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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 24th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 39 > Short Stories > The Average Neopian Day

The Average Neopian Day

by the_cloud_faerie

"Ugg! Get off my Cryst!" I shouted.

"Sorry Mum!" said an apologetic Faerie Gelert. We were in my bedroom at the second floor of our wonderful NeoHome. You see last night there was a thunder and lightning storm that scared my two younger pets, Crystal_Field, the Faerie Gelert, and Crystal_Meadow, currently a green Quiggle.

"Better go wake up the two lazy heads," I said to my pets with a wink. The two I referred two were my two older pets, KnightKougra, the Faerie Kougra, and his partner in crime, babaface, the Electric Eyrie.

"Pillow attack!!"

Me and the young pets yelled. With that we jumped on them,

"Hey stop it Mum!" babaface yelled.

"All right, but will you wake up?" I replied.

"Yes Mum, we're up," yelled KnightKougra.

"Great now let's go have breakfast," I said as I lead the way into the dining room.

"So what's everyone's order," I said pretending to take out a pad and piece of paper.

"Oh Mum that is getting so old," said KnightKougra, "Oh well I'll have a neocrunch cereal and a bacon omelette."

The rest of my pets said, "Ditto!"

I served the meals and sat down to eat. Soon when my pets had finished, we headed down to the lab ray. Crystal_Meadow, the lab rat of the family, was hopping with joy. Yes, I know a lot of horrible things have been said about the lab ray but fact was, My pet loved it. Her favourite thing was to change species. He's been a Lupe, a Uni and now a Quiggle. Today to his disappointment, he only gained two levels.

Afterwards, we went home and I stared my new Neo-work. You see unlike many Neopians who go the employment agency, I find it easier to work out of my home office as both a psychologist and in my spare time a web designer. Today I only had one appointment with a troubled Grarrl and I was out of there to have some fun with my pets. As I was daydreaming about our afternoon backpacking trip the Grarrl walked in.

All I could do was stare. No wonder this Grarrl was sent to me. He was painted with little pink and baby blue flowers, clutching a little teddy bear and sucking his claw. His note said his owner wanted him to be a great battle dome fighter but all he wanted to do was sniff flowers all day. Anyway I talked it out with him and got it so He thought that his Battledome opponents were coming to squish his flowers. It was an improvement for now I guess.

Me and my pets grabbed our backpacks and walked over to Girard2002 (but my pets call her Stephanie anyway)

"Hey! What's up?" said Stephanie when we knocked on the door.

"Oh nothing much but we were going backpacking to Faerieland today since I finished work. Want to come?" I told her.

"Sure! Just let my pack and get my two pets." She reappeared a few seconds later with two pets and herself, each with a backpack.

And so we set off. The trip was uneventful except when KnightKougra and Babaface got into a contest to see who could fly higher. Soon we arrived.

"Oh wow!!" said Crystal_Meadow, Who had never been to Faerieland before. Needless to say we had a great time. We went and each of our pets bet on a Poogle with the 100 NP we had given them. KnightKougra's Poogle won fist place and he won 300 NP!! "I'll think I will hang on to this," he said when asked what he would do with it. We then went to the Faerie food store for lunch and had a delicious fire Faerie pizza with fiery nuggets. We visited Faerie City, played the Faerie Caves and won a couple T-shirts and even dared a spin at the Wheel of Excitement. Then with the sun setting, we turned for home.

We said goodbye to Stephanie when we go to our NeoHome. I had to carry my pets up stairs to bed for their bedtime story. Today it was exciting places around Neopia. By the time we got to the last page all my pets had fallen asleep. I sighed and joined them. And so ends a day in the life of an average Neopian.

The End

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