Tracy: Alas! Might I be so humble as to introduce you lot to the new article
series that is Behind The Scenes?
Sims: Tracy, just because we're doing a little detective work doesn't mean
you have to go all... 18th century on me.
Tracy: Elementary, my dear Simsman.
Sims: This is Behind The Scenes, the true story of what goes on during those
supposed ‘technical problems.’
Tracy: Ooh, can I wear a trenchcoat?
Sims: We venture deep inside Neopia's underbelly to expose the exploitation,
dung, and sneaky business that is Neopia..........
* * *
Tracy: Tired of celebrating those conformist months? Well, not too many people
know it, but there are really 48 months in the year, but only a measly 12 made
the cut!
Sims: It ain't fair! What about those months? When's their time to shine? Huh!?
Tracy: Calm down, Simmy.
Tracy: Well, except maybe the month of giving. I mean, what's that about?
Sims: What a cheat.
Tracy: Anywho, I bet you didn't even know about half of these months, let alone
all 36 of 'em!
Sims: Heck, if those durn monthists weren't so nit-picky and stubborn, four
current years would be equal to one non-monthist year!
Tracy: Sims.....there's no such thing as monthists.
Sims: Yeah there of the two....
Tracy: You're a grammar freak.
Sims: Shut up.
Tracy: Ok, then, people... it's time I—
Sims: We—
Tracy: I opened up your eyes! Say hello—
Sims: Or hola—
Tracy: To the 36 MISSING MONTHS of the Neopian Year!
NOTE: All information in this article is published with verbal permission of
all 48 neglected months. Except the Month of Whining. We had to bribe him.
The Month of Prepositions - Of, In, and By call the shots!
The Month of Pointing Out Faults – Teehee, look! Ickle Sims made a TYPO!
The Month of Losing Neopoints – Wait a minute, I’m confused... isn’t that every
The Month of Gelatinous-Based Food Products - Need we say more? Actually, I
think we should, because this is really a vague month.
The Month of Slowling Jogging While Keeping Track Of Time - Of course, "exercising"
works too.
The Month of Turmaculusizing - The evil obese cousin of the Month of Eating.
The Month of Days - Kind of a given, eh?
The Month of Unprovoked Violence – Aw, thanks for the birthday gift! *Smack*
The Month of Doing Earth Faerie Quests And In Return Getting Food For Your
Pet Which Just Happens To Be Bloated And Currently In The NeoLodge – Yeah.
The Month of Poking Fun At Stuff - Hehe, look at that fat Scorchio jiggle!
The Month of Chatspeak - Teh mos L337 munth that ownz j00!
The Month of Tracy – Ah, what a month... no wonder it’s neglected....
The Month of LIES - When Neoschools, Jelly World, and the next issue of the
Neopian Times are set to debut.
The Month of Exploding - I tend to leave Neopia for a while around this time
of year.
The Month of Whining - Best if lived through with a nice pair of headphones.
The Month of Throwing Sharp Pointy Objects At Sims - Teehee ^__^
The Month of Ugly - Tracy's family reunion lasts a whole MONTH!?
The Month of Stinky - It's Dung Day... every day.
The Month of Being Abruptly Cut Off – This is the month where things just cu-
Het Ontmh fo Eliv Thade - Durn anagrams.
The Month of Incoherent Babbling - Felilil Jigganag Flobwoblob Recistiarent
The Month of Music - Good if you like Chomby and the Fungus Balls. Bad if you
like sleep.
The Month of Silence - When Jacko The Phantom Duct Taper makes his rounds.
The Month of Monday Mornings - Your worst nightmare.
The Month of Mathematics - Look on the bright side, at least there's pie! Oh
wait, it's pi! NOT PIE! NOOO!
The Month of Undying Love - Well, until the end of the month, anyway. When
it... uhh... dies.
the month of poorly grammor – the! Tite’l speek_s 4 itzelf,.
The Month of Repetition - This month seems to go on and on and on and on and
on and on and on...
The Month of Simsman - Ew, let's not even GO there...
The Month of Trailing Off - This is the month where...
The Month of Verse - Now gather round,
You're just in time,
To hear about,
This month of rhyme.
The Month of Rabid Jeran Fangirlism - AAAAAAH! JERAN! WE LOVE YOU! CAN YOU
The Month of Awkward Silence - .........So......what a month......
The Month of Long Sentences - I really hate this month because when you talk
to someone they keep talking because it's the month of long sentences and normally
they make no sense so it gets kinda frustrating when they start to talk about
random things Mynci waffle peanut.
The Month of Health Food – The horror... THE HORROR!
The Month of Months – The ULTIMATE month, the one that beats out all the others—the
The Month of Self Consciousness – I really need to lay off those Chocolate
The Month of Celebrating – A continuation of OUR FAVORITE MONTH EVER! WOO!
Moving on...
The Month of Avocado Gummy Korbat Tails – It’s um... yeah... never mind.
The Month of the Tax Beast – Who cares if it’s a neglected month? It still
doesn’t deserve to be one...
The Month of Collecting - A limited-edition rare holographic month. Very valuable.
The Month of Premonitions – Something bad’s gonna happen this month, I just
know it...
The Month of Sticky Notes – Whoever said little yellow memos were a bad thing
should hide...
The Month of Annoyingly Misplaced Capital Letters – hEy EvrEyONe, cHEcK mE
The Month of DOOM – Good thing it’s neglected. Now let’s hope it never comes.
Tracy: So I guess that just about wraps it up then, Simmy...
Sims: Hey! We forgot the month of rapping! Wuurd...
Tracy: Umm, yeah... forgot... let’s go with that.