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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 96 > Editorial


I know Lupes always break Chia toys when they play with them. But how come when my Lupe played with a Christmas Chia Plushie he didn't rip it up? - Hollydevil
They will shortly :)

How come in one player battledome they are able to heal multiple times. I was fighting the Space Faerie and she healed four times with a Jade Scorchstone. Isn't that unfair since we can only equip one healing item to our pets? - Vishs
She is the SPACE FAERIE after all. She gets to do special things.

So let me get this straight...'Mootix' is both the singular and plural form of that new little...erm...thing? - Fanshendo
That is correct. It is one Mootix or many Mootix.

If the PPL select Harris for the pet of the week, and I have a robot Harris, do I still get the points? - Kappa8511
No, if your petpet is painted a special colour you will need to wait until that exact petpet (e.g Robot Harris) is chosen as the winning petpet.

On the Lenny Conundrum, if the answer is something like four, does it matter if we put "four" or "4"? - Babb89
No, both are accepted so you can use either.

I was looking at Donna's neohome and I noticed that there was a moehog in one of the rooms. Does this mean you are working on letting us see our pets in their neohomes?
Heh, afraid not, that is just my Robo Moehog. Its really cute, it just trots round and round my Neohome :)

How do I get to Kiko lake?
You can't yet although we will be adding little mini-worlds like Roo Island and Kiko Lake over the next few weeks.

I was looking at my first account that I don't use anymore, and in my neodeck there was a card called. "Chiala". I saw that the pic was broken and neopets doesn't have it anymore. So if I took it out of my neodeck whould it disappear? Or what will it turn into? Thanks. - Faeriegirl85
To fix the broken image take it out of your Neodeck. Once it returns to 'Your Items' it will be updated to the new version. That card was one of many we totally changed and I honestly cannot remeber what it was. Once it has been updated you can put it back in your Neodeck or sell it as it is probably worth quite a few NP being so old.

Can you use a Lenny Cape on a Aisha? - Cat0076
No, any battledome item that has a particular species in it's name can only be used by that particular species.

I just noticed that my pet's intellience is now at "super genius (46)". What does the 46 mean? - Whiteowl7
It is your Neopets intelligence. Some people like to know EXACTLY how smart their Neopet is, rather than just have the general text version.

I'm very excited at the discovery of the Maraquan Acara. I was wondering what the Maraquan paint brush looks like and what other Neopets can we look forward to seeing Maraquan style? Any chance we can see a Maraquan Zafara? - Shynnagh
The Maraquan Paint Brush looks like this, and there will be other pets that can be painted with it. It is very possible that a Zafara could be one of those lucky pets.

Many people says that "Neopets have froze them for no reason" can this really happen? Can Neopets freeze me for no reason? - Matt_cucho
No. There is always a reason. The people who are telling you that are more than likely too embarrassed to admit why they were frozen. (Most possibly for asking for boy/girlfriends or something just as dumb). If your account is frozen you are given a little message telling you exactly why you were frozen whenever you try to log in. As long as you follow the Neopets rules you will be fine, we don't freeze people for fun you know :)

How did Cap'n Three Legs lose his leg? He says he won't tell you at the acadamy, but I'm sure someone as smart as Adam or Donna would know! - Stephanderin
There is a Neopedia story all about how Cap'n Threelegs lost his leg. Go to the Neopedia and search for Eyrie or Cap'n Threelegs.

Do you think that you can make a advent calendar for each holiday? - Tiger8191
No, there is only one advent calendar each year and that is in the month of Celebrating.

Why do rotten omelettes and cheese omelettes look alike? Are you suggesting cheese is rotten? I hope not because I love cheese. - Hickchic99
Goodness no! I love cheese. Its just well.. you can't tell that the rotten omelette is rotten until you bite into it.

Can you get a job as a journalist for The Neopian Times?
Yes and no. All the stories, articles, comics and adventures in The Neopian Times are submitted by Neopets players. You cannot actually be hired as a full time journalist but you are welcome to try sending in your stories, articles etc.

Why do only Quiggles drive cars? - Rob_the_coolest
Erm.. not quite sure what you mean. Cars don't exist in Neopia. No Neopet drives!

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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