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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 106 > Articles
Faerie Abilities: A Battledome Primer

Your pet finds a captured Faerie and being the nice person that you are, you free it. Depending on your pet's level and which Faerie it was, you'll be granted an ability. What does this mean?

by garet_jaxx

How To Be a Master of Disaster: Weather You like It or Not

So what's so scary about nice weather? Nothing. Nothing is scary about nice weather. But the point is, even in Neopia, good things don't last forever...

by stoneman3x

In-Depth Restocking

You need to pick a shop to restock in. Luckily, there are tons of shops. Unfortunately, there are tons of people in those shops, doing exactly the same thing you're doing...

by noremac9

Moving Up in Your Guild

Have you been active in a cool guild for the longest time? You probably want to get promoted, maybe to the council...

by leb388

Neopian Government: Part Four

An examination of government's role in Happy Valley, the Ice Caves, Terror Mountain, and the VirtuPets Space Station.

by englishladygodiva

Secret Society of Sand

Back by popular demand, here some more of those Tiki Item uses! Hope you enjoy them! Since we talking about sand, I thought I might start with all the uses for Bottles of Sand people came up with.

by plushieowner

The Gallery of Evil: MORE Falsely Accused

While it may be hard to believe, Grundos are not the only ones who are falsely accused (gasp).

by onda_bianca

The Paperclip Show: Episode 6 - FINAL EPSIODE

Today's guests are...*takes deep breath* the Jelly Chia, Jhudora, Adam, Quinton, Amanmet, Talia, Darigan, the Snowager, King Coltzan's Ghost, Edna the witch, and... ME?

by karateetee

The Scurvy Black Pawkeet Slots

If ya arrr a fan of Scorchy Slots and ye have an addiction to Brucey B Slots, then ya will be one to love this latest of slots games. Black Pawkeet is the name and slots is the game.

by beau_lis

What You Need to Know When Doing Quests

If you've ever encountered a Faerie quest, then you know that they can be difficult to do...

by riksti


Aisle Be There

There have been uncountable articles saying, "Restock, you fool, it will make you rich!" I think that has been established. But now you want to restock -- so what? Shouldn't someone tell you HOW? Maybe I'm just putting words into your mouth, but yes, bingo... more>>

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Other Stories

Methos5: Becoming a Pirate
"You either love grog or you love pirates," she said to Methos5 as she gave him his glass of grog.

by immortalmina

A Promise is a Promise
"Loser," one said as Kuroudu passed by, teary-eyed, "you can't even make your owner happy. How disappointing, grey-face."

by adoriblelapin

Thief's Neopet: Part One
"Well, Lapinnie, it's been an enlightening year. It was a pleasure to have you. Both you and Buffy narrowly missed the Top Academic Award by decimal two percent..."

by adoriblelapin

Al vs. Aliens: Part One
On the outskirts of town, a small congregation of Neopia's most brilliant astrologers and political backbones had gathered together to honor a new discovery of epic proportions...

by al_the_chia

Pup Luck
This looks good, right?

by lugia

Fruity Salad
I just came back from Jellyworld!

by pooh_pooh_caca

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