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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Continuing Series > Po and Camp Neko: Part Five

Po and Camp Neko: Part Five

by polayo

I TOLD CALIXZO and Tazz the next day everything that had happened in the office. I thought Tazz would be furious at me, but he thanked me over and over again for not listening to him. Everyone was at a loss for what to do, especially me. We told each other if anything happened, or we got an idea for what to do, the first thing we'd do would be to tell each other.

     Two weeks passed slowly by, and we hadn't said a word about it. Until a few days before visitor's day, when we thought we might be able to get out of here. None of us had thought about it before, and a million pounds were lifted from my shoulders as I realised what Cali was saying was true.

     I was happy all day, nice even, to everyone. I even was cheery around Branston-although that took a lot of nerve on my part.

     When mail came that afternoon, I was all ready for a letter from Omni or Ev saying, "Can't wait to see you soon!" but instead I got something very, very unwanted.

     I actually got a letter from both Ev and Omni, and they both seemed extremely upset. I was, too, when I read the letters.


     I'm really sorry to hear visitor's day has been cancelled. I was so looking forward to it...sorry this isn't long, I'm just really sad right now...



     "WHAT?!" I screamed, reading and re-reading the note over and over again. "VISITOR'S DAY IS CANCELLED?"

     I ripped open the envelope of the second letter, from Omni, and I was met with the same disappointment, but this time I was very puzzled, too.

     When I got the letter from you that visitor's day was cancelled, I was devastated. I was so looking forward to seeing you! I went over to Nova's and told Ev, and we sat in a sad silence for quite a while...

I guess I'll see you in four weeks--it will seem like aeons, but whatever you survive makes you stronger. Hugs! Anyway, I got the camera developed you wanted me to, here are the pictures.



     I sat down on my bed and cried-cried for hours. I normally never cried, but this was too much to bear. This summer, the summer my friends and I may meet our ends, was the summer that had to go horrible. Not to mention it was my first summer, too.

     "Cali," I said, calling through the window to where she sat outside, reading a book. "Go get Tazz and bring him in here. It's important."

     When they were both there, we sat in a circle on the floor, and I passed around the letters in silence. For a while, we let the deflated quietness sit around us, suffocating us. When I could take it no longer, I spoke.

     "What are we going to do?"

     Tazz and Cali were at a loss of words. Finally, Tazz overcame his speechlessness and opened his mouth.

     "Omni's letter is the one that confuses me," he said. "It said you sent her the letter-and you didn't. That's the part that puzzles me."

     Cali nodded, but her mouth still hung open. As the lunch bell rang, and Tazz and I got up, she stayed there on the floor reading the letter.

     She caught up with us a few minutes later, gasping. "Po! Po! Did you look at the pictures you took?"

     "No..." I said. "Why would I? This is way more important."

     She was grinning from ear to ear. "No, it isn't!"

     She whipped out a large, zoomed in picture of the photo I took of Branston. A note was attached to it.

     Ev had me enlarge this one for you, she thought she saw something in the background. It's up to you! Write us back to tell us.

     I gaped at the picture Cali had given me. In the background, behind Branston's leg, were two figures I was glad to see.

     Two shadowed Aishas, dashing through the trees, ears flying back behind them-the Aisha Thieves.

     "The Aisha Thieves are here! They're HERE!" I screamed pointing at the picture. "THEY'RE HERE!"

     I laughed an excited, relieved laugh. "We're gonna be OK! Oh, my god..." I felt relieved as if I'd been rescued by my hero-and right now my hero was Cali.

     "What would I do without you!" I shouted as I hugged her.

     We spent the next few days devising plans, which, unfortunately, we knew would never work. At the beginning of our fifth week at Camp Neko, we began to lose hope.

     "Why haven't the Thieves shown up yet? We need them!" I whined one night when Cali and I were alone in the cabin. "Without them, we're back to where we were a few days ago-nowhere."

     "We're still nowhere," she pointed out in a mournful voice, and the last thing I heard her say before I drifted off to sleep. "We were stupid to come here, but we have to be smart to get out..."

     The next day, as we went to each of the classes in turn, we found Wyndie, Nisiko, and Quatri all packing up. "Branston's sending us home," they replied, puzzled. "He fired us. Good luck for the rest of the summer, because we certainly didn't have it."

     That afternoon, Tazz, Cali and I were all in a state of depression.

     "It's over now," I said. "All over. We're alone in this camp with Branston, and he can do with us what he pleases."

     "Might as well just give up," suggested Cali.

     "NO!" Said Tazz, and Cali and I both looked up. "NO! We won't give up, no matter what we do. We're Neopia's last hope, aren't we? You read the files. You're the one that knows best, Po, that can't give up. And with all your dreams,'d be the last one I'd have thought to give up!"

     "You're right," I said, agreeing with him. "But we've been let down so many times-I don't want to give up, but I don't feel like I have the heart to go on."

     I fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of a million things. I woke with a start-the ending of my dream was a strong hand clamping around my neck.

     When I woke, my dream turned out not to be a dream-it was reality.


I woke up again three days later, to find myself in a gray tunnel, large enough for me to stand up in, lay across either way, and spread my arms. In the corner I found a pile of blankets and a bowl of Kau-Kau farm milk. On a towel next to it there was a mug of steaming, green liquid-I knew right away it was the sludge Branston had talked about in his letter.

     Branston. He must have been the one to grab me-oh, how he would be when I get out of here!

     If you get out of here, a voice in my head said. My lower lip trembled, but I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I took the blankets, spread them out and made them into a comfortable position, and laid down.

     Although I had just slept for three days, I was surprisingly tired. Pulling one of the blankets over me, I wrapped my wings around myself and fell asleep once again.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Po and Camp Neko: Part One

Po and Camp Neko: Part Two

Po and Camp Neko: Part Three

Po and Camp Neko: Part Four

Po and Camp Neko: Part Six

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