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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 104 > Short Stories
Balthazar's Rosebush

You cannot fathom what is so dear about this plant to the Lupe, it's a rather ugly looking one at that. Thoughts race through your mind as you attempt to remember what the gallery of evil declared as Balthazar's past.

by xpadfoot

Chocolate Dreams

Chason was crushed. He loved chocolate and everything about chocolate. He wished he could live in a chocolate world!

by beau_lis

Clyde the Aisha Thief

Clyde was one of Neopia's best thieves. If he wanted it, he took it.

by immortalmina

Fallen: Star

We set out at once -– to seek the shooting star, as the vision had shown us. I had decided on walking along a path going west, to where dense woods surrounded Neopia...

by oily106

How We Were Used: A Tale of Redemption

I'll tell you about what happened in the next chapter of our lives; you know we really did have a vacation end in peace as my older brother told you last time....

by frogman123us

Illusen's Ixi

“You’re my... my creation! But how... This is unbelievable! But you certainly won’t do for a quest prize! Oh no, most certainly not.”

by tolkienlordofthering

Into the Darkness

"You're always sitting in the shadows, it's hard to tell that you aren't a shadow..."

by lost_desert_fan

Skies Above Mystery Island

"I think we should go to Mystery Island! We've never been there after all, and Kuude said that she lived there with her family. We could meet them and all that if we go."

by wolfyu


"Chocolate Dreams" by beau_lis - Taddy stared at Chason for a moment. He could not believe how much his friend loved chocolate. Never had Taddy encountered anyone who was so dedicated to their favorite thing... more>>

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Translating Times Talk
If you browse through the whole Neopian Times each week, you may have noticed there is a quite a bit of insider language...

by plushieowner

Famous Meercas
Meerca Day! The time of year when we honor and celebrate Neopia's 40th species!

by anansi00

Silver: Part One
I'm sort of a shy person, and from the beginning, Korrinea was protective. She would snarl at the shopkeepers if they wouldn't meet my price, and she always stayed extra close in the Haunted Woods.

by ashberrie

The Codestone's Awakening: Part One
"A codestone! We'll be able to sell this for at least 3,000 Neopoints, and then we'll be able to eat good again, Big J."

by apparent

Nonsensical Verbiage
I figured out how to get a white Weewoo!

by laurensama

Aisha Blues 9
Don't pull on a Skeith's tail...

by championferret

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