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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 14 > Articles > Bargains By the Bagful

Bargains By the Bagful

by Ldfrostbite

Have you ever REALLY wanted something but couldn't get it, for one reason or another? Well, I have the solution.

I can teach you ALL about the Wonders of Bargain Shopping. First of all, you need to know when to bargain shop. You can bargain shop whenever you want, but when restocking your shop or doing a quest, bargain shopping can be quite useful.

With these 12 rules you can get GREAT bargains and save TONS of np!

1. Keep an extra browser window open with the Shop Wizard on it. This way, when someone claims to have an item cheap, you can quickly check if it is really a bargain. This also works great in the Trading Post, if you want to know what to trade for a bargain.

2. Visit the Garage Sale often. Many times, I have found great bargains on great items here.

3. Check Messageboards for good shops. When someone claims to have a good shop, check it out. You can always check their prices against the Shop Wizard to get the best possible price.

4. Make Neofriends and trade! It's that simple! You give them a bargain, they'll give you a bargain. However, you have to make sure they are trustworthy, as some Neopets players aren't so honest these days.

5. Memorise Shop Restock Times. If you really want those faeries cheap, you better know the restock times!

6. Visit the Money Tree. You may not think you'll get anything good, but I've gotten plenty of faeries and good stuff like that. TIP: to get the best chance of grtting something from the Money Tree, keep refreshing a few times, then quickly click on an item as fast as you can, even if you don't know what it is! As you know, getting a cheap items is better than no item at all!

7. Go to the Fruit Machine and Giant Omelette daily. Well, you probably already know to go to the Fruit Machine, because it's free and you can get some good items as well as a heap of np, but you probably don't know how the Giant Omellette could be a bargain. Well, you get a free omellette a day, so you don't need to waste money on food. This way, you can save your np for another bargain!

8. If you have an item no one will buy, try trading it. Many people prefer the Trading Post over the Shops, because they choose how much they are willing to pay, and it's also more interactive.

9. Don't be afraid to give OTHER PEOPLE bargains. As the saying goes, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." If you sell something cheap, the person who bought it can sell it cheap and still make a profit. So you will be seeing more and more bargains to choose from!

10. Buy and Sell in Bulk. Buying a lot of the same thing can help if it's food, or if it's something you're planning to resell. This way, your shop has a lot of an item, so more people can buy it.

Well, I hope you found this useful, and if you're still not getting any bargains, feel free to neomail me and I'll see if I can help.

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