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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Continuing Series > Kallisari Cleans Up: Part Four

Kallisari Cleans Up: Part Four

by scriptfox

As Kallisari's new owner opened the door to his NeoHome, he was saying, "Well, here we are... now you see why I needed to get you to clean this place up!"

Kallisari stared into the interior of her new home and most definitely understood. Although most of the big trash was gone, her sharp eyes picked out all sorts of crumbs, dust, and other filth scattered into the carpet and corners. Spider webs hung here and there around the ceiling, and her broom hoof itched to swing into action. She slid in behind her owner as she stared around, plotting her strategy for turning this into a sparklingly clean home.

"Kallisari, may I introduce you to blchocobo. He's my second pet, so I guess that makes you his sister."

Kallisari stared at the new pet who had come in from the kitchen. "Uh... hi."

"Hello," he replied softly.

Kallisari gulped as she looked at blchocobo's expressionless mask. She'd never seen a desert Blumaroo before, and didn't know how to take that blank stare. She decided she would stay as far away from it as possible.

Their owner chose to ignore the awkward moment. "Good, that's nice. Blchocobo, why don't you show Kallisari around the house. Show her where everything is, and don't forget her room!"

"Of course," was his calm reply. He held out a paw towards Kallisari. "Come with me," he invited.

Kallisari did, though she chose to ignore the outstretched paw. Blchocobo didn't press it, which was just as well for her peace of mind. The next half hour or so was spent looking through the house, and blchocobo found himself explaining how almost everything worked. Kallisari had never seen the inside of a NeoHome, and found it all mysterious- though delightful. She particularly enjoyed the shower, sliding around happily in it until blchocobo poked his head around the curtain behind her and told her where the soap was. That was another new thing, but after she got over her fright, she was out of the mood to try it.

They wound up in the kitchen where blchocobo explained the intricacies of cooking. Kallisari simply sat at the table with a totally lost expression on her face. She'd not even heard of the concept of cooking, let alone how to do it.

The lesson ended when the front door slammed and she heard a tenor voice sing out, "I'm home! What's for supper?"

Kallisari totally missed blchocobo's reply as she turned around and stared at the newcomer walking into the door. She was totally overawed! His bright golden fur seemed to shine, and his quick movements and expressions conveyed an open, sunny personality that she loved. He was also the closest thing to another Peophin that she'd seen since she'd been in the pound, although he had four hooves instead of two. She decided he must be a land Peophin

"...and smothered with asparagus," finished blchocobo.

"Yuck!" the stranger bared his teeth. "I think I'll pass on supper tonight. I hate that stuff."

"So do I," replied blchocobo. "I only did it because Kallisari here asked for it. By the way, Kallisari, this is my older brother MonoKeras."

"Oh! Hi, MonoKeras!" Kallisari said brightly.

MonoKeras didn't seem quite as thrilled. "Hi. Why did you have blchocobo ruin our supper?"

"But... I didn't! I don't know what..."

"Chill out, MonoKeras," blchocobo said. "I was just teasing. She didn't ask for it, and your food is safe. Now go get washed up, we're almost ready to eat."

MonoKeras rolled his eyes. "You and that deadpan voice of yours. I never can tell when it's a joke." With that, he left the room, leaving it a darker place to Kallisari's bedazzled eyes.

The three Neopets and their owner all enjoyed the supper that was laid out for them. Kallisari didn't say too much, she mostly just sat and drank in everything MonoKeras said. And that was a lot! She learned all about many of his past "cases". She'd never heard of a "detective" before, but it sounded like a dangerous and exciting business. She learned that he was called a "Uni" and not a "land Peophin", but that was OK. Uni sounded nice, too. She couldn't help but admire the way his wings angled themselves in different ways to convey his moods as he talked.

In short, she was besotted. She would have gone to bed that night happily dreaming of him if it hadn't been for one little incident that happened not long before bedtime. She was upstairs sweeping when she heard voices drifting up from below. She recognised her owner's mellow bass and MonoKeras' lighter tenor. They seemed to be arguing about something, and she carefully slipped closer to the head of the stairs to hear what was up.

"Yes, I know all of that- now!" her owner was saying. "But I've adopted her and we're not throwing her out on the streets. Learn to live with it. For pity's sake, can't you get over a grudge that's months old and in another part of the world?"

"OK, OK, you win!" MonoKeras replied. "But I'm telling you, I still don't have to like it. Halloween Peophins are one type of pet that I don't like, and with good reason, even if you don't believe it."

Kallisari cried herself to sleep that night in her soft new bed. It seemed to her just so unfair. It had all promised to be so happy, but here she was caught between one pet that apparently acted nice, but which she couldn't trust, and another pet that she loved, but that didn't like her. What to do?

What to do over the next few days was clear. Kallisari swept, dusted, polished, and cleaned almost all day, every day. Work was the only thing that she could take satisfaction in, and as things began to shine under her dedicated attentions she drew deeply upon the happy feelings of achievement that they brought her.

She also did her best to change MonoKeras' mind about Halloween Peophins At first, the results were disheartening, but she could no more give up than she could use her broom to fly. MonoKeras found all sorts of thoughtful little details waiting for him around the house... a special mint chocolate from the candy store on his pillow, his combs cleaned and polished, his trench coat not only thoroughly cleaned but laid out for him in the morning. Every time he spoke to her, Kallisari's heart would leap and she would tell herself things were getting better.

And, after a while, they actually were. MonoKeras began to relax. The first sign of it was his teasing of her. A quick tilting of her hat down over her eyes was his favourite trick, but Kallisari would just laugh before setting it back up right again and staring at him with devotion. She was such a ready and believing audience that he found one of his best pleasures was getting to be telling her all of the stories about things he'd done that his owner and blchocobo had heard too many times already. Unlike them, Kallisari never seemed to get tired of them, and would always press for more- or even for the same ones over again.

He even began teaching her. The first order of business turned out to be how to count higher than ten. It took some time for her to comprehend the decimal system, but when she did, it was almost like a Peophin back to water. Kallisari had a good intellect, but it simply had never had a chance to be used for "civilised" things. She also learned to write, after a fashion. MonoKeras actually became very patient with her about it, and was eventually rewarded with having little notes left for him around the house.

Their owner watched the whole proceedings with amusement. Blchocobo seemed not to be bothered by it- but then, nothing seemed to bother him in the first place. His was the "no comment" of all no comments. Kallisari's distrust of him began to lose its potency. Besides, she was much too concerned with MonoKeras to pay any attention to him. He became just another part of her background. Indeed, he might as well have been a piece of furniture for all the trouble she took in thinking about him.

Kallisari was sure that MonoKeras must have been the first one to mention marriage. But, when pressed, she had to admit she wasn't totally sure. It's just that he must have been, because she would never have thought about it. She was sure of that!

One morning, the subject of marriage actually came up at the table. It hit an immediate snag: their owner.

"No, certainly not. You're a bit too young yet, MonoKeras. Wait a while before you decide something this important. As for you, Kallisari, you should really consider it. I know what you think, but I also know that you don't have nearly as much experience in life as you should. You need to get outside a bit more and see some of what is happening out there in the wide world."

Kallisari pleaded and MonoKeras argued, but he was firm. They finally had to settle for the promise that they could get married when MonoKeras had his birthday. That was several weeks away yet, but to Kallisari it seemed an eternity.

Fortunately, the eternity was a happy one. Or at least it was until The Accident happened.

Afterwards, that was how Kallisari always thought of it- "The Accident." It happened one morning while Kallisari was busily mopping the front hallway. She heard the clatter of hooves from outside racing towards the house. Kallisari immediately ducked. She'd learned long since that MonoKeras could race ten times faster than she without half trying, and when he was in a hurry the only thing you could do was to get out of the way.

The problem was that her bucket of water didn't know that. A golden streak went by Kallisari, but the thud of hooves was interrupted by a splashing sound, then a loud clang. Kallisari's eyes popped open as a dull thud shook the room. She looked up to see a pile of golden fur against the wall and rushed over just as MonoKeras pulled himself upright. Blood was streaming from his nose, and Kallisari panicked when she saw it. Refusing to listen to his muffled reassurances that it would be all right, she immediately ran out and grabbed a handful of towels and some cold water.

MonoKeras accepted her help and they soon had things pretty well cleaned up, although he was still bleeding. He held a pad of cold wet towels to his nose while he told her to go make up an ice bag. When Kallisari got back with the ice, MonoKeras was stretched out in a chair.

The only sounds for the next couple of minutes was MonoKeras' shallow panting as he breathed through his mouth, the splashing sounds as Kallisari finished cleaning up the mess, and her own low-voiced commiseration over the whole sorry incident.

That changed abruptly when she started to take a wad of bloody towels to the bathroom. The smell triggered an obscure memory, and her tongue instinctively took a taste. The coppery sting was immediately recognisable.

Kallisari laughed rather weakly. "Your blood tastes like a Kiko's, MonoKeras."

"Wha? No it wuddn't, blood iss niffrent for eash innavisual," he replied in a slur. Oblivious to the riveted look on Kallisari's face, he continued. "Speshul for me, cause I'm magical. If you dasted my blood, you'd rememmer it for sure."

Kallisari stood frozen in horror. Edna's cackle sounded in the back of her mind, and then said "your worst enemy!"

"Noo!" She shrieked. Sobbing, she fled from the room, threw the mess of towels through the bathroom door as she ran by, then shut herself up in her bedroom and curled up sobbing on her bed. No! It couldn't be! For the first time in her life, Kallisari understood the true horror of that word "curse". Shame flooded through her as she realised what she'd almost done. She'd been a fool, and worse. Here she'd cozied up to her old tormentor without a thought or care in the world. She groaned as she remembered every little thing she'd done for him, and felt dirty as she recalled the endless enthusiasm she'd had for all of his silly boastful stories. He'd used her so badly! All she'd existed for was to fulfil his every whim, when he'd been the one that had made her life pure torture all those months ago. Now she understood that conversation with their owner. No wonder he hadn't liked Halloween Peophins!

The sun climbed through the sky, but Kallisari didn't budge from her bed. She was totally sick with life and- even worse- with herself. It was in the afternoon when a slight click sounded at the door. She opened her eyes to see blchocobo's red paw dump in a small slate-blue figure before the door shut again. It was Steelplate, his pet Anubis. She and Steelplate stared at each other, and he immediately scampered over to her bed, begging to be lifted up.

Kallisari wasn't in the mood for company, but her mental resolve wasn't any match for those pleading little eyes. She pulled Steelplate into the bed with her, and he rewarded her by licking her tears off her face. She giggled in spite of herself as the tickling continued.

Eventually she and Steelplate cuddled together, and she stared into space, dry-eyed and hurting, as she felt his little body breathe in and out in his sleep. She appreciated his comfort, but it hadn't really helped the situation any. She still felt betrayed, hurt, used... and doomed.

The curse's cords had cut into her heart tighter than any of the cords in that bag had cut into her skin. Because despite all of the hurt, she still had to admit that she loved MonoKeras.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Kallisari Cleans Up: Part One

Kallisari Cleans Up: Part Two

Kallisari Cleans Up: Part Three

Kallisari Cleans Up: Part Five

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