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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 18 > Short Stories > The Elite Land Eight: Stopping Time

The Elite Land Eight: Stopping Time

by frogspawn213

The night faded quickly and descended into the pure, orange morning. Frogspawn213, known to friends as Cal, or Froggy, and to his pets as Tad, (Tad Pole) was sitting in the living room. The TV had been recently broken due to the buildings in the next few rooms. The Aisha, Eyrie and Bruce builders were fixing them up a proper kitchen, as momentarily they had to eat in the Lounge. He had only just got his three pets rooms of their own, but they were all slumbering in Chiksborn's, because it was the oldest one and didn't look like someone had turned it into a chamber. Tad wasn't exactly rich. No. He was quite poor actually, his maximum NP he had ever held was 8,000, and he had lost it straight away feeding his pets and their pets.

His pets included Chiksborn the blue water Chia, who had hopes of becoming a faerie, Fosterseel the content, but somehow sluggish green Tuskaninny and Bonescratch the friendly, yet tough red Chomby. Their pets consisted of Sabretooth, or Sabre, the Gruslen belonging to Chiksborn, Fosterseel's Abominable Snowball, JakFrost, or Jak, and Bonescratch's Puppyblew, ScruffBum, or Scruffy, who was the tamest of all of them. Together, the elite land eight was them, and they did most things together. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! CHOMBY AND THE FUNGUS BALLLLLLSSSS! That was the music that thundered from one of the rooms nearby...Chiksborn's room. Fosterseel was into relaxing with his BlackBoomBox, and never went anywhere without it (apart from swimming, in which he would take his rucksack, put it in, and keep it at the water's edge).

"BREAKFAST!" wailed Tad above the earbusting noise.


There was a lot of crashes and bangs as three male NeoPets descended into the lounge, and picked out their favourite places to sit. Which meant Fosterseel on the straw chair, Chiksborn on the straw sofa with Tad, and Bonescratch on the pillow on the floor. Each took a helping of the Wheat Flakes and some pure orange juice, which was enough to keep them awake. Tad, however, was content with his Black Coffee.

"So what are you lot doing today?" yawned Tad. He had been up all night, telling the builders how he wanted the kitchen done, and he had taken Bonescratch to play swarm, as he was good at it, it helped the Tyrannian community, and it paid.

"Seriously, Tad. You have to lay off that Coffee. Not too strong next time," Fosterseel said.

"Anyway, don't look at me, look at Chiksborn, he's the Vice President, he picks where we go."

That was true. They didn't have a President for their group, Fosterseel was Practical Joker, while Bonescratch was Main Coordinator. "Oh. Let's go down to Fruit Path, Mystery Island. We haven't been there in ages."

"Oh, sorry," gulped Tad. "Can't afford the tickets, just yet. How about you go to Tyrannia, though. Chiksborn, you could finish another wave on Swarm, and you could go and watch a concert. I think it's 2 Gallon Hatz, today."

"Pshaw," snorted Fosterseel. "I"d much rather see Chomby and the Fungus Balls. But, why don't we go to Krawk Island. We"ve only been there once, and I'm sure there will be many more adventures to go on down there."

"Deal," chirped Chiksborn, in his usual, high pitched voice.

"Okay," nodded Bonescratch. "I"ll go and get the PetPets."

"Tad, we can't take the tandem, it broke when Bonescratch was a Meerca," said Fosterseel. "Oh yeah, good point. Tell you what, if you run now, you might just be able to catch the bus, hurry!"

Fosterseel snored once again. He was half asleep, and they had just stepped outside the bus. Krawk Island looked weird. It looked dangerous, actually, but this didn't make any of the six of them hesitate. Chiksborn spoke first.

"Let's go visit the Golden Dubloon, shall we. I think it's a pub. We could get some Neocola."

"How about some ale!" smirked Fosterseel. It seemed to be funny if you could get hold of ale to him. "Fosterseel! You know we're not allowed to drink ale. We're underaged!" snapped Bonescratch.

"Okay, Okay. Keep your scales on, Bone. It was just a joke. Okay, let's go to the Golden Dubloon."

So they entered the Golden Dubloon. The atmosphere, as they entered, seemed musty, and chubby pirates and pirates with eye patches, and pirates with hooks and pirates with bald patches and pirates with parrots sat, fingering Dubloons, drinking ale, smoking or sometimes even staring at other people's wallets, looking for the time to act.

"Eww," Chiksborn spluttered. "Too much smoke. Hey, who's that over there. It's Chomby, from Chomby and the Fungus Balls!"

"Oh, don't wind us up!" Fosterseel yawned, and then he saw him too. Chomby was sitting there, miserably, with a Neocola can in front of him, and a pirate nearby. He seemed to be suffering from a trauma.

"What's wrong, Chomby?" asked Chiksborn, after they confronted him.

"Nothing," he remarked. "Apart from my business. Those wretched Fungus Balls won't renew my contract for the band, and so now it's just called The Fungus Balls. No Chomby. I'm Chomby, and unemployed Chomby."

"But that's terrible!" snapped Fosterseel. "We have to do something to help you! What can we do?"

"Oh, nothing. Not unless you know how to forge a Fungus Balls' signature, then you are of no use!" wept Chomby. "Or if you could turn back time. That would be a lot more help! But you're not Chimi Magi, or anything, so you can't!"

"Hmmm," wondered Fosterseel. "I don't know about turning back time, but stopping time is something different altogether..."

"So what if you can!" snorted Chomby. "I need the clocks winded back, not just temporarily stopped. Sorry, you are of no help."

"No," assured Fosterseel. "We can help! Chiksborn is a specialised and famous healer in the arts of potions!"

"Sorry," chimed Chomby. "But I don't have Bloaty Belly, now would you please let me go?"

"No, no!" shrieked Chiksborn. "Not just healing potions, I can create battle potions if I include my other element, and my sibling's element powers, and I have a suspicion if I get at item I can help you, Chomby!"

"Which item do you need?" asked Chomby, puzzled and uncertain.

"Coltzan's Gem. It possesses the minuscule power of Temporal Time."

"I know who has it!" cried Chomby. "Long John Kiko! We have to go and find him!"

And so the seven of them traveled outside the doors, and up a long winding path, until they came to a tall mansion. Knocking on the door, stood a shaking Chomby, as Long John Kiko was sometimes very savage. CREAAKK... The door slowly opened, and a large Krawk raced out, followed by a red Krawk, a Spyder, a Halloween Greeble and then a Krikket. Then, a red Halloween Aisha opened the door, and ushered them all inside. A small, circular figure made it's way down the stairs.

"Long John Kiko," began Chomby. "I am in need of your help. You see, this Chia here, Chiksborn, says he has the power to whip up a Temporal Time spell to help me renew my contract to continue in my band. But he needs your Coltzan's Gem."

"Certainly!" Long John Kiko replied. He had reached the bottom of the stairs. "But on one condition, and only one. You must solve my amazingly hard riddle, and I shall give you what you require. It is this:

"The mushrooms wind round the circumference, as I myself vibrate. The crowd loves me, adores me, and I work alone. No one shall ever tamper with my music, for I hate you. What am I?"

"EASSYYYY!" laughed Chomby. "It's a Fungus Ball."

"Correct," chuckled Long John Kiko. Now, what you require. He tried to pelt Chomby with a large stone, but he caught it instead, but he got aggravated by his miss, and decided to throw a vase at Chiksborn. Luckily, they got out in time, just enough to find Fosterseel get pelted with a rotting apple.

That didn't work," sobbed Chomby.

"Yes it did!" Chiksborn cried. "I knew Long John Kiko wasn't going to give us anything we asked for, and he cannot use the item he gave us, as he is not qualified in most potion making, as I am. He threw us a Unicorn Gem! This doesn't just control Temporal Time, deep within it also controls Permanent Time and Reversal of Time! So let's begin then!"

They spent ages as Chomby's run down place. It wasn't very big. One room, made of bamboo, but it was good enough for them, and Chiksborn spent a long while cracking places in the Unicorn Gem, and dropping them in bits of his potions to make them fizz. He also said, that he didn't know how you chose which one you did, they just had to take a chance. Fosterseel's Air Element and Bonescratch's Fire Element were greatly appreciated, as the Fire Element kept them warm, the Air kept them dry.

"How long now?" whined Chomby.

"I need to go and smash those Fungus Balls in the face."

"Okay! Done it!" cried Chiksborn.

"Get back!" He leapt back, and so did everyone else. Chiksborn shouted out: "Chia Bubble Gun" and his Chia bubble gun appeared in his arms. Just in case it erupted into flames. The Unicorn Gem flash bright pink, and then yellow, and then, very soon, it blew.

"I...can't...move..." gulped Fosterseel. He was floating in midair.

"Nor...can...I..." added Bonescratch he was high, near the ceiling.

"" muttered Chiksborn. "," Fosterseel said. "Windy!"

A huge gust of wind flew from his flipper, and sailed towards Chiksborn and Chomby, swimming them over to the lab table, where all the potions were bubbling. The Unicorn Gem wasn't there. Fosterseel fainted. In his condition, with no actual time to move, using the element air could of resulted in destruction, but luckily, he was only out cold.

"Now...Ubikiberry Elixir," Chiksborn struggled to say. The bottled potion appeared in his hand. He twisted the cap, slowly, and he decided that it would not come off without time to help him if he wanted to stay conscious, or even alive. So he threw it at the remains of the gem, and all the potions on the table blew to smithereens. The table was there no more, and Chiksborn, slowly began to close his eyes. Bonescratch saw he was in pain, and shouted: "Fire Whip." He was careful that it didn't hurt his brother, and he pulled him back to safety towards him, and he watched the white light expand. Chomby sat in midair, transfixed, until the light pulled him in and withdrew him into where the table used to be, and he was gone. Bonescratch closed his eyes.

"KIDDSSS!" yawned Tad. He was clutching his Black Coffee, still. "BREAKFAST!" apart from this time, no one came down. Tad walked up one room past their Jelly shop, and entered Chiksborn's room. Chiksborn was lying on the Straw Bed, asleep. Fosterseel lay on another one, Bonescratch on the blue and orange rug. Jak sat wide eyed. Sabre looked at Tad, and fell asleep, while Scruff had already gone to dream world ages ago. Jak was the only one that sat awake. "Hello," tutted Tad. "It's as if they stopped time, or something!"

The End

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