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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 17 > New Series > Al vs. Al: Part One

Al vs. Al: Part One

by al_the_chia

King Meerkadoodadhorfadorfapaw’s (did I spell it right?) Throne Room…

Glycopaw and his associate, Zyclepaw, pushed the massive instrument into the king’s chamber. It was a large glass tube, with metal ends and a black screen that was currently blank.

“Your majesty, it is here. Our latest and most sinister invention… The Clonealot1.”

The King shone his sharp teeth, his eyes glowing red with the thought of revenge. “It’s beautiful…” He picked up a single, blue hair from it’s tiny test tube. “The hair sample of Alexander T. Chia, perfectly preserved.” He carefully set it in the strange machine. “All right. We’re ready to test it. Just press that button right there.” The king was about to push the button when he got a thought. “Is it set on evil?”

Glycopaw checked. “Yes, it’s on evil.”

“Excellent.” The king rubbed his paws together. “All right Alexander T. Chia, prepare to meet you match!…”

He pressed the button. Instantly, the machine began to glow and shudder. The screen flashed a picture of Al. “DNA… IDENTIFIED…” The picture was distorted slightly, and Al’s picture wavered until it looked quite different. “DNA… TRANSMOGRIFIED…” The screen went blank, then showed a countdown number. “CLONE PROCESS BEGINNING… T MINUS 101 SECONDS…”

A strange black goo began to form within the glass casing. Soon, it began to take a form. “99, 98, 97, 96…” The number decreased, and soon the strange goo began to look more and more familiar. “50, 49, 48…”

The king gave an unpleasant grin to Glycopaw. “If this doesn’t work, I’m afraid a particularly close associate of mine is going to get hurt.” Glycopaw swallowed nervously.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…” Finally, the screen reached 0. The machine groaned, shuddered, then came to a halt. “EVIL CLONING OF ALEXANDER TIMOTHY Chia SUCCESSFUL.” The door flew open in a burst of steam.

“Uh oh…” Glycopaw looked at the screen, which was showing an unhappy face. “It’s overloaded!”

The party all shielded their eyes as the machine exploded. The lights went out, and all was dark. Two glowing red eyes were the only thing piercing the otherwise pitch-black darkness. A short figure, shielded from view by the power failure, emerged, stepping before the astounded king.

“Where am I?” It demanded in a gruff voice that was similar to the high-pitched tone of a Chia. “Who are you people?”

The King bowed politely, giving the figure a false smile. “Oh, you are in my throne room, and we are the people who created you. I’m King Meerkadooda--”

“I hate long names, please stop before I have to destroy you.” The figure’s eyes grew even brighter, magnified by it’s glasses. The king’s smile grew even more strained and nervous. What if his creation was TOO powerful?

“Of course, dear sir…” he simpered, preparing to leap out the window. The figure snorted.

“It’s Typical Lupe behaviour to pretend to be polite when you hate someone.”

The king turned to Glycopaw, giving him a quick glance. Glycopaw nodded, and left the room quickly. He whirled around again to the now suspicious clone.

“What do you want with me?” It demanded.

The king held forth a picture of a short blue Chia, with wide, circular glasses and a white lab coat, carrying an annoyed looking Cobrall.

“I want you to seek out the one named Al. You’ve been created based off his DNA.”

“Why?” the figure continued to question.

“We’d like to find out who’s the better, good, or evil. And you sir, will be representing evil on the Alien Lupes and Doctor Frank Sloth’s behalf.”

“Hm…” The figure stared at the ground. “Very well. That sounds like fun.” He looked at the picture, his eyes flashing. The photo caught on fire, and the king hastily dropped it. The figure laughed, and spit out the name of his predecessor. “Al…” He smiled at the king. “When do I go?”

The King, horrified by his own creation, handed the figure a pair of keys to his spaceship. “Right now…”

The Imposter Al was teleported to earth from his spaceship, right in the center of Lupe Forest and the territory of Hollypaw’s pack. He patted a pitch-black Fluffy clone, Rocky, who was hissing around his legs. Smirking, he looked around the empty area.

“According to Al’s memory bank, this is Lupe Forest, home of most of Al’s mortal enemies. To prove myself better than that pathetic prototype, I must seek them out and destroy them, one by one.” He began to walk south towards Furgleton, Rocky following behind him. “Hm… This should be the home of Goldpaw’s pack, where Hollypaw resides.”

Not too surprisingly, Hollypaw ran into him almost immediately. Growling, she was about to pounce upon him when his eyes brightened. Hollypaw yelped as she was tossed into a tree. “Hey… your not Al!” she accused, confused. He actually looked pretty different. Al’s colour was a light, powder blue. The imposter was deep navy, almost black. Al also had round glasses, and wore a white lab coat. The imposter dressed in square glasses and a black leather trench coat. The imposter snorted imperiously. “Of course not, you despicable Neopian Lupe. I was created by aliens who look amazingly like you from a distant planet and teleported here to aid in the eventual invasion and destruction of it. And first, I must destroy every enemy of Al.”

Hollypaw blinked. “Oooookay then… But enough is enough. I can’t let a Chia… even a Chia dressed that cool… through this forest!” With that, she charged once again. The Imposter yawned, then his eyes turned to a light blue. A shockwave of icy energy blew into Hollypaw, and froze her midpounce.

The Imposter smiled. “I forgot to mention I have super evil powers.” He waddled away, humming. Hollypaw, her face frozen in an expression of surprise, fell over.

The Imposter suddenly ran into Peacepaw’s domain. “Hm… This is the home of another of Al’s enemies…”

“Welcome Friend!” The loving Lupe smiled, popping out from behind a tree. “This is our utopia, where we can enjoy our lives and sing songs about happi-AAAAAACK!!”

The imposter had grabbed Peacepaw around the neck. “Sing one happy song and I’ll make you eat your tail.”

“Woah, man, let’s not get narky here, can’t we all just get aloOOOOOCK!!”

“QUIET FOOL! Where is the one named Creeper?” Peacepaw clutched feebly at the Imposter’s arm. “Another mile that way, in the hidden tree house. Please, I just want to be friends.” Peacepaw was dropped onto the ground, clasping his neck and gasping.

“Thank you.”

The Imposter was about to leave when Peacepaw decided to open his big mouth. “Hey, would you like a rice cake to see you off?”

The imposter whirled around, his face full of menace. “That is enough, Lupe.” With a quick grab and a hard toss, Peacepaw was hurled into a nearby tree, his head sticking out of the other side of the trunk. “What… a… nark…” He managed, before collapsing.

Right at that moment, Al was waddling into Lupe Forest. He carried his handy dandy tape recorder, notebook, camera, and also a few potions on the occasion he had to fight. Fluffy followed behind him, armed with his headphones and M*YNCI CD and prepared to assist his owner should he get into another mess. “All right, we just need to find a test subject…” He looked into his notebook of Lupes. “Hm…”

The Imposter waddled up the path, his thoughts wandering. “I can almost feel him, that monstrously ugly goody-two shoes, simpering along the path, getting closer into my range, and then meeting his impossible to escape doom…”

Al waddled down the path, his thoughts wandering. “I wonder… should I make the spaghetti with that new oregano-based sauce, or should I stick to garlic?”

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Al vs. Al: Part Two

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