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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 19 > Short Stories > Why Am I Different?

Why Am I Different?

by asuretaya

Sugarii the Uni was walking along the path in Mystery Island, on her way to her Neo-Fu classes. When she stopped to play Tombola quickly, she saw someone she never wanted to see...

"Well, well... why, isn't it Sugarii, the PLAIN white Uni!" Allsyin, to Sugarii's surprise, was now a Fire Wocky. Allsyin was also a bully to Sugarii and her best friend, Jaylyn, a purple Shoyru. "Why don't you go play with the rest of your PLAIN friends, I have painted pets to go hang out with." With that, Allsyin walked off to join her two "friends", Townia the Silver Kougra and Lissatila, a Starry Lupe. Townia was just like Allsyin, made of attitude, but Lissatila was nice to Sugarii and Jaylyn, one of their good friends.

"I've got painted pets to go hang out with," Jaylyn's voice went up in pitch, mimicking Allsyin.

"Man, she's got some issues to work out... remember that time when I spilled my paint set on her? She cried like a baby for a week!"

Sugarii had to laugh. That August, Jaylyn had tripped on a Codestone, an Eo Codestone to be exact, and spilled her paint all over Allsyin's white bandana.

"The problem is, why does she treat me different because she's Fire and I'm White? There's nothing wrong with that," Sugarii stopped. "Is there?" The two began to walk again. "She's not better than me because she's Fire. Her owner's probably really rich to get those Fountain passes. I think owners should earn the paint brushes themselves, like our owners."

The day passed quickly, with assemblies and classes and all. Soon, it was midday break. Sugarii and Jaylyn sat on a stonewall and began to eat their lunch.

"Uh-oh, guess who's comin' over..." Jaylyn said with her mouth full of her Turkey Slices and Rye Bread sandwich. Actually, it sounded like "Ruff-ro, kes oos comin' o'er..." And guess who was, only the perfect lil' Allsyin.

"Wow, ya guys comfy yet?" Allsyin said with a sneer on her face. She shoved Sugarii and Jaylyn to the ground, and she and Townia jumped up in their places. The two bullies laughed.

"Look, guys, that wasn't nice," said Lissatila while helping up Sugarii and Jaylyn. "You should have asked if they could share the seat."

"You should have asked if they could share the seat... yea, like THAT'S gonna happen!" With that, Townia and Allsyin sat up. Lissatila, Jaylyn, and Sugarii left to find a place to eat on the swings.


That night, Sugarii kept pleading her owner for something she had rejected. "Please Mom, just sign up for two sponsors! I just want to be painted!"

Ashley, Sugarii's owner, looked down from her Neopian Times, Week 17. "Honey, maybe in a few days."

"But, Mom! The Fountain will dry up like it did last time! I'll do... the dishes for a week!" Now, Sugarii wasn't one to help around the house, so Ashley had to accept.

"Fine, we'll go at 7 pm NST. OK?" Sugarii jumped up, kissed her Mom, and neighed a thank-you as she ran up stairs to flip through her colour swaps to find her perfect colour...

The next day, Jaylyn gaped at Sugarii. "Where did you owner find THAT paint brush?" The two began walking the same route they took everyday to school. "You're a FAERIE Uni! Ooh, Allsyin's gonna be jealous!"

And Allysin was. She starred at Sugarii just like Jaylyn did, in awe and amazement. That day, at midday break, Allysin asked Sugarii something Sugarii never expected...

"Me, sit by you at lunch everyday? Wow, Allsyin, I'd havta say..." Sugarii had to think of a way to get herself out of this one. "...that I can't accept. I sit by my real, true friends at lunch, not someone who likes me for my colour." And with that, Sugarii went to sit with Lissatila and Jaylyn, leaving Townia and Allsyin all alone.

The End

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