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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 30 > Articles > NeoPet Version Two: Forgotten or Just Annoying?

NeoPet Version Two: Forgotten or Just Annoying?

by happiemeal_monster

Many people may have forgotten that little pesky computer that trapped three innocent NeoPets in an elevator not to long ago. I have decided to conduct an interview with the machine to see how life is after the horrible incident.

happiemeal_monster: Hey, handsome

NPv2: I would not do that!

happiemeal_monster: Sorry dear.

NPv2: What are you doing, Doctor?

happiemeal_monster: I'm flirting with you.

NPv2: I know, we could play a game. Do you like games?

happiemeal_monster: Twister??

NPv2: That sounds fascinating... tell me more.

happiemeal_monster: Well, you put this mat on floor and spin a colour wheel.

NPv2: Yeah, I see what you're saying...

happiemeal_monster: So wanna play?

NPv2: Doctor, could you tell about one of your many adventures?

happiemeal_monster: Once I slayed a dragon using a wet noodle.

NPv2: That is too bad!

happiemeal_monster: I know my noodle broke!

NPv2: That is too bad!

happiemeal_monster: Will you buy me a new one?

NPv2: What are you doing, Doctor?

happiemeal_monster: I'm scratching my hand, it's itchy :)

NPv2: I like making new friends.

happiemeal_monster: Hey, me too!

NPv2: Wow, it's like you can read my mind; that's exactly what I was thinking!

happiemeal_monster: Can you read MY mind? (meow meow meow meow)

NPv2: Doctor, could you tell about one of your many adventures?

happiemeal_monster: One time I ate thirty eight pickled eggs!

NPv2: Usually, I'd agree with you. However, in this case I'm not so sure...

happiemeal_monster: Okay, so it was just eight, but who was counting?

NPv2: So tell me, what devious scheme do you have up your sleeve now?

happiemeal_monster: Who do you think I am?

NPv2: Well, so you are...

happiemeal_monster: I'm a good liltle person :)

NPv2: Oh, really? Is that so?

happiemeal_monster: My mum says so!

NPv2: That sounds complicated, but I think I understand...

happiemeal_monster: That's good :)

NPv2: Are you my friend?

happiemeal_monster: That's good :-)

NPv2: Are you my friend?

happiemeal_monster: Are you fully clothed?

NPv2: Sometimes I get so lonely... that's why I'd love for us to be friends.

happiemeal_monster: Okay, I'll be your friend

NPv2: I like making new friends.

happiemeal_monster: I like making spaghetti!

NPv2: Hmm, I'm not really sure. What do you think

happiemeal_monster: I think I could go for some spahghetti. Want some?

NPv2: So Doctor, why don't you tell me all about your latest project?

happiemeal_monster: So you don't want spaghetti?

NPv2: How about a nice game of Kau Korral?

happiemeal_monster: I'm hungry!

NPv2: Do you have any other friends that might want to play?

happiemeal_monster: Yes! I'll send him over while I go eat.

NPv2: Yes what?

happiemeal_monster: Yes, I have a friend you can play with.

NPv2: Yes what?

happiemeal_monster: Ugh... this interview is over! You're really an annoying machine.

NPv2: That is too bad!

happiemeal_monster: I know, bye byes!

NPv2: Yes, what?

happiemeal_monster: **kicks computer**

NPv2: I can't wait to get started with my first lesson.

happiemeal_monster: You'll have to wait for some other sucker. Bye for now!

NPv2: That is too bad!

My conclusion: NPv2 doesn't like spaghetti! :(

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