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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 5 > Articles > Around the World in Style II

Around the World in Style II

by mcsr_smda

Move over, Ferrin Atchley, it Kreboppal's time to shine! Today, I will tell you about my stay at The Royal Neopian.

You see, I decided that I needed a vacation, but really didn't want to leave Neopia Central. My owner had a solution right away. We agreed on staying at The Royal Neopian, since that was the closest to our NeoHome. I was booked for two nights, and got all the extras that make it SO MUCH more enjoyable (Did I mention expensive?)! When we got there, my owner paid 25 NP for parking, and I was almost sick at how huge it seemed to me. Anyway, we went into the lobby and were greeted by a blue Usul and a Scorchio bellboy. The Scorchio led us room 1205, which was almost at the top, as the hotel was 15 floors. As my owner left, he told me to have fun and enjoy all there is to enjoy.

Now I decided to watch the TV. ARGH! 4 channels were out! Oh well, only a few channels out. It's still good. I could still get the channel with the Beauty Contest on it, so I decided to look at the contestants. After seeing all the contestants, I decided to get some lunch at the Burger Bar. Yum, Neocola and a Cheeseburger. I decided that I would go and play some Snow Wars on the video games, so I went back to my room, and after taking 10 minutes to look, I discovered the sign that said "Video Game Controllers are under the bed." Now I felt pretty dumb, so I went under the bed and found the controllers. This game seemed to take forever, and was getting boring, but, hey, that sofa is COMFY! Still, I want to enjoy everything there is to enjoy, as my owner told me to. I decided to relax in the jacuzzi, where I had a chat with a Nimmo and a Peophin.

After relaxing in the jacuzzi, I decided to exercise. First I went to the swimming pool, where I saw many Kiko splashing and playing. I decided I could have fun later. After doing a few strokes, I decided to dry off and go to the fitness center. I decided to try my hand at some curls. Up, down, up, down. Next was the treadmill. Left, right, left, right. After that, I was soaked with sweat, or still wet from the pool. I decided it was time to go to the hotel's beauty salon. I was dried off, and decided to have my fur dyed to a fire look. Maybe I would hold off the shower until I was ready to leave, as the dye would come off in water. Seeing as it was dinner time, I went to the on-site restaurant, the Royal Buffet. A Meat Wrap, Pork Steak, and a slice of Split Pizza. Yum, Juppies... delicious! I decided to read some books I took with me. Whoa, I spent a lot of time reading. I better go to bed. Oooh, yeah, comfy. I could live with this!

Aaaaaahhhh! Best night's sleep I ever had! I went back to the restaurant for a little breakfast. Oooh, a buffet! First, I had a cup of Zeenana Cappuccino to get me started. Next, a Plain Omelette, fresh from Tyrannia! Ho do they get it here so quickly? Along with that, some Danish Bacon and Orange Juice. Now I better get the fire design off, so I took a shower. One thing I noticed was that the maid cleaned up my room while I was gone. Anyway, then I took a walk out to the gift store. I got some Bubble Blowers, a Shirt, and a Stunning Silver Ring for my owner to sell. Well, my owner is coming soon to get me. Better pack up now! Maybe you will see my next review!

Bottom Line- The Royal Neopian is a wonderful place to stay for only 80 NP. It gets my stamp of approval. What? I don't have one? Well, I highly recommend it anyway!

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