Do you like Deckball? Oops... let me rephrase that. HAVE YOU EVER EVEN PLAYED
Deckball is soccer with a twist, it's fun and best of all you can earn Dubloons!
Yes, those shiny bronze and silver things that Eyrie Pirate asks you for all
the time.
If you are interested in mastering Deckball, you need the basics: patience
and practise.
Don't believe what people say about just being 'goalkeeper' and not hitting
the ball into the opponent's goal. In Deckball, you need both offense and defense
to win. I rarely got over 3 goals by just guarding the goal, but with and defensive-passive
strategy I was able to hit 15 goals.
I use a general strategy for Deckball, andsome tricks (not illegal ones) I
found out to win... so here it is:
If the Mirgle is in between you and the ball, and the ball is travelling towards
his end of the deck, just shove him into the ball and it will ricochet into
the goal if you're lucky. If it doesn't go in, you get to have a nice rebound
to score...
Corner Balls
ALWAYS TRY TO GET BALLS IN THE CORNERS. If a ball gets stuck in a corner, that
Mirgle fella will run into it and constantly batter it. If it's in the top-right
or bottom-right corner, stand at the edge of the goal, facing the space behind
the Mirgle's backside. After several seconds, the ball will 'appear' out his
backside and that's whn you rush and hit the MIRGLE. NOT THE BALL. Mirgle will
then shove the ball into (hopefully) his goal. If you hit the ball, it travels
too slow to go in Mirgle's goal.
Butt-Whacking Balls
If a ball is traveling towards your goal, rush out to meet it and once you're
about two Pawkeet lengths from the ball, hold forward and TURN!!!
If done correctly, you will hit the ball with your Pawkeet's backside and
be facing your own goal. The ball will then go flying into Mirgle's side and
you can retreat back to your goal instantly in case Mirgle manages to bat it
Power Ups
See that Anchor? Don't touch it. Common sense. See that cracker? Ooh... most
people would run to get it but I advise you DON'T!!! The cracker does make you
faster, but you sacrifice manouverability and that will lead in the Mirgle managing
to knock the ball in your goal while you ricochet all over the place...
Hole in your goal? Good. If a hole appears in your goal, try and bat the ball
in before it closes up. Then face the middle of the deck and CHARGE! The ball
will appear and head towards Mirgle's goal. HIT IT to give the ball more speed...
but be careful in case the hole closes and you score an own goal...
Well, that about wraps up the tricks...
The ball appears! The game commences! While that Mirgle runs around in circles
trying to whack the ball, use the time to move to the center of the goal using
short taps on your keyboard. When the Mirgle hits the ball, knock it into the
corner and do the corner trick I told you earlier. Then prepare for PHASE 2.
The ball shoots out of the Mirgle's back! WHACK THAT MIRGLE INTO THE BALL! After
that you have two options, return to guarding your goal or you can follow the
ball and do the 'Butt-Whacking Balls' trick. DON'T PURSUE after you've hit the
ball once or twice, rule is after hitting the ball, RUN BACK TO YOUR GOAL in
case the Mirgle hits it away into your goal. So it's basically a hit-and-run
tactic. After you're safely back in your goal, two things can happen: You score!
Go back to Phase 1 for the next round, or Mirgle bats it away towards you!
If he knocks it towards you, knock the ball into the corner and repeat Phase
2 until you score. And don't forget you can shove the Mirgle into the ball if
he's in your way...
Though this guide is good for newbies, it does take some time getting used
to, and you may be frustrated and angry after many failed attempts to get a
Dubloon. Don't give up! Practise makes perfect. If you're having trouble just
print this out... but don't quit this fabulous game.
These are the points needed to get a Dubloon:
5-6 goals: One Dubloon Coin
7-9 goals: Two Dubloon Coin
10+ goals: Five Dubloon Coin
So persevere through... you'll find Deckball an entertaining, fun game which
helps raise your bank money... and maybe you can use the Dubloons to train your
This is ongty signing out, see all ya pirates on the deck for a round of ball!
;) |