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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 126 > Continuing Series
All The Colours: Part Eighteen

"I thought you were going to stay like that for ever!" She hit my arm. Rather hard. "Don't DO that ever again! It's not funny. You scared the life out of us!"

by hot_pink_lizard

Bart Mint Bart: Part Four

"Don't leave, Joe," a voice said next to him. Joe's eyes widened and he turned towards the sound of the voice, but could see nothing in the blackness.

by futureshrinksme

Dark Flame: Part Eighteen

"You know, it's not just me that wants you to turn back," he said. "All the elements want it. It's just only I can contact you in this manner."

by child_dragon

Dealing with a Grundo: Part Two

"They can't help the way they were born," she said, putting her book down. "Besides, don't you ever feel discriminated against?"

by joey200010

Deckswabbers and Destinies: Part Seven

"We're under attack!" Kara Lee yelled. "They could be coming from any direction. I'll bet my last dubloon, this is Goldtooth's lot. They'd outnumber us four to one."

by ridergirl333

Forgotten: Part Two

"Well, I think all you Faeries know what this is about. This is about castle-sitting for a month. This will be paid in Neopoints and items and you will all be able to pick an item from my Hidden Tower. Is this clear?"

by moonstar_cutie67

Katanya: Part Eight

"My cloud racer? No way, I just washed and waxed it yesterday, and you think I'm going to lend it to some sweaty Lupe kid? Dream on!"

by amysaisha101

The Carrotblade Incident: Part Two

“Hedwig and I just went out for some sausages and guess what! WE FOUND A NEOPIAN TIMES WITH LINNY ON IT!”

by laurensama

The Curse of the Dark Nova: Part Three

Her eyes wondered over to her bedside table where her weapons and armor had been placed. A long silver sword, a short sharp blade and a chest plate, all gifts from the guardian Faeries.

by dancepixie100

The Mug: Part Two

"Illusen doesn't know you're here, does she?"

by laurenzoren

The Path to the Stars: Part Three

"I know you guys don't like this," Tranis continued in an effort to persuade the rest of the band, "but think of it this way. A meal will be gone in ten minutes..."

by buddy33774

The Return of the Terrible Two: Part Four

"Okay, we'll pay. I-I mean play! But first… we're going shopping."

by bqueen6430

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Ten

"It's time kid. Go get that statue and prove to them all that you are good enough to be a thief and assassin..."

by meratocat


Advice Column or
Column Advice?

Are you sick of your totally awesome short stories being rejected by the editor of the Neopian Times? Are you tired of the fact that no one gives any feedback when you finally get accepted? Maybe it's time to spiff up your story with some old fashioned literary devices. Literary devices... what a wonderful invention. What? You haven't heard of them before?... more>>

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Other Stories

The Seris Story
Seris turned back his head and plunged underwater. He opened his eyes and looked around...

by sirussblack

Daymien's Sister
No one ever asked me to arrange anything. But if they had asked me right then what I wanted to do, I know what I would have answered: I wanted to go and look for my sister!

by haywire_kitty

A Guide to Faerie Bubbles
Although the score you get is partially based on your skill, this guide includes some things you can change about your play of the game to get a higher score.

by gkskis

Merato Tells: How to Become a Knight
I was just sitting in Lady Mera's bedroom trying to comprehend how many possible ways to frame my sister for my breaking Mera's favorite lamp when I saw a pile of shuffled letters on her desk...

by meratocat

Eye on the Prize
She'll never know the difference...

by ookamihi

Really Confused
"About Plushie Petpets"

by stoneman3x

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