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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 88 > Continuing Series > Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Three

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Three

by tigerlizard5

Untitled Document As both Firestone and Snowy reached Faerieland, the Scorchio folded her wings and placed her hind paws on the soft ground. Snowy climbed off of FireStone's back and stared at the wonderful cloudy fields.

     "Wow! I've never been to Faerieland! I didn't know it was like this!" Snowy gaped at the beautiful scenery before her.

     "Yeah," the Scorchio laughed. "It's quite a wonderful place, really."

     Blizzard's really missing out on so much, Snowy thought, sighing deeply. It would be so cool if he would have come and not messed things up by acting like he was my boss or whatever.

     "Are you okay?" Firestone asked as she noticed Snowy's unsure expression.

     "Yeah, I'm fine." Snowy looked up at the Scorchio and smiled sweetly. "So, which way is Faerie City?"

     "It's over this way." Firestone walked along with the Kougra padding behind.

     Soon, Snowy and Firestone reached the castle where the Faerie queen would be, so that the item could be returned.

     A tough-looking Grarrl guard looked at them as they approached the castle. "Names? Point of visit?"

     "I'm Snowy, that's Firestone," Snowy glanced over at her friend and the Grarrl acknowledged it and nodded. "We're here because Queen Fyora sent us on a quest for her superstar shampoo." She placed it down in front of the guard.

     "Oh, okay, head in then. Gento will have to follow you through, though. For security reasons, of course," the Grarrl said, pointing at the green Grarrl to his left.

     "Thank you, sir." Snowy clutched the shampoo in her maw again and they headed into the castle.

     Once they had finally climbed up the many, steep stairs, they reached the Faerie's throne room.

     The Grarrl creaked open the door and they all stepped in. There sat Queen Fyora on a sturdy, lavender throne. One Wocky stood on either side of the queen.

     "Hello," Fyora stood up and smiled. "I see you brought back my Superstar Shampoo." She looked at the item held in Snowy's mouth.

     "Yes! Here it is!" Snowy positioned the shampoo in Fyora's hand.

     "Thank you so much!" Fyora said. "Now, I'll reward you for bringing it back to me. Would you also like me to transport you back to Terror Mountain?"

     "Yes, that would be so wonderful!" Snowy said. "Thanks, Queen Fyora!"

     The Faerie Queen beamed and waved her hands.


Firestone and Snowy were teleported back to Terror Mountain in a puff of lavender smoke.

     "Awesome!" Snowy said. "She made me a lot stronger!!! I could feel it, right before she teleported us!"

     "I've done quests before, but never for the queen. Not yet, anyway." Firestone grinned. "Well, it was really cool, but I have to get going now. I'll see you later, Snowy!"

     "Wait! Are you sure you don't want anything in return for flying me?"

     "It's fine." Firestone said sincerely, lifted her wings and mounted up into the air. "It was really fun, anyway!" She then flew away.

     Snowy looked around her. 'Where's Blizzard?' She thought. 'I'll go search for him.' She tracked through the snow after Blizzard's scent.


"Hey, um, I need your opinion on something," Zaret gaped anxiously down at his feet.

     "Yeah?" Blizzard adjusted himself on the tree branch.

     "Well, I wanted to maybe… ask Clin… to… if she wants… to be more than friends."

     Blizzard blinked and had a surprised smile spread across his face. "How long has she been your friend?"

     "Four and a half years. I'm pretty sure she'll like the idea, too."

     "Oh, well, that's a very long time. I think it would be perfect."

     "Really? I'm just a little nervous about the whole thing."

     "Yeah. Are you going to move to The Lost Desert, then?"

     "I'll live there for a while, but maybe I can convince her to go traveling with me." Zaret's eyes twinkled.

     "That sounds great."

     "Besides, she's quite adventurous, too, so I'm sure she'll want to travel." Then Zaret stretched out his arms and yawned. "I'm really tired. I'll see you some other time?"

     "Yeah, probably," Blizzard smiled and also yawned.

     "Tomorrow morning, I'm off to find Clin!" Zaret said cheerfully.

     They both laughed and then Zaret gave a friendly wave and hopped away.


The moon made its way into full view with the stars following. Snowy extended her muscles and then lied down, head on her massive paws. She stared at the glittering stars. 'I should just look for Blizzard in the morning. I'm sure he's fine…'


Snowy arose abruptly in the blackness of night. She sat up and looked around. Although naturally being nocturnal, there was something in the air, a sort of dark fog, which cloaked her eyes from viewing really anything. She strained her eyes and stared in all directions, trying to see at least something.

     "Hello…" Snowy still strained through the fog. "Is anyone-?"

     "It's me," Snowy jumped when she unexpectedly heard a voice speak.

     The fog slightly cleared, and a blurred figure appeared before her.

     "Blizzard?" Snowy asked.

     "Yeah," he said. "Are you okay? You look pretty nervous."

     "Oh, it's okay. I just didn't know it was you," Snowy said, relief melting into her voice.

     Blizzard nodded, he seemed a little like he had been worried. But he quickly shook the expression off of his face. "Well, now that I found you, we better get some rest. It's really late."


The next morning, Snowy opened her eyes to see Blizzard still snoozing, lying on the lush grassy ground. She stood up and walked over to him. She sighed in a light-hearted way and then nudged him with her nose.

     Blizzard leisurely opened his eyes. "What?"

     "Blizzard, are you going to sleep all day??" She asked him good-humoredly.

     "You're right!" Blizzard shut his eyes immediately.

     "WHAT???" Snowy laughed. "Come on." She turned around and trotted through the fields.

     Blizzard got up and ran after Snowy.

     They ran around in the field for hours. Snowy smiled, she just felt really good about everything. Blizzard was just so nice to her.

     Snowy lied down in the cool snow. "Were you born here at Terror Mountain?"

     "No," Blizzard said, sitting down next to her. "I was born in Mystery Island. I lived there half my life, but then I thought I should move someplace different. I wanted adventure."

     "Oh, so that means you're definitely not that comfortable with snow?" Snowy inquired.

     "Yeah, I fainted when I realized how cold Terror Mountain actually is Mystery Island is scorching compared to here."

     "I've got an idea. Come with me," Snowy said and bounded up, trotting off.

     "Where are you going?" Blizzard heaved himself up and followed after the white Kougra.

     "You'll see. Just wait," Snowy smiled.

     "Okay…" Blizzard said, unsure; but excited all the same.

     After a while, both Kougras reached an enormous waterfall.

     "Yeah? What about this…?" Blizzard stared into the water.

     Snowy crouched down.

     Blizzard looked over at her, cocking his head slightly, then he jumped. "No…you're not…"

     Snowy pounced at Blizzard and shoved him into the water.

     Blizzard immediately shot his head out of the water, spitting some of the moisture out. "What was that for??!?!!!"

     Snowy laughed playfully. "You said you wanted adventure!! Here it is! You can't just shade yourself from everything all the time."

     Blizzard sighed, smiling at Snowy. He shivered as he swam over to the riverbank. He jumped up out of the water. "That was REALLY cold!!!!!"

     "Yeah, I know," Snowy nodded. "I had to survive in that freezing water when I was just a cub. All alone."

     "No, you're kidding!"

     "Really," Snowy said, turning her head to look at the sparkling river.

     "Well, then of course you're not weak!!!"

     "What?" Snowy said, cocking her head.

     "Earlier, you said that you were weak. That sounds pretty strong to me; a little cub surviving in freezing water."

     "It wasn't that cold, since I'm a snow Kougra, but it still was too cold for me to handle when I was a cub."

     "Okay," Blizzard nodded.

     Suddenly the ground began shaking. Snowy turned her head slightly and said, "Blizzard…?"

     "What?" the blue Kougra reallocated his attention to stare at the trembling ground.

     "Does the Snowager ever leave his cave?"

     "I don't think he would want to leave his treasure free for anyone to grab. What are you talking about, anyway?" He shifted his glance toward Snowy.

     Snowy aimed her eyes at Blizzard, then glimpsed over to her left, hoping he would follow her gaze.

     Blizzard kind of got the idea and turned his head. He gaped wide-eyed at the enormous icy worm that was pounding its way toward them. The blue Kougra seemed almost cemented in his tracks as he stared. "What?! What's he doing out of his cave!?"

     "…Revenge?" Snowy managed to say before she nudged Blizzard to begin moving again. She turned and began running the other way.

     Blizzard shook his head, blinking a few times, and then he noticed that he was just standing there. He quickly followed Snowy across the frozen fields. Their quick paws moved hurriedly on the cold snowy ground.

     The Snowager slithered quickly after them. He lifted his head and opened his maw, revealing razor-sharp icy-blue teeth. He let out a deafening roar along with an icy blast into the sky. He lowered his head, then, and pursued the two Kougras.

     "Where are we going?" Blizzard asked as he noticed how Snowy seemed to know where she was headed.

     Snowy positioned her ears backwards, pressed flatly against her head, so that she could hear every movement that the ice worm made. "I know a cave near here. It's pretty small, so the Snowager can't fit."

     As they neared the small cave, both Kougras agilely ran into it and turned around, staring face-to-face at the icy worm. The Snowager slammed to a halt as he glared into the small cave. He snorted loudly, squinting maliciously.

     Snowy crouched down and stared at the huge worm. She kept her tail curled around her and her ears were still flattened tightly against her head. She opened her maw, a hiss escaping out of it.

     Blizzard saw how Snowy was unsure about the situation, so he crawled up, also stooping, next to her and stayed by her side, protecting her. He exposed his fangs to the shrieking Snowager and gave a fierce roar in his direction.

     The Snowager grunted, then began to slink away, confused and irritated by the Kougras. Once he was fully out of sight, the two Kougras came out of the cave, pricked ears, their paws padding along the snow and leaving prints to where their paws had last strode.

     Blizzard sighed, "Think he's gone?"

     Snowy nodded, partially uncertain. They both started walking. Suddenly the Snowager jumped down from a large pine tree in front of the Kougras. He roared forbiddingly with fury in his subzero eyes.

     Then Snowy stared at the huge worm and roared stridently. She jumped at the worm's side and lifted her paw. Then she sunk her claws into the worm's rough back. She pulled her paw from the worm's flesh and jumped back immediately as the Snowager snapped at her.

     Snowy hissed and crouched down, then pounced onto the Snowager and bit him. He shook her off and flung her, getting her slammed hard into a tree. Snowy lied almost unconscious for a moment. Then she stood up slowly, a little dazed, and looked at the massive ice worm.

     The worm advanced toward her, then Blizzard ran and leapt up onto the Snowager's back, sinking his fangs into the worm. The Snowager roared loudly and thrust Blizzard off of his back. He then slunk toward Blizzard, growling.

     Snowy walked over behind the Snowager. She grabbed his tail, scratched it up and bit it multiple times. The ice worm turned its attention toward Snowy as it growled in pain. He lifted his tail and smacked at the Kougra, Snowy maneuvering agilely. Snowy leapt up onto a tree and climbed up fast. She edged carefully onto a large, sturdy branch, ears attentive. She then crouched down and peered through the branches. The Snowager was heading toward Blizzard, who was standing fierce as he confronted his fate boldly.

     Snowy jolted from the tree and landed right in front of the Snowager, baring her sharp fangs and growling. She jumped at the worm and slashed him hard against his frosty face. The Snowager turned his head and stared wide-eyed at Snowy. He grunted quietly and then slithered away slowly, even more confused and irritated than before.

     At last, the Snowager was completely out of sight, and he seemed that he wouldn't be coming back, because of his reaction to the Kougras' perseverance in refusing to give up. Both Blizzard and Snowy sat on a small hill.

     Snowy looked out off into the distance and deeply breathed in the arctic air. "Are you okay, Blizzard?"

     "Yeah," Blizzard said. "And you? That was really nice, what you did. The Snowager seemed pretty bewildered and everything."

     "I'm fine," Snowy said smiling, and looked over at Blizzard.

     Blizzard stood up. "You wait here. I'll be right back."


Blizzard crept out behind a patch tall grass as he stared at a small herd of Moehogs, grazing in an open field. He crouched and twitched his tail. He breathed silently as he moved each paw closer and closer to the herd. His ears turned to hear all sounds that the Moehogs made as he closed in. His silent paws came to a halt as he prepared for the attack.


Snowy lied in the frozen grass on her side. She breathed in the cool air and twitched her ears when she heard footsteps moving her way. She lifted her head to see Blizzard walking up to her with a Moehog in his mouth.

     He placed it down in front of her. "Dinner," he smiled.

     "This was the surprise?" Snowy sat up. "That's wonderful! Thank you, Blizzard! That's so sweet of you!" She gave him a lick on the cheek.

     The blueness of Blizzard's fur quickly faded and became an icy crimson. He blinked, awestruck. Then he looked over at Snowy, his fur slowly turning back to its original color. "I have an idea where we should eat this." Blizzard picked up the Moehog with his maw.

     They both walked along until they reached a frosty meadow.

     After they had eaten their food, Blizzard sat down and gazed up at the shimmering stars.

     Snowy also shifted her glance over to the sky. "What was it like when you were a cub? What part of Mystery Island did you come from?"

     "I lived in a small jungle there. It was very warm all of the time, much warmer than the least cold days are here. Every day I would go out to the pond nearby our forest and seek out the Kois there. I would always try to catch them, but the Kois that lived in that pond were much bigger and stronger than normal Kois. I would always come back home soaked," he laughed.

     Snowy snickered too. Then she said, "It's kind of funny; I was born in a blizzard, and I just happened to meet a really-um-nice-Kougra who's name is Blizzard," she stumbled for words. She wasn't sure whether she should express some of her deep feelings that she had not known before that she contained for Blizzard.

     The blue Kougra sighed and turned to Snowy. She looked at him so he turned back to look at the sky. Snowy turned her attention back up at the stars again, noticing that Blizzard was a little embarrassed to be caught staring.

     After the minor silence, Blizzard said, "Isn't the snow just beautiful?"

     "Yes, I just love it so much!" Snowy smiled and was happy to see that even though Blizzard wasn't born, or really that much used to living in such cold climates, he still shared her same love for the snow.

     "I-um-well, your-your fur really-" Blizzard began, searching for the words. "It really looks radiant-more radiant than the snow ever was…or could be, even on its most stunning days."

     Snowy looked over at Blizzard. Her bright yellow eyes staring into his dark sapphire eyes. She couldn't say anything for a moment. But finally the words just escaped her mouth, "That's the sweetest thing."

     Snowy smiled at the sweet blue Kougra who stood in front of her. Then she yawned. "I'm exhausted," she said wearily. "Thank you for the dinner."

     Blizzard nodded and grinned back. "I'll see you in the morning."

     Snowy then walked over to a tree and climbed up it, lying down onto the strong branches.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part One

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Two

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Four

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Five

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Six

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Seven

Snowy: The Shattered Fate --Part Eight

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