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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 106 > Short Stories > Methos5: Becoming a Pirate

Methos5: Becoming a Pirate

by immortalmina

Methos5 the split Aisha and his Puppyblew, Joeblues, sat at their table in the Golden Doubloon. They always sat at the same table everyday. This is because Methos5 knew his waitress would be none other than Loretta Fontaine, herself. He developed a crush on the Aisha.

      "You either love grog or you love pirates," she said to Methos5 as she gave him his glass of grog. She had no idea that Methos5 had a crush on her. Loretta never really noticed when a customer liked her. She just thought she was a good waitress.

      Just as Methos5 was about to tell her, Rosetta walked over. The sisters then began to talk. "Nah, purple is not my color. I think the best paintbrush is the Pirate," Methos5 overhead Loretta say. He was split which made him half purple and half orange.

      "That was very harsh," Joeblues commented. He knew very well what Methos5 was thinking. Methos5 didn’t even look down. He got up and left the Golden Doubloon. Joeblues left some Doubloons on the table and ran as fast as he could to keep up.

      Loretta saw him walking out and knew what she said hurt him. "Loretta, I think he thought you were talking about him," Rosetta said. Loretta walked after Methos5, but it was too late he was already gone. "I’m sure he’ll be fine."

      After a long silent walk, the two were back at their NeoHome. Methos5 walked in and ran right into the mutant Korbat Spike_aka_bigbad. "Hey there, mate! Watch were you’re going," Spike yelled in his English accent.

      "Sorry," Methos5 muttered under his breath.

      "Alright I’ll bite, what’s wrong?" Spike asked. This was not like the Korbat. Normally he didn’t care about the other Neopets that lived with him. He only really cared about his petpet Doglefox and his owner Immortalmina.

      This stopped Methos5 in his tracks. Why was Spike being nice to him? "Why do you care?"

      "I don’t know, mate. Maybe because I haven’t had my poisonous lolly today," Spike answered.

      "Do you think Immortalmina will make me a pirate?" Methos5 asked.

      Spike looked at the Aisha and began to laugh. "No blooming way. Those paintbrushes are too blooming expensive. Anyway, she is too busy buying things for Artemisluv."

      "Thanks, that really helps. Here is a lolly, stick it in your gob and be quiet." Methos5 handed Spike a poisonous lollipop and walked away. Spike stuck it in his mouth and shrugged his shoulders.

      Methos5 sat in his room. Joeblues put on some Blues music and sat in his lap. Methos and Joeblues loved to listen to Blues, but for the first time Methos5 really had the Blues. He just sat there and petted the Puppyblew while listening to the music.

      "Methos! Did you let Spike have one of those lollipops again? You know what he is like with one..." Immortalmina stopped once she saw him. His face was the saddest she had ever seen it. "What’s wrong?"

      "Can you make me a pirate?"

      Immortalmina could tell the Aisha was being very serious. "That’s a new one, right? Well, I’ll try and save up for it." Immortalmina hugged Methos5 and walked away.

      "Did you hear that? She’s going to try," Joeblues, his Puppyblew, said excitedly.

      "Then I won’t go back to Krawk Island until I am a pirate!"

      After a few months, Immortalmina came through with her word. She had in her hands a pirate paint brush. She took Methos5 to the Rainbow Pool and painted him. "Thank you so much." He took off toward Krawk Island. He called back to his owner over his shoulder, "I’m forever grateful."

      Methos5 and Joeblues went inside the Golden Doubloon. The place was filled with pirates just as it always was. Methos5 had missed the smell of the place. The two walked over to their table and sat down. After a while Loretta came over.

      "What will it be?" she asked them not knowing who they were.

      "Well love, I’ll have a glass of grog." Loretta wrote it down and was about to leave when she stopped. She turned around and looked at the pirate Aisha. That voice?

      "Methos? Is that you?" she asked.

      "Yes. How do you like the new me?" he asked.

      Just as Loretta was about to answer a few other pirates walked over to them. "Well, lookie what we have here. Looks like the gentleman has changed his color," a pirate Krawk said.

      "Oh aye. Just cause ya look like a pirate doesn’t make you one of us," a pirate Poogle continued.

      Methos5 stood on his feet. He had a sword around his waist. He began to unsheathe it. "Just because I don’t fight doesn’t mean I can’t!" The pirates began to laugh. Methos5 with a sword was a empty threat, or so they thought.

      "How about you prove that you’re a pirate? You have to take a ride on our boat, savvy?" the Krawk said. Every pirate knew Methos5 would get sea sick. Methos5 hated boats because of it. For some reason the Golden Doubloon never bothered him. He thought is was because the boat doesn’t move.

      "Fine, if that’s what it takes." Methos5 put his sword away and began to walk out of the Golden Doubloon with the pirates.

      Loretta grabbed his arm and stopped him. "You don’t have to," she whispered.

      "Yes, I do. I want to prove myself to them and you." Methos5 smiled and walked out the door with Joeblues following closely behind. Loretta sadly sat down.

      Rosetta walked over to her sister. "Don’t worry, I’m sure he will be fine," Rosetta told her.

      "Why is it you always say that?" Loretta asked her sister.

      "Because it sounds good, doesn’t it?" Rosetta replied and then went back to work.

      Methos5 and Joeblues followed the pirates to their boat. The boat was big and brown with white sails. The boat also had a red Peophin statue mounted on the front. Methos5 and Joeblues climbed over the side and stood on the deck.

      "Okay just a quick ride around the island. If you make it without losing your lunch, then you are one of us," the Poogle said. All the crew began to laugh. Methos5 and Joeblues watched as the began to move.

      The boat swayed back and forth, back and forth. Methos5 tired to steady himself. The rocking just kept going. Methos5 then tried to hold onto the side of the boat. "Are you okay?" asked Joeblues.

      Methos5's color had changed from gray to green in a matter of seconds. The boat still kept rocking back and forth. "Why does thing have to sway so much?" Methos5 asked out loud. It was not a smart thing to do. Methos5 grabbed his mouth and held it shut. This did not help. He leaned his head over the side of the boat.

      "Thar she blows!" the pirate Poogle shouted. The whole boat bellowed with laughter. "Who ever heard of a pirate that gets sea sick?" they continued to laugh.

      "Just as we thought. You are not one of us. Just because your owner has Neopoints and you painted yourself doesn’t make you a pirate," the Krawk shouted. Methos5 sat on the deck floor and sighed. Why did he get sea sick?

      Once the boat was in port, Methos5 and Joeblues got off. The two walked towards their NeoHome. "Methos!" a voice called. He turned around to see Loretta and Rosetta Fontaine running towards him. "You aren’t a pirate because you are better then them. Don’t change," Loretta told him.

      "Alright, I’m still coming to see you everyday, anyway. I love Krawk Island and everything about it. They can’t bully Methos around!" Methos5 said and then winked his eye. Methos5 and Joeblues then went home.

      Methos5 goes to Krawk Island and the Golden Doubloon everyday. He doesn’t mind that the pirates don’t like him, he is just glad to go there and enjoy the atmosphere. He still hasn’t told Loretta of his feelings. He doesn’t want to ruin the friendship they now share.

The End

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