The Neopian Times Week 138 > Editorial |
Editorial I for one, love the new Lupe! Since you are redoing it, could you possibly think about
redoing the Faerie Lupe too? - Troublemagnet01
Why is my Noil plushie blue - aren't Noils orange? - Fghijklmn I love the idea of a Wheel of Monotony. But on my first time playing I won a wonderfully
cute beanbag chair only to find that when I clicked "collect my prize" and went back to my
inventory, I could find a beanbag chair! "Oh, well" I thought "it was just one little
incident, I shouldn't let it bother me", but on my second time playing the same thing happened
again! Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? - Sexylunachick How come there is no Dark Faerie Eraser? - Elisa_2000
It would be really great if you would implement some sort of organizational tool for the
Deposit Box - simple subfolders would be wonderful! Also, to add functionality to the "move"
checkbox, it could be supplemented by a "move x items" if you have more than one of them.
Anyway - great job folks, I love Neopets! - Theflowdo I noticed that Super Blue Poogle toys and Blue Poogle toys look exactly the same. Can you
change them somehow? - Brian_cricketstar So when's the next issue of the magazine comin, eh? - Tonymackeroni I noticed that the Test Your Strength jackpot is down to 76,000 NP. Did someone finally win the jackpot or did
it just roll over? - Kitteekisses Do Adam or Donna decide who gets a random event? Or are they just random? -
Lilchick12347 In "Cheat!", the character 'Capara' has a name very similar to a japanese word for anger
- 'mukappara'. Is this just a coincidence, or does your everlasting knowledge spread to that of
other languages to the extent of creating names with meanings that only the (slightly)
intellectually superior of us -? Okay, I'm rambling... o.0 Anyways, is it a coincidence, or
what? - Awesome_gurl_2003 It doesnt say how much it is to play the game on the wheel of Monotony -
Meggymegsaddle Wow, I have had the Wheel of Monotony running for about 12 hours! What is the record for
it spinning? - Zappys_angels OMG!!! THE NEW NEOMAILL COLORS AND STUFF IS SSSSSOOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK
YOU SSSSSOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Amie_airie_acie How long EXACTLY does the Wheel of Monotony spin? - Spazjackbunny
Will the other Gruslen owners get the NP they normally would for PPL? - Buddyandruby01 Will the PPL (Petpet Protection League) honour Petpets that are retired like the Fungree?
- Chester2x4b I heard Balthazar has been doing a Faerie sale,but I can't find him, where is he? -
Enm551 Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for such a great game! could you please add wallpaper
for the other wheels? - Lcc004291 You already have a pet spotlight, site spotlight and a neohome spotlight. How about a guild
spotlight??? - Bananafun45 Hi I noticed that Abominable Snowball Petpets are very popular but there aren't a lot of
paint brushes for them. Are you going to create more? - Schuey2613 I want to paint my Quiggle Quiguki but the Rainbow Pool won't let me use my Usuki
paintbrush to do it. Is there a new way to paint Quigukis? - Flumby3 Will there be an avatar given out if you participated in the war? - Jj4565
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