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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 3 > Articles > Are They All Actually Evil? Not Really

Are They All Actually Evil? Not Really

by mystic_monkey_3000

Now some of you may have read the article in the last issue that Hyperpenguin01 wrote, defending the Ghost Lion, Ghosts, and Pant Devil. This is a related article, but I will not be defending them all. While I agree some "Evil" creatures really are good and kindhearted, there are a lot who aren't so nice. The point of this article is to inform you of what is and isn't horrible about most of these beasts, ghosts, and critters.

First off, I am going to state the good sides of a few said-to-be-evil creatures. I am going to start with the one and only, Dr. Sloth. Dr. Sloth has a reputation as a greedy, evil, trouble-making man. But wait... Isn't it that terrible man that hands out very valuable Transmogrification Potions? Why yes, it is! I have received 3 or 4 from him in the last month. Don't get me wrong, he does do bad things also, but I will get to that later.

Next is the Ghost Lion. Whenever I come across him, he has an injured Kacheek by his side. He always lets out a loud Roar, which heals all your pets, but it might hurt your ears if they are sensitive. What is with him being considered evil? I know one thing that MIGHT be classified as heartless, but for now he seems like one of the most helpful creatures in Neopia!

Then come the ghosts of Neopia. You know, the ones that steal from you and give to the money tree. They steal money, not just from the rich, but from the very poor also. When they give to the money tree, they are giving an opportunity to poor people to get some quick NPs, while blocking the rich from taking any.

The Monocerous may be called evil, and it says it has eaten Wockys and Jubjubs a lot whenever you encounter it. But do you ever really SEE him do it? Who knows, maybe this deformed beast really has a kind heart, but has to act tough because of his body? Is there any proof he ever ate a SINGLE NeoPet? The simple answer is No.

Now, for the ones that really are evil, sneaky, and downright mean. I am going to start with the small ones, literally. The Bug Brothers are little critters that steal very small amounts of NP from you every encounter. I have encountered the duo many times, and they have never stolen more than 50 NPs. But if you ever get up into the triple digits, now that's a fortune!

Back to Dr. Sloth. This will kind of contradict my previous statement, but he does to evil things. Sometimes when you encounter him, he will turn one of your items into a Pile of Sludge. He has only done this twice to me, but if it ends up being a 90,000 NP item turned to a 10 NP pile of sludge, it's not that cool.

The Ghost Lion again. Whenever you come across this pale cat, he heals all your pets to the max. Yet, whenever I see him, he is with a torn up Kacheek! Why doesn't he heal it? He will heal perfectly healthy pets, but not a dying one always by his side? Hmm...

The Pant Devil may seem harmless enough, and easy to beat in the Battledome, but when he ends up stealing your items you start to hate him! You can tell it all by those eyes. The eyes of one who loves stealing people pants and items. If you got your pants stolen, would you defend it?

Lastly, I will talk about the Lava Ghoul. Man, do I hate the Lava Ghoul. I landed on him a couple of times on the Wheel of Excitement, and he almost destroyed my pets both times! There is nothing good you can say about him. His tongue is over 20 feet long, and fires molten lava at your pets! Be sure to keep a time open for a trip to the Healing Spring after getting attacked.

Well, now that I have expressed my views, I hope that I have influenced yours. Good luck if you encounter any of them. Gulp.

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