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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 105 > Continuing Series > Searching for the Stars: Part Six

Searching for the Stars: Part Six

by adoriblelapin

The sun blazed through, despite the heavy window sills that hung along the stretching pieces of glass. Ajliso sat at her tiny desk, looking around her. The teacher was talking rapidly, many students jotting down notes almost as fast as the teacher, a shy-looking Kyrii.

     “Let me go or I’ll punish you, and maybe even get Adam involved!” screamed the Acara when Ajliso had hold of her shirt. The words rang in her ears. Perhaps being as cooperative as she could would get her to fit in. She shook her head. That was just one of those incredibly unintelligent Neopians.

     The teacher talked monotonously, giving Ajliso the memories of when she was back in Neoschool, without her parents, of course. Back where she lived, everyone within two years of a certain age learned together in one class (such as the year one went with ages three to five, nine to eleven, etc.) She had to learn with her sister, who yelled aloud in class, her friends giggling after her. Ajliso also giggled, but fortunately hardly was ever punished for doing so.

     Ajliso sighed. The class looked tired and some even dared to doze off through the class. The teacher wrote on the green chalkboards, a soft sound emitting as she did so. Ajliso looked at the words, then turned her gaze to a different part of the board. ‘Mrs. Achoomelon’ was jotted on the object in a dull yellow colour.

     “Well, class,” Mrs. Achoomelon said, which woke everybody up. Her voice sounded much more enthusiastic, and soon, Ajliso realized why. “It’s almost lunch! Why don’t you all begin packing up? After lunch we’ll be doing some mathematics!”

     The class groaned, Ajliso frowning as they did so. She mumbled, “Kids these days. They sleep during class and can’t even take on simple mathematical questions!”

     Lunch was much more eventful than in the quiet classroom. At first, the students rushed hurriedly from their classrooms to the halls in mobs. They crowded doorways, chatting carelessly and some were making their way to the cafeteria. It was a bundle of trouble getting from their simple room to the lunchroom.

     “Move – please – thank you –” Ajliso said in an exasperated voice over and over, making her way through the winding halls full of people.

     The Aisha, who tried to hide the fact that she was alien, was sure Eyelle and Rosch were safe in the younger part of the Neoschool. She, however, was not unharmed by the swift students.

     At last, Ajliso arrived in the large cafeteria, her stomach growling. She was not accustomed to Neopian foods, especially ones from the Neoschool, and insisted to everyone that she was not hungry.

     Minutes passed by, the middle of lunch arriving quickly. Students were finished eating, but were loitering around the lunchroom. And of course, when there’s a school, there’s a bully also.

     “Eek!” squirmed a voice of a Meerca from across the room. Ajliso turned around to see.

     A commotion had begun around the area, Neopets swarming to and fro the place of the event. Ajliso peeked over their shoulders with difficulty, spotting a large Neopet shadowing a small Meerca.

     Whispers came, but no one came to help the poor furry Neopet. Ajliso frowned and scowled, “These Neopians! Don’t they see one of their fellow mates is getting injured? All they do it stand around there and chat!”

     With this, the alien Aisha stormed passed them, picked up the Meerca with ease and carried him outside the lunchroom, where she released him. The Meerca stared at her as though she were crazy, but nodded in thanks and ran off. Watching him scamper into the not-so-distant distance, Ajliso heard the Neoschool bell ring, as she made her way back to class.

     The students flooded in gradually after the bell, Ajliso being first in the class. First, as in before her teacher, if the Kyrii could be known as one, seeing as she didn’t teach Ajliso a single thing.

     Class began and continued, Ajliso drifting in through her thoughts. She looked around the room and frowned. “Gee,” she mused. “You’d think because we had less heavier gravity in Alien Aisha Land, we’d be taller and could be told apart from these Neopians, or at least look older than Neopets who are about ten years behind your age.”

     “Ajliso,” called the voice of Mrs. Achoomelon. “What is seventeen multiplied by one hundred and nine?”

     The alien Aisha took a moment to process the rather foreign numbers through her head – as she would say the equation in her own land ‘one seven multiply one zero nine’. She was about to answer automatically, ‘One eight five three,’ but caught herself as the class laughed. Ajliso didn’t understand why.

     “One thousand eight hundred fifty-three,” Ajliso said, sounding drained and tedious. At this, the class murmured in surprise. Mrs. Achoomelon’s eyes widened.

     “That was,” Mrs. Achoomelon replied. “Intended to be a joke to see if you were awake, Ajliso. But good job indeed – and without a calculator too! How unexpected and wonderful!”

     The class began to murmur things such as, “Without a calculator!” and “My older brother wouldn’t even be able to do that – and he’s about eight years older than me.” Ajliso rolled her eyes slightly and sighed.

     One of the students even dared to say the brother comment to Ajliso, and she responded with, “I’m probably older than your eight year elder. In fact, I could be older than Mrs. Achoomelon!”

     With this, the class gasped and fell silent. Mrs. Achoomelon looked very shocked, and after a few minutes, cleared her throat. “Well, that’s certainly a surprise!” she said enthusiastically.

     Ajliso was unseated and was standing on her feet since she had said her reply, looking very odd and still for a while. She finally sat down and cleared her throat in a muffled way.

     Many minutes past, the classroom still silent and quiet. Finally, Mrs. Achoomelon spoke. “I knew it!” she exclaimed, grinning widely. “You’re on a mission, aren’t you? Like a secret agent!”

     Ajliso was taken aback. This teacher sure had a childish side, but the alien Aisha grinned. “Sort of, except I made the mission for myself.” She guessed the tiny bit of information wouldn’t hurt, but just in case she did, she added, “And don’t tell anyone, it’s supposed to be a secret.”

     “Ajliso’s a secret agent!” cried one of the students in delight, as others joined his chant.

     Mrs. Achoomelon smiled. “Calm down, everyone. We must keep our promise of making this a secret! If word leaks out of this classroom, your strict Mrs. Achoomelon will be here…” she threatened, although Ajliso did not think she could possibly have a mean side to her. “Well now, considering you’re on a mission, I should give you some items!”

     The teacher took out various Neopian daily use objects and handed them to Ajliso. “Me too!” students said as she did this, handing her many items. Soon, the alien Aisha was flooded with things and managed to squeeze everything in a small bag on her belt. It was made with the highest technology – it made things look small, but was actually very large in size. The down side was that it would take a long time to get the item needed quickly.

     “Thanks, everyone,” said Ajliso gratefully, baking off from the class. “I guess I should be going now, shouldn’t I? A lot of work to do. Well, see you!”

     The class cheered as the fled through the halls to a large classroom, opened the door and asked an adult Usul for a baby Shoyru by the name of Eyelle, scooped him into her arms and carried him round, Rosch by her feet.

     They were off with their adventure at last.


The moon’s bright sphere of reflection to the sun’s light beamed into the hotel room. Ajliso dozed off and woke up again, then her eyes shut and she was sleeping. She did this repetitively, as Rosch slept soundly.

     Eyelle was still awake, tired but listening. There was a rumbling sound in the distance, and he could feel the smallest vibrations by the palm of his paw. He held his breath, and then saw something from the opening of his sheet of blanket. Eyelle shot out of his large bed and gasped.

     Ajliso awoke, and then sounded as though she had never slept beforehand. “They’re back! They’ve come back to get me!”

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Searching for the Stars: Part One

Searching for the Stars: Part Two

Searching for the Stars: Part Three

Searching for the Stars: Part Four

Searching for the Stars: Part Five

Searching for the Stars: Part Seven

Searching for the Stars: Part Eight

Searching for the Stars: Part Nine

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