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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 4th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 136 > Editorial


I noticed that if you get a score of over 100 on Hasee Bounce, it shows a picture where Woogy, the orange Hasee, is eating a purple Doughnutfruit. Isn't Woogy only supposed to eat orange ones? - Pompeiiad79
Jimmi and Woogy eat all kinds of different Doughnutfruits. The colours only matter for collecting the letters, not the individual fruits. Incidentally there aren't orange and purple fruits to collect in the game.

I dont understand the point of bottled sand, because you dont't use for anything. What's it for? - Kariko0019
It is just a tacky souvenier from Mystery Island. It isn't actually for anything in particular. Some people just like to collect the various colours and shapes of bottled sand.

Hi! I love your Neopets Magazine, but when is issue 4 going to come out? I am eager to read it. - Neo9038
We are just about to go to print with issue 4 now, so it will be on sale around the beginning of May.

I've noticed that you have made over a lot of the Neopet's looks. Are you planning on making over all of them for a cool, new, hip look? I think that would be awesome! - I_am_cptjacks_rum333
We aren't trying to radically change the different species, just draw them in a way that makes them look more lifelike. Eventually, yes all species will be drawn in the same style although we will do our best to stay as true to the original drawing as possible.

How do you get rid of your shop or card deck? - Xevilxmuffinx
I am afraid you cannot. Once you have one you cannot get rid of it.

On the Neocam there is a Gruslen on it and I think it is a Gruslen plushie. Does that mean you are going to have Gruslen plushies on sale? - Medeivel_neojosh_25
Yes, you are quite right. Gruslens are going to be made in plushie form, but they will not be on sale for a little while yet.

I saw the Grey Cybunny. It is so pitifully cute. I feel sorry for it. Will it um, ever be pretty? Like will it be part of a plot where it will somehow get wings or magic and be beautiful? - Smudgeoffudge
For now no, it is just like the Grey Faerie all sad and depressed. It does look very cute like that though!

How come when you make someone your Neofriend it doesn't say their birthday? I think you should be able to see you friend's birthdays so you don't have to go around asking them and so you can send them things! - Zoey100
It would be nice if they were automatically added into your diary or something, but I am not sure if we can do this. It may be giving away too much personal info. I will look into it though.

Can we put ads on the neopian times? Like guilds, shops, trades and more. - Neogirl_426
No, but you can place ads on the Notice Board instead.

Is there a reason why there are two "Royals" on the "All Pet Colours" page, or is that just a glitch? Because it leads to the same exact page. - Jirkaru
There is one for Royal Boy and one for Royal Girl, same as Quiguki and Usuki.

Why is Jeran Yellow In The War Room? Hes Blue In All Other Things? - _Gimly_
Ahh... you see that is not Jeran but some other Lupe general who is fighting for Meridell.

Can there please please please be a showcase for your Avatars just like the Stamp Album. That way we could see other peoples Avatars in their User Lookup (Nice changes in the Lookup by the way). - Snowcat1111
Hmm... that is a good idea, I will see if we can do that somehow.

Why when you tie with a Cellblock opponent you lose and the opponent wins? - Jordanmeyer2000
Its horrible isn't it. I am totally stuck on Haskol because of that too!

The :P emotion for the neoboards looks more like a happy face, not a face sticking its tongue out. Can you make it so it doesn't look like a happy face, and more like an...erm, :P face? Sorta like the one from the old neoboards! Thanks. - Stickycattabby
I have forwarded your suggestion to the Neoboards Queen :)

Can you PLEASE make a mode in Round Table Poker so that you can play it for free but don't earn any NP from it? I play Round Table Poker just for fun and now I'm too poor to play it! - Aliya8174
I am not sure this is a game we could do that for, but I will find out. If we can do it, we will.

Do you plan on making an avatar you get if you win the Caption Contest or is that something that will sadly remain avatar-less? - Cutie_of_outerspace
Well the 400th caption contest is coming up... who knows what may happen...

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Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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