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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 11 > Short Stories > Crazy for M*YNCI

Crazy for M*YNCI

by nix2hot

Hey! My name is Twylite. I'm a pink Poogle, and I have a brother named Jeremie. Jeremie is a blue Kiko. I have an owner who's almost never around. She always has business meetings to go to. In other words, she's a workaholic. And last but not least, I am crazy about M*YNCI! It all started on a Friday night...

"Anybody home?" I asked.

No one answered. I had just come home from school. I put down my bag and I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. "I'm starving!" I said to myself. There was nothing to eat so I grabbed some peanut butter and a spoon and I ate straight from the jar. It was suspiciously sticky so I put it down. I went into the living room and turned on my black boom box. A beautiful song was and after a short time I knew all the words to the chorus and I couldn't stop singing it. And that was just the beginning of my boy band craze!

My brother, Jeremie, came home. "Oh, hi Jeremie!" I said.

"Hi," he answered.

"Do you remember?" I asked.

"Remember what?" he asked with a confused look.

"You know, tomorrow," I said.

Tomorrow was my birthday and usually on my birthday, Jeremie and my owner would plan a surprise party.

"Oh yeah!" he said, "It's your birthday. I completely forgot. Sorry, Twilite. I didn't even get you a present."

"Don't worry about it Jeremie. It's still not to late to get me something," Jeremie laughed. "OK, umm...what would you like this year?"

"Anything. A new Usuki, or maybe a new bike. No! This year I want a M*YNCI CD! Can you get me one? Please?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll see what I can do."

That night I purposely went to bed early. Mum was home and I thought maybe she wanted to do some things before my big party. I couldn't sleep so I sang the chorus of my new favourite song, "Aw, Girl". After a while I fell fast asleep.

The next morning I jumped out of bed and quickly brushed my teeth and my fur. I took a short bath and I also put my purple bow in my hair. Mum loved that bow, but I absolutely hated wearing it. But, since it was my birthday, I wanted to look nice. I ran downstairs. Mum and Jeremie were already there.

"Hi Mum! Hi Jer!"

"Hi Twy!" said Mum, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks." I hugged my Mummy.

"Can we eat the cake now?" asked my brother.

"Okay," I said.

I blew out the candles and my owner and Jeremie sang Happy Birthday to me. We finished eating and I quickly ran to the presents.

"A new Usuki, a new book, a few plushies," I said to myself, "a M*YNCI CD! And..." The last one was an envelope. "M*YNCI concert tickets! WOW! Thanks soooo much everyone!"

A few weeks later it was the night before the concert. I was really excited. Little did I know that tomorrow would be the best (and most interesting) day in my life...

The End

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