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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 1st day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Articles > Painted Pound Pets

Painted Pound Pets

by lavenderamethyst

NEOPIAN POUND - I paint pets and then put them back into the pound. You must be shocked to hear that. Why bother painting them and putting them back into the pound if you are saving up for a paint brush for my own pet? I have a goal: to paint all of the Kougras and Scorchios in the pound for them to find a loving owner.

Usually painted pets are taken in seconds, even if they have a "creative" name such as fartjr111. With every visit to the pound, I see pets with not-so-nice names. I know that if I gave them a chance and painted them, someone would love to have such a pet.

Since I am currently busy with my main pet, umi_no_sapphire's training with the lab ray (you can expect an article on that later), I decided to make a new account, just for painting pets, to experiment.

I created the account serenecloudz and then headed for the pound, not bothering to make a new pet. I was going to take one in anyway. I decided to start with one, because I couldn't possibly support four. I took the first Kougra I saw, a green one named evergreen932512. (You can do specific species, more on that later) She was dying of hunger when I checked her status so we headed for the soup kitchen for a free meal.

Taking care of evergreen was a satisfying experience, and I am still keeping her now. Now that the story's over... let's go into detail about Painting Pound Pets!

Starting Out
You should probably make a new account for this, unless you have space on your main account. Please note that there are rules to follow for secondary accounts! Just so that you don't have to have random pick, I advise to choose a species that you like, and that is easily found in the pound (I've rarely seen a Shoyru). Chias, Quiggles, Bruces, and especially Grundos and Grarrls are needed!

I would advise you to jump-start your account with some NP before you try anything. Play some of the games or something, and getting ready a paint brush is fine too. After that, head for the pound.

After refreshing a few times, you see the species you want. Adopt it if you like but don't choose species that are already painted, or species with a great name like... faerieprincess or something... they will probably be adopted soon. We are looking for Neopets that will probably not be adopted...

OK, so you have adopted that perfect pet :) You can read to it, groom it, feed it if it is hungry (most probably if they are stuck in the pound for a long long time...), and paint it if you are ready. Train it or take it to Coltzan's Shrine or the Lab Ray... Just simply make it an above average pet. Especially with Christmas coming on, you can buy a relatively cheap Christmas Paint Brush this coming December to paint it with!

Meanwhile as you earn more NP to afford that Paint brush, you can join a guild with just a subject like this, to have more fun and link with other people with the same goal.

Now that your spectacular pet is painted, it is finally time to let it go.

Perhaps it took you a long time to get it to this form, and I completely understand if you want to keep your pet. Maybe you should, if you feel a great bonding between you, but the point of this hobby/dedication is to let them go. As you click the last time and watch them go, you can track their progress through the search engine, and maybe contact their new owners and tell them about your mission.

But wait!!! Don't go yet! :) There is more! I have just gotten in contact with a guild owner whose guild has this specific purpose! You may know her on the messageboards, but I will not reveal her username, due to privacy. I have interviewed her on how she takes it, what she does, and how she might help you with her perspective! Here is the live chat done at the 8th day of Storing, Y4 3:33:46 am NST.

lavenderamethyst: Hi Dedicate Grace*, I want to interview you for The Neopian Times.

Dedicate Grace: M'kay. Let's do this.

lavenderamethyst: What made you start painting pets and putting them back into the pound? Was it a person on Neopets or did you cleverly think it up yourself?

Dedicate Grace: I had been painting pets on my own before doing so with the guild. I adopted two pets from the pound when I first joined (since have gone to new homes) and I wanted to 1. Help more pets get adopted and 2. Help more players get painted pets.

lavenderamethyst: What are some tips that you would give for a relatively new person that still wants to help? Is it the quality that's best or is it the thought that counts?

Dedicate Grace: Thought that counts... if you save even one you've made a difference. The most cost effective way is to get hold of the lab ray map pieces.

lavenderamethyst: Do you save specific species or just ones that you see, ones with bad names, etc.

Dedicate Grace: I try and get most common species - if it's a limited edition it will get adopted soon anyway.

lavenderamethyst: What are some tips that you can give to players that want to make this a hobby?

Dedicate Grace: Get the Lab Ray map pieces, find a someone/guild to paint with - support is nice - make sure you always have one space available on your account.

lavenderamethyst: Anything else that you would like to share?

Dedicate Grace: Um, if you put your name in the pet's description the new owner will often mail and thank you... lol :)

lavenderamethyst: LOL... thanks for your time

(*Names have been changed to protect privacy)

I hope you have a fun time on your mission to change and paint Neopia, because I know that I have had a really fun time writing this, and also adopting these pets! If you have any questions, feel free to Neomail me!

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