinking hard about something. She looked over at me and nodded.

     Pace suddenly spoke. "We hit tonight," he said, in his growling Gelert voice.


We packed up and left, entering the forest between Meridell and Neopian Central. I snuck ahead and blended into the trees, hiding from sight. I had done this often, so I had no problem reaching the Lupe pack. They were nestled around a fire, all asleep. I silently snuck to the nearest one. Drawing my sword, I prepared to attack.

     I was thrown down by something from behind. I hit the ground, and my arms were immediately pinned. I looked up as the camp sprang to life. The Lupes jumped up, and began to prowl around me. The alpha walked up in front.

     "So, you though you could come waltzing in here to stop us? Well you were obviously wrong. I sentence you to death!"

     "Wait!" called a voice from the crowd. One Lupe pushed his way out as my friends ran up to us. "Woa!" said a Lupe guard, pushing them back. "Come any further and your friend is flayed."

     The Lupe finally pushed his way through the crowd. I gasped when I saw who it was. He was a lot more bruised and than I remembered, but still…

     "You!" I said. This was the Lupe from so many years ago. He had stopped the pack from killing me, and had given me my fire sword, and also my scar. The Lupe pinning me down jumped off, and I slowly got to my feet.

     "Yes, me," he said. He turned to the alpha. "Mojaven, this must stop. This feud is ridiculous. Can we blame the descendants of two who were only protecting their people from our pack?"

     Mojaven growled. "It does not matter. Who are you to say what we should do anyway, Evernet? You are not alpha anymore. When you spared this pathetic girl eight seasons ago, were you even thinking about the safety of the pack?"

     "I was thinking much about the pack, by not making enemies," Evernet barked, now mad.

     The two faced off, attacking each other. It was a mass of fur. Topaz and Sapphire ran past the guards towards them. "STOP!" the yelled.

     The meadow was cast into silence. The only light was from the two jewel necklaces, now glowing brightly. Sapphire stepped forward and began to speak in a voice not of her own.

     "This feud must end. Too many generations of hate have gone by. This ends now."

     It began pouring as soon as she finished. The rain beat down upon the fields, soaking into the ground. Topaz stepped next to her sister.

     "How much longer will it take before you see where this is leading Mojaven? What will stop you from your mad quest. Will you stop at nothing to defeat us? You will create a world of fear if you do. Stop this madness now!"

     Mojaven howled. He launched himself at the two. They side-stepped and drew their weapons, Sapphire her Short Sword, and Topaz her Seeing Wand. Topaz aimed and fired a blast of magic, while Sapphire cut at him with her sword. He jumped back, growling.

     "Sapphire sheathed her sword. "We do not wish to fight you. You must stop this."

     "I will never quit!" he screamed. "Never!"

     As they fought, they did not realize the amount of rain that had fallen. The dam up the valley was straining, for it had been raining a lot that season. A drop too many fell in, and the dam broke. The water gushed down the hill, straight for them.


A rumble was heard throughout the valley. I looked up to see a wall of water rushing down on us. "Run!" I screamed.

     We headed to the hills. I grabbed Topaz and Sapphire, sprouted my wings, and took off. Raven came behind, pulling her pets along. The Lupes were running up the side of the hill, trying to get out of the way of the water.

     I reached the top of the hill, landed, and ran down to help Raven. We got up to the top, the Lupes right behind us. Mojaven was at the back, right behind Evernet.

     The water came, gushing down the hill. Sapphire and I ran down, helping the other Lupes up. I grabbed Evernet as the water came on him, pulling him up. Mojaven was almost swept away, but Sapphire grabbed his paw.

     "Come on!" Sapphire cried. "You're almost there!"

     "No," he said. "I won't be helped by a foe." He struggled by himself, but was too exhausted, and slowly slipped under the water.

     The flood was gone. We all slowly walked down the hill. The forest was devastated. Trees were pulled out by their roots, mud was slicked over the forest floor and the ground was saturated. It was a disaster.

     "I turned to Evernet. "What now?"

     "We will rebuild. And this feud will end. I am tired of this fighting. Because Mojaven is gone, I will become Alpha. I am officially ending this feud. We will work together to rebuild. And maybe, somehow, we can repay you for all you have done." He turned around and whistled to the Lupe near him. He ran into the forest, and returned carrying something a few minutes later. "This is all I can offer you for now. It will take time for the whole pack to accept the end of the feud, but in the end, we will finally be at peace." He handed the parcel to me.

     I placed it on the ground and opened it. It was a green egg. I gasped when I realized that it was a Draik egg.

     It began to wiggle. A crack appeared in the top and a snout poked through. We all kneeled around the egg as the shell cracked in half. A small green Draik popped out. It opened its eyes and looked at me curiously. I picked it up in my arms. It cooed and snuggled in, falling asleep. I looked up to the smiling pets before me.

     A new generation of friendship had been born.

The End

I'd like to thank a few people. First, Raven for the permission to use her character. Second, all of my guild, including child_dragon, sabreur, meratocat, hiker52, neohero00, drake_da_dragon, and so many others. Third, all my in real life family and friends for always supporting me. Look for my next series in the times soon!

Previous Episodes

The Lady Knights: Part One

The Lady Knights: Part Two

The Lady Knights: Part Three

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