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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Continuing Series > Po and Camp Neko: Part Four

Po and Camp Neko: Part Four

by polayo

DURING FREE TIME after lunch, Tazzmar, Cali and I had taken to swimming a bit. We wouldn't go out far at all, only waded in up to our knees or a bit higher. But we often liked to splash each other and make each other fall down-who doesn't?

     Unfortunately, our giggles weren't heard and approved by all. We thought this a harmless game, but apparently Branston thought otherwise.

     Friday afternoon, he heard our laughter and stormed across camp to find us all floating on our backs in the water seeing faces in the clouds. Furious at us, he began to scream and squawk. Seeing as I was farthest from the shore, he aimed his anger at me.

     "Get to the shore, now! All of you! I want you, Polayo, to accompany me to my office for a little talk."

     Nervously, I glanced around at my buddies. They all shrugged mournfully, as if saying 'good luck.' I managed to get myself out of the water, and dripped the whole way up to his office.

     I sat down in the chair-it was familiar now-and prepared myself for the verbal abuse.

     He opened his mouth grimly. "Now, Polayo, I'm very disappointed-" he cut off as the phone rang.

     "For you, Branston!" called the cloud Kau, his secretary. "The caller says it is an emergency!"

     "All right, I'll take it!" he snapped moodily, and walked outside where the phone was.

     Alone in his office? I couldn't pass this opportunity up, could I?

     I walked around to the other side of the desk, the side he would normally have sat at. Piles of papers were stacked everywhere, but there was a sheet of paper that looked particularly interesting.

Dear Doctor Sloth,

     The camp is running fabulously. There are three pets currently participating in the 'camp', but the other five are already for your taking. Or they will be in a few days, they seem to refuse to eat the sludge you gave me that will make them have more reactions to the ray, but I'm sure eventually they'll give in.

     The three at the camp are a bit of a problem, though. On the first day I found the faerie Aisha you're after-Polayo, I believe it is-right at the turn off to cabin thirteen. When I went there yesterday to retrieve the spare key for my office to give to you, it was missing-even the notebook and pen you gave me. I think that one of the pets has it. This will change everything!

     If one of the pets has it, they have access not only to my office but also to all the confidential files. Putting Cabin Thirteen on the map was digging our own grave. I know the map was originally made for you, but my secretary had the bright idea of giving a copy to each campers when the arrived.

     What should I do, Sloth? These three pets aren't nearly ready for the ray yet, and it will take an army to convince them to eat the sludge. Particularly that Polayo...


     My mouth hung open when I finished reading the letter to Doctor Sloth from Branston. Aghast, I put it down.

     This was all some...plot? What were they going to do to us? This ray?

     Realising that this must have been an old copy of a letter, I searched through the piles for a reply. Finding one, I read it quickly as I heard Branston finishing up his call.


     Continue with the plan. They may have the key to the files, but all that the files contain are info on certain people. We have written down nowhere-except in our private correspondences-the real plan. And I'm assuming you keep these in highly confidential places, am I correct?

     Contact me as soon as the first group is ready for the ray. The sludge is definitely a requirement for the ray, it will only have a minor effect otherwise.

     I'm not planning on putting the faerie Aisha under the ray, she's too special to be put under such a simple machine, especially in its testing stage. No, Polayo will be saved for something much, much worse...

--Doctor Sloth

     My mouth must have literally hung open as I read the letters. Gaping, I put the letters back down on the desk and sat down in my chair again just as Branston came back in.

     "Sorry to keep you waiting," he apologised. "What were you in here for again?"

     "I was swimming-" I said, and he interrupted me.

     "Never mind that, go enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Just don't go in the water again, for your own safety." He nodded at me as I stood up and made for the oak door.

     I made a promise to myself to come back with the key-I had and check the files. I knew I'd promised Tazz I wouldn't do anything stupid, but this was a matter of life and death-for us, for the 'first set' whoever they were, and possibly for Neopia.

     I ran toward our cabin where I knew I'd find them, and told them everything.

     But the fact I was going back must have slipped my mind.

     I'd gotten tons of letters-four or five from Omni and Ev each-and each of them went into a special envelope. That next weekend-my second weekend at Camp Neko-I received a special package with a card from both of them.

     For surviving two weeks, it read, and I pulled the item out of the box.

     It was a box of chocolates, each a different shape that symbolised something we'd all done together. For example, one was a raindrop for the time we'd had to run from the grooming parlour to our house in the biggest rainstorm Neopia had ever experienced. We'd gotten soaked, but we still talked about it.

     I laughed as I ate them, sharing one or two with Cali and Tazz, but mostly saving them for me.

     After dinner that night, and after popping a few of the candies into my mouth, I remembered what I'd promised myself more than a week ago. My eyes flickered nervously toward my trunk where the key lay, and I took a long, sighing breath.

     "I'm really tired, you guys. Cali and Tazz, you can both go and have fun tonight if you want, I think I'm just gonna retire early."

     It was hard to lie to them, but I knew I had to do it. After they were gone, I fished the key out of my trunk and, with shaking hands, placed it around my neck. Swallowing once, I stepped out of the cabin into the cool evening air.

     I dashed from the cabin to the main offices, my feet crunching on gravel as I went. Finally, I reached it to find the secretary packing up. Before she left, I asked her.

     "Is Branston still in his office?"

     "No, dear, he leaves quite early on Saturdays. Believes he deserves it," she walked off, her hooves clacking on the ground as I silently cheered to myself.

     With Branston gone, that didn't only mean I was able to go in right away, it also meant I had no worry about him coming back.

     I padded up the creaky steps to the door and, inserting the golden key in the lock, stepped inside. Inside Branston's office it was dark, but my flashlight lit everything that was needed to be lit. At first I just shuffled around the papers on the desk, but most of them were order forms and things of no importance. Then I went over to the tall filing cabinet in the corner.

     I tried to first drawer-locked. I yanked on it a few more times before I decided that maybe the key to the office would work here, too. Inserting it in the slot, I heard a little click and, smiling, I opened the drawer.

     There were hundreds of file folders all lined up, but this drawer seemed of no interest. They were much like the files on his desk, ordering and security info.

     I unlocked the next drawer and found something much more satisfying.

     The first folder was labeled Design. I lifted it out of the drawer and opened it, letting the papers fall onto my lap. The first was a messy, smudgy sketch of something-it was too smudgy to figure out just what it was. Then there was the same sketch, but in a much cleaner state. Aghast, I let my flashlight fall from my hand in amazement.

     It was a ray-some sort of ray-aimed at a lab chair of some sort. The inside of the ray was filled with large gears and shapes that seemed such a horrendously horrible idea I felt sick to my stomach.

     The sheet of paper had some writing at the bottom. It read this:

The Ray

Doctor Sloth's newest concoction-something he would like to call simply the ray. The ray is still in its youngest testing stage, but will soon be the machine to dominate Neopia. When the ray has been tested, a new version-a much larger version-will be made. But it will take a long time for the ray to be tested-Sloth is currently collecting pets to test it on at the moment.

     I gulped, and put this folder next to me. Taking out the next folder, labeled Plan, I read the first page with horror.

     Camp Neko was a camp designed to collect pets for testing out Sloth's new ray. Unfortunately, not as many pets as hoped signed up, but it is certainly enough for the first stage of testing. Each pet will be, at a time when they would willingly give up, abducted and brought to the holding area. In the holding area, each pet will be forced to eat the Grendish Sludge, a sludge that will make each pet have more of a reaction to the ray. This stage of testing is hoping to make sure that the ray works, then a new ray will be built, pets captured, and tested to see if the ray works just as well without the sludge. Branston the Eyrie is in charge of this year's pet gathering.

     I took a deep breath and put it down. I'd found out all I needed to know. And now-now I had to do something. I took all the files I'd need and dashed away from the office, back to the cabin. Tomorrow I'd tell Cali and Tazz, and then we'd figure out how to do something. Sometimes I can't believe what I get myself into.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Po and Camp Neko: Part One

Po and Camp Neko: Part Two

Po and Camp Neko: Part Three

Po and Camp Neko: Part Five

Po and Camp Neko: Part Six

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