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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Continuing Series > Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Two

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Two

by tigerlizard5

Once they had fully climbed up the vertical peak, they searched for the shampoo.

     Snowy was peering around when suddenly the rustling in the bush near her made her ears twitch. She quickly darted her eyes at the hedge. She cautiously approached it.

     A Zafara abruptly leapt out from behind. "Hey! I know how to fight! Stay back!"

     Snowy stared at the green Zafara. Then she noticed, held in his left forepaw was a bottle of shampoo. But it wasn't just a random item. It was the Superstar Shampoo they had found at the Snowager's cave. Snowy knew this because it had a slight bite mark on it from when the Snowager tried to take it back.

     "I don't want to fight you," Snowy said peacefully.

     "Really?" The Zafara relaxed, muscles loosening. "Oh, I thought you were going to hurt me. The way you headed toward the bush… anyway, I saw you dropped this." He held up the shampoo.

     "Yes, that's Fyora's Superstar Shampoo. We're on a quest for it." Blizzard walked up to the Zafara.

     "Well, here it is," the Zafara smiled and handed Snowy the item.

     "Thanks!" Snowy said. "We're off to Faerieland, then. It was nice meeting you!"

     "You too!" the Zafara said cheerfully, waggling his hand as a farewell gesture, walking off.

     "Okay, I know just the way to get to Faerieland!" Snowy said and began walking.

     Blizzard hurried after her. "How?"

     "You'll see," Snowy beamed.

     After a while of walking, they arrived at Happy Valley.

     "See those Eyries over there?" Snowy pointed her nose in the direction of five Eyries.

     "Yeah?" Blizzard observed in what appeared to be an anxious expression.

     "Well, it's just an idea, but I think this is how we're going to get to Faerieland." Snowy started toward the Eyries.

     "Wait," Blizzard said, causing Snowy to stop. "Those guys look pretty tough and mean, if you ask me. I don't want to cause any trouble."

     "No, it's fine!" Snowy walked over to the Eyries, Blizzard quickly trailing behind.

     "Hello!" Snowy happily greeted the creatures. "I'm Snowy. And this is Blizzard," she pointed her nose toward the blue Kougra. "I was wondering if two of you could fly us over to Faerieland and back? We're on a quest for the Faerie Queen."

     "No, I think it's too much trouble for you!!" Blizzard said instantly. "We'll just find some other Neopets to help us! Thank you, anyway!" Blizzard motioned for Snowy to follow him and he walked away from the Eyries.

     Snowy ran up to Blizzard. "What do you mean??????? They were smiling and seemed to be very willing on taking us!"

     "I just don't trust those Eyries, okay?" Blizzard said.

     Snowy sighed deeply. "I can't see why you don't trust them." She was getting very irritated with Blizzard; he seemed to be very inflexible with many things. "Besides, how else are we going to get to Faerieland?"

     "We can just find someone else to fly us."

     "I guess."

     They surveyed the cheery plains.

     "Hey, there's a Scorchio over there!! Maybe he can fly us?" Blizzard suggested.

     "Yeah!" Snowy said. "Maybe only one of us can go then. Let's find out."

     They both hurried over to the Scorchio.

     "I'm Snowy, and this is Blizzard. We're on a quest for the Fire Faerie and we need to return this," Snowy showed the Scorchio the shampoo. "To Queen Fyora. We were wondering if you could fly us over to Faerieland and back?"

     "Sure," the Scorchio said. "But I can only fly one of you at a time."

     "That's fine," Snowy smiled.

     Blizzard stammered a bit. "Hey-no, I think-maybe we should just find someone else-" He pulled Snowy to the side. "Or-uh-we could find someone else who can take both of us."

     "Why are you so determined to have both of us going at once?" Snowy asked with suspicion.

     "You need me to protect you," Blizzard said and then turned around, looking for some other way of transportation.

     "Protect? Me?? Listen, I know what I said about me being weak and all, but you don't have to take it so seriously. I mean; I don't need a bodyguard following me everywhere I go. If you really wanted to go with me to Faerieland to 'protect' me, then you would have went with those Eyries. I'm just going alone." Snowy walked over to the Scorchio.

     Snowy let out a huge sigh. 'I was so mean to Blizzard.' She thought. 'That's not like me… but still, he was being unfair and shouldn't start acting like my mother or anything. He doesn't have that right.'

     "Hello. Sorry about all of that," Snowy said sheepishly. "But I have decided," she said as she glanced at Blizzard unnoticeably and looked back at the Scorchio, "That I would like you to please fly me to Faerieland, if possible."

     "Yeah, that would be great," the Scorchio smiled sweetly. "Just hop onto my back and I'll fly you there."

     Snowy pulled herself onto the creature's back and then the Scorchio lifted off the ground and headed toward Faerieland.

     "Well, I'm sorry for not introducing myself," the white Kougra said. "I'm Snowy." "Oh-my name is Firestone." The smile remained on the Scorchio's face.


Why would she leave so quickly? Blizzard thought as he lied down uncomfortably on a high tree branch in Terror Mountain, one paw dangling. 'I was nice to her-ugh and I just let her go! Why would I do that? I know she's not safe alone!'

     "Hey!" Blizzard turned his head to see the green Zafara they had met earlier. "What are you doing?" the Zafara called. "Mind if I join you?"

     "Sure," Blizzard grinned weakly.

     "Great!" the Zafara happily climbed up the tree and flopped next to Blizzard. "Where's the white Kougra?"

     "Oh, Snowy?" Blizzard began, "She-well, left-for the moment. To return the Superstar Shampoo to the Faerie Queen."

     "Oh, that's cool," the Zafara smiled. "By the way, my name's Zaret."

     "I'm Blizzard. So, what are you doing in Terror Mountain?"

     "Adventuring." Zaret swung his tail around below the tree branch. "No exact reason, I just want to explore all kinds of places in Neopia. I was last in The Lost Desert and it was really cool. I met this really wonderful Faerie Zafara. She's so sweet. Her name is Clinteranie-most of us just call her Clin."

     To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part One

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Three

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Four

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Five

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Six

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Seven

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Eight

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