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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 5 > Continuing Series
In a Really Strange Land: Part Four

When Andy had finished, they went to a forest nearby where they were undisturbed and discussed what to do next.

by Phifi

Past Collar and Leash: Part Four

With an earsplitting roar, the huge NeoPet burst around the corner, slobbering in anger.

by moonstripe

Search: Part Two

We all laughed again after Cleevis told us how he accidentally got his brother's head stuck in a utility pipe.

by Griffin337

Snow Way Out: Part Three

Snow began to fall, getting caught in the wind and blown in my eyes and face.

by Duplica13

Stories of Snow: Part Two

She had a map of the ice caves so she would not get lost, she was amazed at all the crystalline beauty.

by twistedcitrus

The Art Centre: The Saga Unfolds - Part Four

The Art Centre was going to close, and I would find somewhere else to go. Maybe I could join a cooking club.

by miss_pathological

The Case Files of Brucelzy and Dash475: Part Two

Getting down on my paws and knees, I combed the carpet for pawprints similar to the ones Kauvara had found before.

by Fantasy_2001

The Kontana Scroll II: Part Three

The day turned into night and as soon as they reached the top of the hill... it was almost midnight.

by kiwifruit487

The Little People: Part Three

They used their powers and they did not stop, firing with fury, driving the little people way back...

by liuliu

The Magic Within: Part Three

It's been four days since the incident, and I have Chay watching my every move.

by _silverstar_

The Return of the Black Lupes: Part Two

Everyone looked uncomfortable about going through a volcano but no one said anything.

by Lupebreeder10

The Strangest Lupe: Part Five


by Tdyans

The SuperNeos: Part Four

So you want to see DarkGrundo. Well he

by Legendofzelda16


Silver Moon Lupes - With love for our Lupes we explore Neopia with our hearts. Together we rise, Together we stand. Together we hunt--Until the very end. Lupes of Neopia, bond your forces together and we will grow strong together... for we are the Silver Moon Lupes, and we are in this together! Chias beware.

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Other Stories

Beauty Contest Blues
The truth was that she used her Aishas to provide information about the people coming to see her...

by IndigoKitten

Bitter Fruit
I frowned to myself and looked around at the gathered circle. This was going to be a complicated case to pull off.

by scriptfox

Blown Out of the Water?
Are you completely blown out of the water by the new game Armada?

by burg

Around the World in Style II
Move over, Ferrin Atchley, it Kreboppal's time to shine! Today, I will tell you about my stay at The Royal Neopian.

by mcsr_smda

When Moehogs Fly
Can Moehogs even fly?

by im_neosailorjupiter

TAP Comics - Aisha-licious!
Comics by members of The Aisha Pack guild!

by MyFinalF8Heaven

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