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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Articles > One Versus Many: A Question for Every User

One Versus Many: A Question for Every User

by sailorptah

How many pets do you have? If it's zero, you must be either very new or a hopeless loser whose only purpose for this account is to earn Neopoints. Newbies, you can go read the adoption-versus-creation debates that have been rehashed since the first issue of The Neopian Times. Crazy people, you should turn yourselves in before you get caught. As for the rest of you...

How many pets do *you* have? One, two, three, or four? I can probably guess something about your personality just by the number. If you have one pet, you are a loner who likes to have one close friend. If you have two, you like spoiling pets. Three means you like having a nice easy-to-handle number. Four means you are very gregarious ...or can't stand those sad faces in the Neopian Pound. The average owner has about one and a half pets, as is stated on the World page.

So what's the best number of pets to have? Let's go over the pros and cons of each family size.

One Pet
You are free to spoil this pet with all the money you can earn. It has no competition, gets to be your special favourite, and will never go hungry if you visit the Giant Omelette once a day. You can earn a lot of money with only one pet because it's the only one you have to feed, and you can spend all that money on it without worrying that its sibling(s) will get jealous.

Of course, if you only have one pet, it might get lonely or bored when you're not around. It also might end up getting spoiled *too* much. A little healthy competition is good for a growing pet. And of course, you don't ever want your pet alone in the house if the Pant Devil sneaks in!

Two Pets
Neither pet will get bored if you're not around when you have two. It's still easy to feed and play with both on a regular basis, and not hard to save up extra NP. You can't spoil either as much as you could spoil one, but you are also less likely to end up with a greedy pet.

However, you may end up having to deal with sibling rivalry. This is a big problem if your pets have clashing personalities, so if your first is a particularly vicious Jetsam, I would not advise you to adopt a very young Flotsam. That's just asking for trouble. Get an older, smarter, less-afraid-of-Jetsams Flotsam instead.

Three Pets
Two's company; three's a crowd! You will now have to deal with a trio of terrors crashing about your NeoHome. Three pets are three times the hassle, three times the expense, and three times the trouble, especially if two of them gang up on one. But of course, they are also three times the fun!

Having three pets ensures you that they will always be entertained; that you can always take one to the Games Cupboard and not worry about leaving one home alone; that you will never have to worry about who to give the extra piece of omelette to; and that you will never, ever be bored. Once you have a secure financial base, I'd recommend getting a third pet.

Four Pets
I have four pets, probably a result of hanging around the Neopian Pound too much. I just can't resist those sad little faces; I have to take one of them home with me! Four pets can often be a hassle; I never have enough omelette, and a significant portion of my day is used breaking up arguments. But I wouldn't give up one of them for the world. (Okay, so I would, if I really could take control of the world and I knew the pet would go to a nice home. If you want to know why, Neomail me, because I need to get back to the point.)

Four pets means the same thing as three pets in a lot of ways, except for the bit about the omelette. They're not as much of a hassle as some people think--I can keep mine fed with very little effort. And that's not because I have hardly any NP and can use the Soup Kitchen. Four pets don't impede that much on your moneymaking either; I have almost 600,000 in the bank, which is nothing to sneeze at. All four of my pets are wonderful, and I never want to give up any of them.

So what's the verdict? Well, I don't think one pet is the way to go unless you've just begun. Two or three is a good number after you have financial security. And if you still feel like your life is unfulfilled, by all means get a fourth pet!

The average user has one and a half pets. I wish the average user knew what they were missing!

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