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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 79 > Articles > Jelly: A Yummy Wobbly Treat Or a Growing Menace?

Jelly: A Yummy Wobbly Treat Or a Growing Menace?

by moonlit_sparkle

Untitled Document

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Lately, many Neopians have been pondering, "Is jelly overrated?" I, for one, used to be one of them. After all, before the appearance of Jelly World (which... *cough* we all know exists), jelly was simply a silly, wobbly, gooey, edible substance. Okay, so it still is. But has anyone ever thought that jelly could be a hazard to your poor unsuspecting pet and even to YOU? I have, and the purpose of my article is to make more fellow Neopians aware of it. Of course, jelly isn't TOTALLY bad, so I've also come up with some virtues for it. But first, let's discuss the menacing facts.

Jelly weapons: So you've just strolled into the defense magic shop with your Gelert, when all of a sudden, she squeals in delight: "Look!! A grape jelly shield! They actually have one in stock, can we buy it?? Pleeeeease????" And, being the loving owner that you are, you give in and spend the NP you've just won from a scratchcard. Of course, you DO know that it won't last more than 6 minutes, right? By the time you've found your way out of the shop, that nice grape shield is safely stored in your Neopet's belly.

Free jelly: Great, right? Now, instead of only getting your daily portion of omelette from a giant egg, you can also get a free piece of jelly from... A GIANT JELLY!!! But have you ever considered how unhealthy jelly is? Sure, it's nice to have some once in a while, and it's certainly more attractive than sausage omelette, but if you start giving it to your pet every single day... Let's just say that Gelert of yours might start looking more like a Skeith.

Jelly World: Erm... *cough* It doesn't technically exist on the Neopian map yet, and for good reasons. First of all, who can resist that sugary-glucose smell and taste of jelly? I'm telling you, I'd probably eat one of those buildings all to myself!! And with the number of Neopians constantly growing, Jelly World would have to be rebuilt every 3 hours. I pity those construction workers.

Jelly pets???: For the privileged people who have gotten a look at that 'non-existent jelly world', you've probably already been to the jelly food shop. Have you ever noticed the shopkeeper? It's a Kacheek. But not just ANY Kacheek. A JELLY Kacheek, who happily greets you when you come in. Same thing when you visit the giant jelly. A red wobbly Wocky hands you your piece. This can only mean one thing... A Jelly paint brush. Oh, the joy. You no longer have to feed your pet, it can eat itself instead! Don't get me wrong, jelly pets would be extremely cute, and maybe you could teach them to not chew on their own arm, but still... And what about jelly petpets? You'd have to carefully explain to your pet that their wobbly green Babaa is still alive, and that it is not recommended to eat it.

There, you are now one of the smart Neopians who have been warned about this substance. Now, on to the qualities of jelly.

More Colors = More Happiness: Who hasn't admired at least once a brightly colored jelly? *Sees clueless faces staring at her* Erm, okay, so maybe not EVERYONE has seen one, but trust me, as the jelly phenomenon grows, it will become almost as common as a super toy sail boat. Anyway, my point is, jelly is so colorful, you can't help gawking at it for a couple of seconds. And right now, lime jelly isn't as cheap as a sausage omelette. Hey, this world could use a little more color... Maybe fruit flavored jelly is the answer.

Free jelly: This was mentioned previously as a threat, but read on and you'll understand why it can also be considered as something good. Remember when Tyrannia was discovered, from a secret path in the ice caves? All of a sudden, a giant birdlike creature laid a huge egg, causing a giant omelette, meaning free omelette to anyone who could get their hands (or paws) on it. Now, in our 'non-existent Jelly World', a massive piece of Jelly is calmly sitting, waiting for the next pet who will happily come and snatch a piece of strawberry jelly. So what does this mean? A giant jelly bird laid a giant jelly? Oh well, the way I see it, it just signifies less Neopoints spent on food!

Jelly pets???: Yes, I know I mentioned them before as hazards, but it all depends on the way you look at it. Naturally, if jelly pets ever appear one day, I expect them to be annoyingly cute. Now, let's think about a very popular 'cute-rendering' item: The baby paint brush. Many, many Neopians dream about their neopet becoming a baby. (At least, I know I did before getting mine ;)) And even if you don't like baby pets, selling that brush can make you quite richer than before. So, baby = cute, cute = expensive. Jelly = cute, cute = expensive. If you need any more proof, just think of other 'adorable' brushes: Faerie, Plushie, etc. You can consider yourself lucky if you get them for a reasonable 160k or so... (Average prices at the time of writing this.) Yup, jelly pets would make some Neopians proud owners, and others, just plain rich.

So, this brings us back to our initial question, is jelly good or bad? Only time will tell, although I am pretty sure that we will be supplied with more information when those construction workers over at Jelly World get cracking. (*Cough*) Eventually, Jelly World might just become an ordinary, well-known world with its own games and competitions. Or, it may cause conflicts that could lead to a war. Who knows? The giant jelly bird??!? Uh, I don't think so. Until then, it's up to you to decide. As for my opinion... well, quite ironically, I'm not even sure. *Takes a bite out of a lemon jelly*

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