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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Articles > The Vegetarian Lupe Project

The Vegetarian Lupe Project

by ladyofsylla

I have been accosted with rather negative Neomails ever since I published a story about a Chia saving a Lupe’s life in The Neopian Times. One of these Neomails was from a NeoPets user who we’ll call Carnivore. Carnivore told me that there were certain “laws” that stated rather foolish things. I won’t go into it, but Carnivore seemed to think that Lupes needed meat and certain proteins to survive. I had to disagree, so now I am writing an article about an experiment that I conducted, entitled “The Vegetarian Lupe Project.”

What I am trying to prove in this experiment is basically this:

Any Lupe, big or small, male or female, young or old, can survive and remain perfectly happy with a strictly veggie diet.

My Lupe Evan_Eggplant was asked to be used as the dependent variable, but he rudely declined and told me that I was insane. So I went to my friend’s Lupes, Kartoffelhund and Clydeness, and asked them if they would participate. They agreed.

For the span of about three weeks, I fed these cooperative Lupes nothing but meatless meatballs, veggie chicken, organic leeks, vegetarian cheese, broccoli, cabbage, and earl gray tea. They were a bit jumpy and moody for the first few days, but they quickly adjusted to the new diet.

As Kartoffelhund said: “I really wanted to bite ladyofsylla’s head off the first time she fed us organic leeks, but I got used to them after a short while. It’s quite tasty eating salad every day for three weeks.”

Clydeness also commented: “I actually like the meatless meatballs. They’re healthy and delicious! I think all Lupes should go vegetarian. It’s so much healthier for them, and Chias wouldn’t have to live in constant fear all the time.”

At the end of the three weeks, I rewarded the two Lupes with a Meaty Lupe Treat each. Surprisingly, they turned them down. They preferred a veggie diet to a regular Lupe diet, and I don’t blame them. I told Evan_Eggplant about how successful my experiment had gone, and he only laughed and ate the two Meaty Lupe Treats. I suppose Lupes will be Lupes.

To conclude, Clydeness and Kartoffelhund are still going vegetarian, and they are healthier than they’ve ever been. Evan_Eggplant is gorging on Blumaroo steak and whatever else he can get his paws on, and I’m sorry to say that he has gotten Bloaty Belly four times. Neither Clydeness nor Kartoffelhund have suffered from the disease yet. Is it a cause of the healthy diet, or are they just smarter to stay away from the Wheel of Excitement?

Whatever it is, there is now substantial proof that Lupes can and will live happily with a strictly vegetarian diet. So keep giving your Lupe Meaty Lupe Treats if you will, but it’s his loss. A healthy Lupe is a happy Lupe, and a healthy Lupe is a vegetarian. Therefore, a vegetarian Lupe is a happy one!

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