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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 115 > Short Stories > The Curse of the Chia Ghost

The Curse of the Chia Ghost

by chia_lover01

A shy, scared plushie Bruce walks into an office with a sign on the door that reads, “The Neopian Times”. She takes a deep breath and slowly opens the door. She quickly walks up to a desk, and sitting at the desk is someone resembling a reporter.

     “Um... I assume you are the reporter for the Neopian Times that called me…”

     The reporter looks up from his work and smiles. “Hi, you must be Little_snowflake... mind if I call you Snow? Well it’s an honor to meet with you, please take a seat.”

     “I don’t mind if you call me Snow, in fact my owner calls me the same. Any way why did you call me here, I’m no hero or anything. I mean just because I saved my friend from an evil ghost…*cough* I mean….”

     The reporter gives Snow a suspicious look, and then glances back down at her paper work. Before she says anything she looks over the Bruce sitting in front of her. She comes to a conclusion that the Bruce didn’t seem dangerous, in fact she seemed like a frightened child scared for her life.

     “Exactly what are you talking about? This interview had nothing to do with ghosts, in fact I was about to interview you for the article on inventions… I heard you invented a new snowball for the Battledome and I wanted to ask you a few questions about it.”

     Snow quickly responded without thinking, “Oh I was just kidding, I mean I haven’t seen a ghost in my whole life, in fact I don’t even believe in them!” Snow looked around the room just waiting for the Chia ghost to pop out and capture her again. Without knowing she was shaking like crazy.

     “Okay, just calm down… are you cold?”

     “N-n-n-o-o-o, why?”

     “Your shaking like crazy, here take my jacket. Let me just get what I have to say out and then you can respond. First of all I know you’re lying, it’s very obvious. I can tell just by your face that you are scared out of your mind. The question is why? So if you don’t mind I would like you to tell me what exactly happened to you, and I after the interview if you don’t want me to publish it I wont.”

     Snow couldn’t believe her ears, how did this reporter know she was lying! She fiddled with the jacket and thought to herself, Oh man I’m in big trouble, I wasn’t supposed to tell any one what happened that night. Well he said he wouldn’t publish it if I didn’t want him to, but should I take that chance? What am I going to do??

     Snow sighed and said, “Fine, I’ll tell you what happened, but I’m telling you right now, if anyone finds out that I told you about this I’m dead meat.”

     The reporter took Snow’s hand and replied, “I promise not to publish it.”

     Snow sighed again and with a quivering voice started to recite the horrible night that she thought she would never have to talk about again. “It all started a week before Halloween. It was a dark and windy night. My friend Cuddles and I were playing in the park and didn’t realize it was already past our curfews.”

     “Hey Snow it’s getting dark, we better start heading home,” Cuddles said as she slid down the swirly slide.

     “You're right, my owner will be so mad if I’m not home for dinner on time.”

     As we started walking down Mulberry Street, we started hearing strange noises behind us.

     “Did you hear that? I’m scared Snow, I wish we hadn’t stayed so late at the park.”

     “I heard it too… but it’s probably just the wind in the trees. Besides were almost to my house, maybe my owner will give you a ride home.”

     Cuddles nodded and we started to walk again. But a few minutes later we heard the noise again, this time it was much louder. When I turned to say something to Cuddles she was gone! I looked behind me and I saw….

     Snow couldn’t go on, tears started to form and ran down her checks.

     “There, there, don’t worry, if its too much for you we can stop,” the reporter said while trying his best to comfort the little Bruce.

     Through sniffles Snow responded, “It’s okay, I can do it, it’s just hard for me…”

     Snow started again, “I looked behind me and I saw a huge, hideous Chia ghost floating towards the other direction, carrying Cuddles. Cuddles wasn’t screaming because she seemed to be in a deep sleep. With out thinking I started to run after the ghost, even though I was scared, I didn’t want to leave my friend. After what seemed to be hours of running, the ghost finally stopped at a strange looking cave.

     I followed the ghost into the cave and braced myself for the worst. The cave was cold and it smelt like grime and dirty socks. When we reached the end of the cave, it seemed to be the ghost’s home. There were candles lit everywhere and I could see some sort of stone bed at the far right. The Chia ghost then set Cuddles down onto what I thought was a bed and started to place the candles around her.

     I didn’t know what the ghost was doing and I knew I had to do something before it was too late. I thought to myself, hey! I can just fight this stupid ghost, he doesn’t seem that hard to beat. Besides I’ve beaten plenty of evil creatures in the Battledome, what makes him different?

     I closed my eyes and charged at the ghost from behind. I balled up my fists and started punching the ghost with all my might. When I looked up, instead of seeing the ghost in misery, I found him laughing in my face. I tried to get to Cuddles but the ghost started to chase me around the room. I started to scream on the top of my lungs over and over, “ CUDDLES WAKE UP!!!”

     Then the ghost caught me in his hands and said, “HAHAHAHA, now I’ve got you, you little pest…” He didn’t get to finish what he was about to say because Cuddles had woken up and hit him over the head with a huge pan. The ghost fell over in pain.

     We took each others hand and ran out of the cave and all the way home to my house. When we got there my owner opened the door before we could.

     “Where have you been! Both me and Cuddles owner have been worried sick about you.”

     “Let me explain, we were walking home, and then a huge Chia ghost came and took Cuddles, and then I ran after it into a cave, and then Cuddles hit it on the head...”

     “SNOW IM SO SICK OF YOUR LYING!! Your grounded for two months, now go up to your room and think about what you have done.”

     “But, I’m telling the truth, even ask Cuddles!”

     “SNOW, go to your room! And if you ever talk about this ever again, I will put you in the adoption agency! NOW GO! And as for you Cuddles, lets go call your mom and take you home.”

     Snow turned to the reporter, “And that’s the end of it. Now do you understand why I don’t want this published? Besides no one would believe it any way.”

     “Well I believe you Snow, and thanks for letting me in on your experience. NOW about that snowball….”

The End

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