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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 59 > Continuing Series
Heilley Plays It Cool: Part Four

Heilley left the next morning to go win her gold Cheat! trophy, and after she did I asked our owner if he'd talked to her about it.

by scriptfox

Magnolia and the Lost Agent: Part Three

"Exiting Neopia, we were," Sys-op said, pointing to a screen near the window. "Someone's attacking us from behind--Aglyco's assailants, no doubt."

by peachifruit

Monty Peophin and the Holy Censer: Part Two

The dim outline of a bowl, shining with brilliant white light, glowing through the trees... was it the Holy Censer?

by wizardofaus

Sibling Rivalry: Part Two

"We're tied now," the Lupe explained, with a determined expression set on his face. "That means whoever wins this wins the whole thing--"

by tdyans

Silence of the Lupes: Part Four

As Al's eyes became accustomed to the dark, he saw Hannibalpaw slip through the bars of his cage, as well as a few other prisoners...

by al_the_chia

The Clan of Ligmoore: Part Seven

His eyes were dark and he was as thin as a rake. I tried again to reach out to him but still nothing happened. Suddenly his head snapped to face me...

by amerock201

The Dung Collector: Part Two

Snickerscat started out of the washroom, and began to head back towards her terminal. She froze in her tracks, however, when she saw the Chia police coming in the door.

by shidi

The Princess Faerie and The Secret of Stone: Part Three

And now for something completely different...

by purplepokadotz

The Threat: Part Three

Unfortunately, the feeling of danger lingered in Zayal’s mind. It was a feeling she couldn’t just shake off.

by averyangryshaylir

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Eleven

"I was too slow!" I wept, "Why did I leave him, I should have rescued Dorono."

by meratocat


This week's headlines include Double or Nothing, Skeith Day, and the return of the "Champions of Meridell." Get the latest on these and other stories here.

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Acts of Charity
She quickly formulated a plan. Looking both ways before exiting her room, Dagmar rushed out of the house.

by jequita

The Pack: Ambush
His bushy tail draped over his long legs, and across his cream-coloured chest lay a red electric guitar.

by aurora253

Adoption Discrimination
"Why did you pick me in the adoption centre?"

by fugwoogle_hop

Heilley's Best-selling Guide to Cheat!
Heilley is the name, Cheat! the game, and mine the fame... whatever.

by scriptfox

Ooohhhh... I would just love to get that Symol.

by angelwishes249

Keep Smiling
Keep clicking...

by dotwarner

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