An Orange Fuzzle: Part Four"I told you that you would be separated," Regorey
said bluntly. He was the Eyrie who now shared Flueriel's cell, in replacement
of her sister. by joey200010 | Anagram: Part TwoEliv sat down on a rock. "I don't think
my name is Evil Death." by arula100 | Evander of Riverence: Part TwoEvander was almost at the gate door when he remembered
Faunus. Where was he? He wanted so much to tell his friend where he was going
and when he planned to be back, but the Shoyru was nowhere to be seen. by dancepixie100 | From Light to Darkness: Part Five"Everybody! This is the real Fyora! The one
over there is a copy!" Ciakaba called out, pointing at the Fyora clone. by hitmontop444 | Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Six"Looks like it's just you and me now," Tessa
said, picking up the lantern that Lady Darkmoon had left behind and handing
her staff to me. by ridergirl333 | Identity: Part ThreeI wanted the answer more than words could explain,
but yet, I couldn't have it… unless I found where Kaylyn was. And she could
be anywhere. by chocolateisamust | Kass, Are You There? It’s Me, Sunny: Part Four"Your mom wants you back home," he announced.
The others giggled as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room in awe. by shoyrumastertrainer | Lab Ray: Part SevenSloth was coming ever closer. Pricsesa eyes
widened. What would she do! She had no where to hide! by chipster33 | Nikola's Jewel: Part Two"Oh. Ooh. It's some sort of jewel," he observed. He read
the description. "We'd better be careful. We could sell it for a lot, but if
it breaks we'd just as well have a pile of sludge." by leb388 | Operation Neopia: The Whirlpool -- Part Two"No! It's impossible! No creature can go into
space! You are here to stop the rebuilding of Maraqua! Seize them!" the King
ordered. by monarchistknight | Princess of Erodaire: Part ThreeBy the time I reached the bottom step, the cold
air had already engulfed me, and darkness loomed as far as I was able to see.
The only thing which was visible was the blade which I held in my hand... by christinetran | Rage Alone: Part TwoThe sleeping
creature slowly opened one eye, then upon seeing Jyrados, he quickly opened
the other and stood. The large beast turned out to be of the Monocerous’ species. by nomad2 | Storm Eyes: Part SevenIt soon became apparent what had caused her to
scream and become this frightened. A massive Reptillor swayed back and forth
in front of her, its thick body undulating hypnotically. by allhailtheprincess | The Curse of the Citadel: Part Three"Oh, for how I've longed for another bite of
this great food…" Just as it came to his mouth, some creature pounced on him
to the ground. by jinjolover | The Defenders of Light: Part Three"Let him go!" I said as I bolted toward the
scientist. I had stopped in my tracks still pulling forward, but moving backwards.
Experiment was pulling at my tail. by npmasterx01 | The Quest of the Golden Negg: Part Eight"Pitiful fools, your loyalty to Maximus will
only harm you," Darigan snarled. He used strong forces against the guards, knocking
each onto the ground. by angelzbabe13 | To be a Master: Hidden Powers -- Part FourThinking quickly, Aragon tore pawfuls
of grass from the jungle floor and tossed them to Keota and Didicus. "Stuff
these in your ears," he yelled. "Don't let him catch us again!" by shelleylow |
Headlines Are YOU a Bucca-newbie?
Aye, notice this new pirate madness spreading over Neopia? Well I sure do see. Now let me tell you somethin', pirates are not cute, handsome, brave, courageous, kind, or even be cleaning up after themselves. In fact, they be yellow-toothed, greedy, messy, brave-less, selfish, scurvies! Ar, but why I be badmouthing pirates?... more>>
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A New Hero
"Well, Nathaniel,
you're 15 -- you're growing up. And I thought that since you were growing up,
you deserved this -- Happy birthday, son!'by magicwelder76
Sound Sleeper
Rasco's teacher made an important
announcement. "Today, class, we're going to be taking a little field trip."
There were shouts of excitement from the class and Rasco continued to charmedhorses
Keeping Your Meepit Juiced Up!
Though, at times, it can be difficult to
comprehend what types of juice your Meepit likes to drink, the correct quantity
of juice you should provide your Meepit and what time of the day is the correct
time to serve blubblub317