A Whiz Through NeoSport by _jade_em_ |  |
NeoSport. What is it, anyway? The basic explanation would be sport played in
Neopia. Of course, the name chosen is quite ridiculous. If sport played in Neopia
is NeoSport, then why is sport played on Earth not EarthSport? A mystery that
I shall solve sooner or later (later, I would imagine,) but right now, it's
time to talk about NeoSport.
Deckball -
An extremely ball game that I have yet to master myself. A Pawkeet and a Mirgle
play against each other in this particular game. You are able to play with your
friend on the same keyboard, or simply play against the computer. There are
certain Powerups in Deckball. Anchor, which slows DOWN the petpet and yet incredibly,
it is still counted as a Power UP. A cracker speeds up your Petpet on the already-too-slippery-deck,
and there are a number of things that will appear out of thin air and block
your petpet's path, a truly annoying apparition. To make matters even more complicated,
there are trapdoors to change the direction of the ball. As if there are enough
things to worry about already. There was a knockout game of Deckball to win
the Krawk Cup some time ago, with members of the Neopets Staff participating
in it. The winner was Mr. Roboto (that is if my computer is not malfunctioning?)
Gormball -
An interesting Virtupets ball game where you choose a player and off you go!
Splat! You're out! Splat! He's out as well. Splat! Splat! Oh dear. 20 NP per
game, it is. The players are Thyassa the Chia (who's ranked number 1 in the
world but loses quite often,) Brain the Scorchio (who's said to have used rigged
balls but I've never seen him do it,) Gargarox Isafuhlarg (a gourmet food cook,)
Farvin III, Alien Aisha (who cheats by using interstellar powers, though I don’t
see it's any help at all,) Ember the Fire Faerie (who has nothing better to
do but play Gormball,) Zargrold the COOL Grundo (does wearing goofy sunglasses
make you cool?) Ursula the Usul (who studies Gormball instead of practicing,)
and, last but not least, Kevin the Korbat (the beginner.)
Meriball -
The national sport of Meridell (or so it claims,) where you can pick a character
to play. Lisha, the yellow Aisha with a chest plate, the most popular, has an
equal speed, power, and recovery, all of which are required skills. Boris, blue
Blumaroo who seems to fancy himself as a vampire, also has an equal amount of
each skill, only less. Morris (I THINK he's a Green Quiggle,) has the same amount
of Speed as Boris, same power as Lisha has, and a large amount of recovery,
which is useful. Jeran, who insists on using his sword to play Meriball (in
other words, likes to show off his swordfighting skills rather than Meriball
ones,) has little speed and recovery, but an enormous boost of power. Kayla,
a sort of Zafara Witch, has average power and recovery, but abnormal speed.
I leave you to choose whom you wish to play.
Mynci Beach Volleyball -
The name explains it all. Two Myncis playing volleyball. You can play this
with a friend or by yourself. The ball is bounced on the head of the Mynci and
is sent flying over the net. Either Mynci Heads are like steel plates or Myncis
enjoy sore heads. If, by lucky chance, you happen to hit the Vanishing Pawkeet
that keeps twittering above you as you play, you are given a random power up.
They can make the net higher, your jumps bigger, the ball smaller, and a variety
of other things.
Rink Runner -
Apparently, this game allows you to brush up your skills for the Annual Happy
Skating Competition. In my opinion, it is frankly dangerous to be skating on
continually cracking ice. However, the organizers of the game seem to think
it safe, so I presume that there are hidden safety measures. Your job in Rink
Runner is to run around catching notes (apart from the flats and sharps.) There
is even a panel of judges to give you a score. Say, isn’t it great of them to
give their time into it?
Gourmet Club Bowls -
I admit it; I am terrible at this game. It is for relaxing after a plate of
rich food (I believe it should be the other way round,) and has several opponents
to beat, each one harder than the other. You have to bowl your red ball down
the green field and try to get near the white ball. Then it's your opponent's
turn, and so forth. At the end of each round, the number of red balls nearest
to the white one will be counted and that is your score. Have fun!
Faerie Cloud Racers -
A delightful Faerie sport. I myself, who used to love this game and was good
at it (I've stopped playing now,) think I should have a say in this (seeing
as this is my article, too.) You get into a flying vehicle that emits a blue
smoke trailing behind your path. Your opponent has pink. Rather surprisingly,
this Faerie smoke is unusually solid. You cannot bump into the wall, your opponent,
or any of the smoke. In many cases, both of you (you and the computer, or friend
if you're having 2 players,) will bag half of the flying space and create a
ring around it. Then you start flying in that particular space. First to get
trapped by his or her own smoke is the loser!
Ultimate Bullseye-
Go Archery! One of my favourite games. What you do is choose a position and
fire at the target. You get 10 shots, and the scores earned every shot are also
out of 10. You earn yourself a bonus Powerup if you hit the bull. They are Bouncing
Bull (enlarges bull,) Fire hoop (if you get your spear on fire you get x2 points,)
Close Target (moves bull closer,) and Punch Bob (you have to hit the apple sitting
on his head to get 20 points.) If you get 10 on the last shot, then you get
another turn, and so on, until you miss the bull! Good luck!
And so ends my *ahem* marvelous article. I hope you enjoyed my list of Neosports!