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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 93 > New Series

Gone Buck Wild: Part One

The comics, of course, were his favorite - and this time a particular series happened to catch the Krawk's eye.

by apparent

Mutants Ain’t Bad!: Part One

I was admiring some rather fine pieces of delicately crafted bracelets when one particularly astonishingly exquisite silver necklace that had a large, glowing emerald pendant caught my eye.

by unique377

Zarrelian and the Fifth Grade Neoschool Camp of Doom: Part One

Why, why, why was Mr. Bronston chosen to organize the camping trip the exact same year that Zarrelian was in his class?

by battlesunn


"The Day I Ate Jhudora's Snowball" by tracypaper12 - One minute, Buffy was reading about Krawks and their history, and the next, she found herself being dragged out of her room, out of Neopia, and all the way to the Brain Tree... more>>

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Other Stories

The Day I Ate Jhudora's Snowball
"Congratulationsss," he hissed. Buffy looked at the three snowballs. There was a brown one, an ugly one, and a Jhudora one.

by tracypaper12

Just Like Kauvara
No one was there, but she noticed a stack of papers with writing all over them, she picked them up and noticed that they were notes for a book Kauvara was writing about making potions.

by elizabeth_a_r_21

Hamleys – The Real Story.
It seemed a good idea - go to London, meet the infamous Donna and Adam, plus the long suffering artists, and even meet two friends from Neopets.

by stormydreamer

'Defenders of Neopia' Do's and Don'ts
The Defenders of Neopia are recruiting any Neopet brave and strong enough to combat this menace. Do you think you're up to the challenge?

by theeaterofworlds

Sheep of Doom
No, really... it's Moo!

by oddhatter

Thank Goodness!
It's a good thing not all pets can fly...

by sir_draikalot

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