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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Continuing Series
A Hidden Truth: Part Four

by lupes4ever3333

A Lupe Story: Part Two

"I want a rematch," said the voice.

by MagnaAngemon13

Elemental Distortions II: Part Three

"Secret society of....erm...Negg lovers!" yelled Viator, as she pointed her finger into the air.

by selphie_tilmitt

Fair Warning: Part Four

Ellyanny felt much better. One of the Grundos had given her a special potion. She felt in a daze.

by westielovergurl

Fate and Destiny: The Story of the Last Unicorn Lupe - Part Three

In fact, her whole body was glowing a pale yellow! Especially the spot on her forehead where her unicorn horn once was.

by silvermoonLupe

Harry Halloween: Part Two

Harry was so excited. Halloween was finally here!

by Shidi

In Search of Malkus Vile: Part Two

Meanwhile, in a dark corner of Neopia, a shadowed figure gave a somewhat bulky smaller figure a package.

by miss_dream

Monoceraptor's Revenge: Part Four

They had been far away from the Monoceraptor, so they had decided to take a break...

by frost_acceber

One Neopian Family: A True Story of How We Came Together - Part Two

"Please, Stevie...I know you just got a Kougra, me, but..."

by horsechicklet

Says Who? Part Four

FirePaw nibbled at his streaky bacon and drank only half of his orange juice. AngelFire knew something was wrong with him.

by angelstar4862

Snow Job: Part Three

I stowed things back into my knapsack, for what should be the last time this morning, and headed back leisurely to Terror Mountain...

by scriptfox

The Unhappy Usul: Part Three

Suddenly, a hope sprung up in Usulkaren's heart. "So, could you, like, make me a Skunk Usul again?"

by vulpixio


It's NeoFlu Season
This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neopian Pharmacy

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Al Attacks
The Lupe's eyebrows were twitching. "Well? Spit it out son! I haven't got all Gigayear!"

by Al_the_Chia

The Broken Uni
Her mane was silky, her blue fur radiant in the sun, and her eyes held a friendly twinkle.

by babibluez

Do You Want To Battle Even Though You Are Poor?
You always see these rare items that cost heaps and you wonder how you will ever win.

by radke88

Beauty or What?
The Beauty Contest is a good and fun way to get a unique trophy for your pet.

by ah_et

Punchbag Bob - Wimp?
Sometimes Punchbag Bob needs a break.

by 820911

S3: Silly Silly Silly
Win a date with the Swamp Ghoul. Sounds good?

by Ankharis

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