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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 129 > Comics
7 MORE Alternate Uses for your Pet Rock

#8: projectile in Battledome

by andsean

Adventures of Snowy

He still wants to try...

by mean_e_cat

Artistic Cover

So realistic!

by arista_darksun

Being Evil Isn't Easy

No one is safe...

by chibi_zoo

Coconut Parade

Look at that guy over there!

by chishirou


You can never learn enough!

by patjade

Jeff & Friends

"Money Tree"

by butterfly_2988

Lupine Quandaries

This is a CHIA. C-H-I-A.

by kelinor


He gave a fair warning....

by chibikatza

Really Confused

"About A Jhudora T-Shirt"

by stoneman3x

Rock Pool Rascals

Fishin' Frenzy

by leptonychotes

Snowy Saranade

Can I stay home from Neoschool today, pleeeaase?

by lunatic_kiss

Speck & Tom

"Best Neopet"

by cheetah_kougra

Starry Stuff

Ready or not, here I come!

by marilltachiquin

The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny

That's bizarre...

by immortalmina

The Omelette Is Gone?

You cannot take more than one slice per day!

by firesouly

The Pet Patrol Revolution

Neo_tomi appears!

by neo_tomi

The Random Weekly

Rub it in, why don't you?

by kurokitsune_


Episode 3: Money mayhem

by t_wrecks


"Lily and Tavinerin" by lndustrious - “A petpet? For me?!” Clumsilily asked excitedly, not giving the cakes a second glance."... more>>

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Other Stories

Lily And Tavinerin
"I was thinking…" lndustrious began, pushing a piece of cake around the plate with her fork, “…that we could maybe go Petpet shopping for you today…”

by lndustrious

Fyora’s Notes from the Neopian Assembly
All diplomats on time except representatives from the Haunted Woods. Decided to begin session anyway. First topic: the war for Meridell.

by erika_idle

Lucky So and So!
This article will discuss some of the different luck and chance games and how good they are.

by gkskis

A Whiz Through NeoSport
NeoSport. What is it, anyway? The basic explanation would be sport played in Neopia.

by _jade_em_

The Quest of the Golden Negg: Part One
He was never fond of being a prince, always assuming that he never earned the title. He wanted to go on a quest that would impress all of Neopia, earning his respect by good deeds...

by angelzbabe13

The Quest of Jeran: Part One
 Jeran had been on many quests before the war and had meddled with an artifact more than once, but he didn't remember ever bringing an artifact back to Meridell...

by jiggles24944

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