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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 126 > Articles > Merato Tells: How to Become a Knight

Merato Tells: How to Become a Knight

by meratocat

Crisodail Castle, Meridell

Merato here. I'm the desert aisha of Lady Mera, who in case you didn't know, is a knight herself. Anyways, I was just sitting in Lady Mera's bedroom trying to comprehend how many possible ways to frame my sister for my breaking Mera's favorite lamp when I saw a pile of shuffled letters on her desk. It's popular knowledge to me and my siblings that Mera is a writer for The Neopian Times, and that occasionally people decide to send her neomails filled with their thoughts, their questions, or whatever else they want. Usually she gets to her mail right away, but with a busy week, I guess that she had fallen behind. Being curious, I decided to glance at some of the letters upon her desk.

I picked up the first one and read it.

From Sender: I_R_a_gud_riter
Attached Message: haw do U evr b a gud riter I want to B 1 2 wats yer secret cuz I want 2 B 1 2!!!111!!!

I sighed, and tossed it into the trashcan next to her desk. I didn't know why she bothered to take the time to reply to all of those messages. I figured that this way I would just save her the time and effort. Picking up the next message, I smiled to see that it actually looked to have correct spelling and punctuation.

From Sender: Iloveknights
Attached Message: Wow! I was looking through your profile, and I saw that you're a knight. That is just so cool, can you tell me how to become a knight? I want to learn!

Signed, Iloveknights

I laughed when I finished the message, and with nothing else better to do, I picked up a quill, dipped it into a bit of ink, and started to write on a separate piece of paper in reply to the sender of the mail.

Dear, Iloveknights (with paws, my handwriting wasn't the best, but it didn't matter too much)

I have just received your mail, and being Lady Mera, a knight myself, I believe that I can help you. (I thought a second before continuing)

First of all, to be a knight, you will have to have a castle, or a fortress, or something like that. I would suggest having one built out of stone like Criosdail Castle in case of attack, but if you really can't afford stuff like that you can always build a tree house… or a pillow fortress. Those are fun. Anyways, after you have your castle/fortress, make sure that you have defenses. Moats filled with neopet eating piranhas is always fun, or you can just get a hard object to throw at people's heads if they come too close.

Well, now that you have your knightly fortress, you can become a knight yourself. Come to think about it, you actually should have done this before you spent all that time on your fortress, but now you have to go and get yourself some weapons. Sharp pointy objects are a must in the life of a knight. Get a large intricate sword that you can swing around and cause all sorts of havoc, and don't you forget other weapons like maces, axes, daggers, and spears too. Always carry these weapons around with you in case you are suddenly attacked by a band of… things that want to attack you. Also, sometimes even if you have no idea how to use the weapons, just because you carry them, people will think that you do know how.

Once you have your weapons, you want to look like a knight. You can always go with the classic suit of armor, but I find that to be a burden when fighting, or just walking around in general. There are always plenty of options besides the armor, like medieval clothing for instance. Tunics and leather boots add a nice touch. Same thing goes for large belts, and capes.

About now you should have the look down, but there is still more. You have to act like a knight. As a knight, you should be chivalrous, which basically means going out of your way to do things that don't benefit you at all. Like for instance, putting yourself in harm' s way to stop some baddie or another from hurting some stranger. It may not be too much fun, but it looks good, and you never know when someone might give you a reward. As a knight, you actually shouldn't be looking forward to rewards and the such, but who's going to know.

You should also get yourself a noble steed for all of the traveling you may have to do as a knight. In case you haven't noticed, there is a lack of steeds in his land of Neopia, so a trained uni fighter works fine, or so I've heard. Not only do they listen to spoken commands, but they also have that sharp horn if you ever need use of it. Also make sure to train in jousting, because one can never know when they'll be called into a jousting tournament.

Once you have all of that down, you are ready to become a knight. The next thing you should attend to is finding a knightly order to join up with. Of course this does mean that you might have to work for their order as a page or a squire for some time until they allow you the full status of knight. This might also makes that fortress you built earlier useless too, so if you actually took the time to make a good one, I'd suggest renting it out for a while until your order gives you the freedom to return to it.

Well after you have accomplished all of that, you can take the title of knight. So now after toiling so hard and long to gain the title, you get to toil some more to preserve chivalry in the world of Neopia and to uphold the knights code. Have some fun with that.

I mean
Lady Mera of Criosdail Castle

I grinned upon finishing the reply. Glancing over the final product, I blew to dry the ink, and then folded up the letter and placed it in an envelope. Licking it shut, I slid it into the pile of letters to be sent knowing that Mera would send the letter when she found the time without ever reading what I wrote. Hopefully it sounded enough like I actually knew what I was doing.

Surprisingly, I had found my attempt at replying to Mera's mail fun, and thought about trying a few other letters. However, the thought of creating a pillow fortress sounded a lot better at the current time.

So this is Merato signing out until the next time I decide to shift thorough Mera's mail pile.

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